My sister just fucked her boyfriend in the room next to me AMA

My sister just fucked her boyfriend in the room next to me AMA.

Attached: 1x4y2oxjj8a21.jpg (612x627, 25K)

You sure?

I haven't gone in and asked, but it was over quickly and quietly

We'll go ahead and ask then. We'll wait.

Why would we want to ask you anything? Your sister's chad boyfriend sounds like the more interesting character in this story.

stand outside you're room and make eye contact with them when they leave her room

It's almost 5AM, I'll be waiting a while

>be you
>kept track of how long your sister got fucked for
>probably can't bench 280lbs
>know from experience the sincerity of your sister's moans
>sister is probably the football team's cum dump
>post about your sister getting railed for attention
>somehow can tell that she didn't cum even though you were in the other room

gtfo nigger go be an attention whore somewhere else

then start banging on the walls like an autistic monkey

Post pics of your sister

He has faded tattoo sleeves and only grows hair on the top of his head, and he's older than me.

I hope that covers all you wanted to ask him.

underrated post

No, it doesn't. Most people would rather have a conversation with a Chad who has an actual personality and has sex with real people than some boring NEET faggot whose only hobbies are video games and jerking off to little anime girls.

71% correct, thank you for the advice too.

lol faggot zoomer you prolly got off

Do you often converse with Chads? What do you like about them?

Fucking special weirdo kid

Attached: IMG_6711.jpg (566x581, 101K)

Most of them are friendly, sociable people. They get a bad rap on here because Yea Forums is a cesspit of degenerate losers who are jealous of people who have real friends and life experiences.

Ill double that

I don't really want to go find any. Plus she's taken.

Found the virgin