How did you find Yea Forums and how long ago was it?

How did you find Yea Forums and how long ago was it?

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A friend in college told me about it. That was in 2006... God I'm getting old.

Buddy in the Marines showed me when we were bored

2007 looking for funny cat macros

A friend on told me about it. Hi faithless

Last two weeks of 03
From Gaia
Suck it fags

Back in 07, some runescape faggot.

I think '04 or '05. I was looking for hentai gifs.

someone mentioned it in a newgrounds comment section in like 2007.

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Over 10 years ago. I dont remember why I ended up here but I knew it was a place I shouldn't be and that made me curious. I stayed because you can find shit you wont find anywhere else and its safer than the dark web.

My initial reaction to all the racism here was severe and I went off on people like a moral crusader. Futile. But that still happens today when people visit for the first time.

imagine being this much of a faggot.

>My initial reaction to all the racism here was severe and I went off on people like a moral crusader

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Triggered over that? You guys are deranged.

>Triggered over that?

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These are the only three I believe.

6th grade. 2006. Was told you would get a virus from it. Never got a virus, never left this hell.

no imagine being the kind of person whos first instinct twords mock racism that is inherently unprovable (a fucking black dude could be the one to be posting it)

is moral crusading.

this entire site, and all on the site are to be considered acting under satire.

so fuck off.

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Because of this faggot. A couple of months before the fappening.

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12-13 years ago from LUE2. If you don't know what that is, be happy.

No that's my point. Initially I didnt know it was mock racism. How could I have known? I thought I stepped into a genuine Klan rally and I was shocked.

So at the time, probably 2006 or 2007, I was attacked and mocked of course, but one nicer guy explained to me the dynamics of the place and I settled down. So today I play along with mock indignation.

Last week a colleague at work sent me a link , just said look at the UK thread , found a photo of our marketing exec , without much on lol , nowim hoping to see more so I load up 1 per day on the chance there are more of her .
This is what I found

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So.. You walk around the mall with your airsoft ar 15, trap waifu pillow and maga hat?

Highschool brothers computer history

Nice. Any pussy pics?