Last night I wiped my ass with a rag saturated in rubbing alcohol and my gf claims I got so fucked up she caught me...

Last night I wiped my ass with a rag saturated in rubbing alcohol and my gf claims I got so fucked up she caught me jacking off on the couch watching The Simpsons. I barely remember any of it.

Any similar stories?

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Other urls found in this thread: hsdb:@term @DOCNO 116

How did you do it?

I used 80% rubbing alcohol and just wiped my ass with it not gonna lie shit was weird then got like drunk plus high then blacked out. I remember being horny af

Rubbing alcohol attacks the optical nerves. Stop being a teenage fuck wit.

>implying other drugs are so safe
GTFO pleb

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Cool story that never happened, bro!

I cannot imagine being so poor you can’t afford rubbing alcohol god damn son

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It never happened, because the only way to get the effect described by the faggot OP, is to shove the rag up your ass and leave it there for several minutes. Leaving it shoved up there could cause the blackout event, but it's unlikely.

No that is false. The rectal bioavailability is literally 99 percent, you faggot.

>No that is false. The rectal bioavailability is literally 99 percent, you faggot.
The amount of absorption required for the faggot OP's (You) story is impossible by merely wiping your ass with the rag. The Isopropyl will evaporate off the skin almost immediately. The only way to get the effect described is to shove the rag up your ass. You are a raging faggot and no one is buying your story.

Iso Alcohol isn't a recreational drug you fucking retard. Enjoy being blind.

>telling someone who has done it that it cannot be done
You haven’t done it. You have zero concept of the mucosal blood barrier. You have zero concept of how drugs metabolize in your body. You are an incel who just reeeeees out of lonliness.

>I remember being horny af
user's closeted homo tendency come out when he wipes his ass lol

You never bootybump e? Sounds like you’re missing out because if your weird gay phobias kid

He's right though. "Rubbing" alcohol is also used to clean electronics and PC parts in general precisely because it evaporates quickly and doesn't stay as long as other types of alcohol. I'm also highly doubtful.

You are applying it directly to your asshole. You think you open the bottle and have seconds before the whole bottle evaporates? You are such a fucking homo go back to playing pokemon and wondering why you’re aline

No. I actually do understand. And on top of that, I understand the effect of Isopropyl on that part of the body. I don't need to try it, because I actually went out and did something with my life, and didn't go around making stories up on the internet.

Oh no. He called me an incel...

Source then. Post a source backing up your hypothesis.

>You think you open the bottle and have seconds before the whole bottle evaporates?
Bruh you are supremely retarded, I've used isopropyl to re-apply thermal paste on my CPU/GPU before. I merely point out it's not that effective to use, certainly not with just a fucking wipe and certainly not with an isopropyl alcohol mixture that isn't 100%. Girls who do that kind of thing shove a soaked tampon in their vagina for a few mins, yet you did that with a wipe. Yeah right. hsdb:@term @DOCNO 116

According to the National Institute of Health you are a full of shit incel

But facts are subjective right?

Don’t you have a waifu to pledge your soul to?

>Source then. Post a source backing up your hypothesis.
No the burden of proof is on you, faggot. You are the one telling the bullshit story. I told you how to achieve what you described. It's okay. Just tell us you shoves the rag up your ass. We won't judge you. You have already proven yourself a faggot.

The thin film left from wiping your ass will evaporate too fast to give you any noticeable effect, other than a burning sensation. Which was how I knew your story was bullshit from the start. You would have mentioned that your ass had burned with the fury of a thousand sun's with any significant exposure.

Better luck next time.

You are right. This kid is so full of shit. I don't understand why he's so hell bent on sticking to the story. There's something else going on here.

>But facts are subjective right?
Oh they certainly are, it seems "just a wipe" is enough after all. And I didn't talk about isopropyl-soaked tampons you fucking triple nigger, I talk about high-alcoholic "neutral" drinks like vodka. The drink might not be 80%, but they aren't done being drunk in 10 seconds either.

You sound like an idiot. Why not just drink your drinks you insane fuck. Why would any girl tolerate you.

isopropyl alcohol is safe for your vision but any other kind will fuck you up