We need to pull a Scientology 2008 on this shit

We need to pull a Scientology 2008 on this shit

Attached: Peta.png (226x223, 5K)

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They're already a joke, even to other animal rights groups.

because PETA is fucking awful
I'm in

If we do it Yea Forums will be again in T.V

Everytime these piss beavers are on the news or the net for some other shit they pulled off, they become more and more known to those who read the news once or twice but don't investigate. And when these people come to a point in life where they seem to have to much money and think of donating a portion they'll think of these PeTA-Shitheads because they heard/read so much about them.
Unless the Big media takes clear position on them they'll gain traction with every fucking provocative tweet!

Peta kills more dogs in any one day than the entire week long dog eating festival that china has each year.

Attached: giphy (30).gif (320x240, 535K)

They attacked the late Steve Irwin on his birthday.

they kill little kids pets

Agreed. But unlike project chanology, the news will just call us “racist sexist mysogynistic homophobic transphobic xenophobic pedophillic animal abusers”. This is why IngrownHairGate went nowhere.

Bump so the pornfags whine.

Alright, death to peta!

I mean, tbh, they made a fake cooked dog, and made fun of steve irwin. All to say “gO vEGaN!!!!111}

Bump so teh pornfags complain “meh digg rait threead is duyying hslp!”

why cook fake dog when they kill so many real ones? that's just wasteful.

Everyone's been trolling them since the beginning of time

Well let’s just create fake propaganda, let’s state the numbers to the masses, show everyone what they do, make a major meme out of it possibly

Good plan. But be careful, the msm will probably bash us in return. Create a new ip to do so. Why? So when your done, change it back to your original, so the SJW’s dont DDOS you.


Dont advertise your dickcord here bitch.

Attached: 32401DBF-3671-425B-9F23-C816320A2911.png (300x326, 111K)

Brave Sir Pubit
Never forget

Fuck yeah why not

Take your discord back to


I would imagine you're right, but I'd really like to at least ruffle their feathers for spitting on Mr. Irwin's legacy of animal rights activism. I don't let much get to me, but that legitimately pissed me off. Irwin is one of my heroes

Let's fuck their shit up


Hi Satan

You guys won't.

Why we don't do a DDoS in his page for to mat hours?

>thread archives and nothing happens

Op did you watch this video? youtu.be/uzVFPWWHHsE