Why do you use reddit?

Why do you use reddit?

Attached: 1_e3E0OQzfYCuWk0pket5dAA.png (1600x900, 89K)

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white nationalism

I don't use reddit.
Except for the memes.

I don't, it's basically overrun with underage and le epic pewdiepie army nowadays. There used to be some intelligent conversation

I've browsed there over the years every now and then to see what the idiots here were crying about, only to see it's filled with a different kind of idiot. I really can't see why people get upset about it though, it's just too boring to get angry about.

As soon as the subreddits get big enough they just become circlejerks and stale, almost like a curse

It's just a massive circle jerk of idiots who'll throw internet kudos at whoever the last person did

Fuck that shit. The whole website is inbred white's posting pictures of their prostate and jerking off to Benjamin Netanyahu

Isn't there a single subreddit worth visiting?

For Gonewildaudio and the Dokkan Battle sub. Occasionally I just roam around on random subs and see what people are talking about. I just made an account yesterday because the app pretty much forced me to but I don't think I will ever post with it.

There's plenty, they're just usually 50-100K subs and prefer to stay low-key so they aren't drowned by an avalanche of idiots, if they were to ever become popular

Sports streams. Shits legal and cash

Posts are archived there and easily searchable. When I need things like life advice, financial, whatever, it's a good resource to use to read other peoples advice instead of posting on Yea Forums and hoping anyone at the moment gives a fuck enough to respond to me.

i dont anymore other than for mlb streams. only a matter of time before those extremists ban those subs.

I guess I was asking which ones you like. I've never found a single one.

Reddit? Hardly even know it! Ha ha ha, that joke NEVER gets old!!!

You got somewhere I can go for sports streams for when that happens?

r/yiff uwu

Have you ever tried getting a respectable fetish

Because I live cock


What fucking planet do you come from? Name all the fetishes you "respect".

the chinese bought a major interest in reddit so expect their bias, spying, etc.

Reddit died the day the sold out and deleted r/jailbait.

I get banned regularly for calling out eurocentrism circle jerking, but now with the Chinee involved as part owners it will slant more that way.

>it will slant more that way

Attached: ching chong nong fong.jpg (352x288, 33K)

people who run boards actually do something to stop tard behavior

I used it because it is instelectually stimulating


I’ve never used redshit before and I never will. I hate niggers, I hate feminists, I hate Jews.

Yea Forums is full of all three now, enjoy.

Because the format is shit. Nested threads like Usenet.

Fuck that shit.

I like r/pixelart! It’s a lot of cool art, fun to make, would recommend checking it out.

I use it because I'm a complete faggot who needs communist sympathizing losers to upvote my "witty" comments. I love talking about how trump is literally the most corrupt human being on earth. Gay people will be in camps by 2020 and the average surface temperature of the earth will be 175 degrees F by 2031. I also think its extremely clever to use a clown emoji followed by an orange emoji. I follow leftist doctor pundits on twitter who have stethoscopes around their necks in their profile picture because doctors are smart and authority figures which leads me to believe everything they say about politics. I cant wait to to go the r/oscars subreddit and read about the academy award nominees!

thighs and face.