Am I paranoid, or does it look like I'm balding?

Am I paranoid, or does it look like I'm balding?
I'm 21 years old and my hair has always been nice and thick but recently I've been noticing my hair been receding. (either that or I'm paranoid)
I've been smoking weed daily since mid to late last year and I think it's either got me paranoid or is actually receding my hairline or both

I'll post more pics of me before summer aswell so the university of Yea Forums can study my case fully

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Other urls found in this thread:–cannabis-smoking-linked-to-hair-loss-130/

>always been nice and thick
>hair been receding

Those are different things. What is happening? Thinning or receding?

Def balding, not the end if the world.

stressing will make you lose it quicker

Pre ganja

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youre not balding. you just have a giant widows peak.

Pre ganjer

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>always been nice and thick

sounds like my penis.

eh, that's not even bad.
everyone's hairline is going to recede a little.

Post ganja

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Post ganj

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youre not balding, but you should do smoking. there are other solutions for your problems. trust me.

Your hair line has matured. The same thing happened to me and i still have a thick head of hair at 31

I'm only 21 I can't be loosing my hair already. Is there anyway to stop it?
Is it drug related?

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your forehead is growing bigger maybe because of a tumor


Youre not balding OP. Thats definitely not the worst hairline out there, if a bit receded.

It's called maturing dingus. Every guy's hairline changes with age. Some more than others.

you're not balding unless your hairline has been receding. Mine is the same way. If you notice it moves back any then yes. Otherwise this is just your natural hairline

Look at old pictures of your hairline if you're worried but it's likely you just coming to the realization that it's always been further back than you thought.

Weed does not cause hair loss, there has been no study linking the two. It can cause paranoia though, which you obviously have.

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>posts 1 study that isn't even conclusive
come on now

Don't stress OP, it's not the end of the world. You're definitely beginning to go through male pattern hair loss. At 21 it being this far I would expect you to be bald by 40. When it starts to recede farther, just commit to it and shave the bitch off and rock the bald look. Don't try to hide it.

Also the only thing you can do about it is cosmetic surgery. No drugs work. None. Hair plugs work reasonably well, but you get what you pay for. Don't go cheap on em.

its clearly receding

It's normal for the hairline of men at the beginning of their 20s to recede a bit
Your most likely not balding much more until your 40s
>if your overall hair gets less dense that's a different story, if you get a bald spot on the top after part on your head your fucked, that's why Jews invented the kippa

op delusional no sign of balding just shitposting

>You're definitely beginning to go through male pattern hair loss
>It's normal for the hairline of men at the beginning of their 20s to recede a bit
Your most likely not balding much more until your 40s

This, and confirming OP is a paranoid faggot

>I've been smoking weed daily since mid to late last year and I think it's either got me paranoid or is actually receding my hairline or both
Dubs checked. The weed and your hairline are mutually exclusive. Keep enjoying your weed, if you're going bald, that isn't why

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>not even published
>article full of indirect links

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OP you're entering stage 2

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when id get high if i smoked a bit too much id trip balls about swallowing my tongue would freak me out for a few hours

Yes OP you will be bald to the back of you neck in 15-20 years it’s called male pattern baldness. Just don’t do a comb over or wear a hat all the time.

Balding at 21, stupid nigger

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Are you drunk or something? That was a jumbled mess

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Listen mate take it from a 35 year old, the best thing you can do for your self esteem is find a way to get over or get past giving a shit what you look like.

If you stress like this over the first sign of aging then you'll stress again over grey hairs and then over a wrinkle etc etc. Your body will change as you get older. You don't have to change just because your body does. People don't think other people are "old" because of how they look, it's how they act. Look at Bill Murray. Acts like a kid and no one calls him old, everyone wants to hang out with him.

Pro tip: It's not receding if your hairline has always been like this since birth. You only think it's receding because you've been exposed to the idea of hair loss as you age.

drink Fitoval or Natural Wealth pills they're both hair vitamins they've kinda helped me after 3 months of usage i can see new baby hairs and my hair is growing quicker

Imagine being dumb enough to buy snake oil

it's B complex vitamins dumbass I can see results otherwise why would I recommend them but if you have a serious balding problem then nothing can help you pitbull would've had hair rn

No its called going bald

my hair is thick as hell and it’s receded a little since I hit thirty, but the part in the back that balls for most men is still thick, so it must just be receding a tiny bit. nuthin wrong with that. it’s best case scenario as far as hair goes

i have nigger braids n my hair is receding. ppl will prolly roast when u outta the room but don't let it get to your head

>comparing yourself to Bill Murray

Nobody wants to be around middle aged men. Nobody.