How long do you usually last in bed?

How long do you usually last in bed?

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About 10 minutes round 1, then about 2 hours round 2.

Depends of a few things who your fucking, when the last time you shot your load, etc average 15 mins

8 to 12 hours
record is like 16 with just two short interruptions for a leak

about 100 seconds just starting up and aww fuck im done

depends when i go to sleep but usually about 8-9 hours on average.

Yeah okay you stupid virgin. No girl wants to fuck this long.

8 hours on average

everybody's a comedian.

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7-8 hours

I have to fuck for at least an hour before I can get off, usually longer. Most chicks can't hold out. My current gf is one of those that can't hold out... I usually end up having to cheat to stay satisfied. It's a real problem.
pic related: one of the few asses that could always take it

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Your reading comprehension of that guy's joke makes me certain you're retarded.

Mareike_2108 snap her for tits!!

>4 inches cock
>last around 1 to 2 minutes

Why is life so horrible?

Until she's too sensitive to the touch. Because of an injury as a child, I have nerve damage, so I can't finish. Record stands at a little over three hours.

Let that be a lesson to you not to mix dogs and peanut butter

Usually 15-20 but my fiancé likes to keep it under 10. But the entire time including foreplay, probably about half an hour. Need to please your woman. And I didn’t start there. I was a two pump chump. Took some practice and breathing techniques. Knowing when to slow it down to edge myself.

About 10 tp 15 minutes. When my best friend lost his virginity to my gf he lasted about 1 hour. What a dude!

i can for up to 6 h

Another one of the few. This milf was a hellcat, could fuck for hours

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one of my ex gf's made me take one of those otc viagra type pills one night, thought it would be fun.
She was seriously regretting that decision by sunrise...

Like 7 hours on a day off 6 on a work day. I should sleep more though

Off with you

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They get tired before I'm even finished.

Lmao k

Maybe 5

an hour to two its a curse really

Around 5 minutes if we’re talking just fucking and not including foreplay.

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Older guy here.

Throughout my marriage I'd only last a few minutes. My wife and I rarely had sex so when we did I came quickly.

Got older, got a fuck buddy, use cialis and a cock ring and now usually get a tap-out before I finish.

40-50 min with normal sex. 5 min if she is good in cuckold dirty talking

When I was younger and fucking random girls I could go 1-3 hours. Now that I'm married I last like 2 minutes. I usually go down on my wife, give her an orgasm and then stick my dick in her and cum in like 2 minutes. If we're both horny I can just stick it in and we both cum right away. I don't have an explanation for it. Sounds kind of pathetic as far as a sex life goes but I am happy with it because sex is a waste of time honestly

Could you elaborate on the practice and breathing technique stuff?

Why dont you kill yourself on streaming?

>sex is a waste of time honestly
sounds wike sumbody's depwessed.

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On a good day 15ish minutes for the first load and 30-45 for the second.

With my wife I’m pretty quick because she never wants to fuck anymore. So I try to get off before I get too far in my own head.

I fucked an 18 year old the week before we officially started dating. She had me cum 3 times in an hour. Shit was fucking cash.

It is a waste of time. I had a lot of sex when I was a kid. It gets old. You have no idea what you can channel your sexual energy in to when you re route it into something more productive. I have the best of both worlds. I get to be productive and when I am so horny I need sex I get to relieve my urge in 10 minutes and then go back to whatever it is I want to do. May not work for everyone but it does for me

As long as she requires
When I'm about to cum I just switch to licking until the dick calms down a little

Is it possible to learn this power?

15-30 minutes if I'm high or drunk
3-5 minutes if sober
My girl doesn't like if it lasts too long though since she only orgasms from clitoral stimulation. Penetration is nice for her to a certain point.

You're all fucking clowns if you think yours gets off from penetration. Clitoral is the only thing women really want.

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Me and my girl are both pretty fast.
We foreplay around 10-15min.
Actual sex is done with 5+ min.
Round 2 lasts way longer , around 20 min.
But we both cum, interchangeable who first, and we both enjoy this.

Although, she is mostly sore for round 2 most of the times.

national average is between 3 and 15 mins. everyone else is lying or chaffing and unpleasant

Yes. Start off with something you want to learn, like guitar or some other kind of new hobby. Every time you want to fuck or jerk off pick up your guitar or (new hobby) and do that til you're distracted. Eventually you will move on to other things. Your sexual energy is the most powerful energy humans have because our main goal is to reproduce. But if you turn it towards something else you can accomplish anything

I miss being in my 20’s. It’s been years since I had to fight cumming. I guess after a while you get used to it.

this is total virgin speak

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>(insert incel babbling here)
fixed that for you

I’m gonna have to try that.

About 5 mins before I cum but I usually cum about 3 times before I’m satisfied.

No, virgin speak is you kids talking about how long you last and how you fucked some hot piece of shit and how hot this girl is and that girl etc etc. You have consistent sex with a girl finally because one found you an acceptable toy for the time being and you think you're not a virgin. You're a virgin to life. Sex and relationships based on reproduction and every other mediocrity that life has to offer is a waste of your potential. If you want the best advice any older male can give you I am giving it to you. Fuck all you want til you're 25 because you can't help it. Then completely refocus your mind on being successful in something

>I had a lot of sex when I was a kid.
sure kid

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wizard level virgin speak.

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An hour and a half for first fuck, about 6 for the rest.

~20 min when she straps up, five to seven minutes when I do the fucking

Max 2 minutes when constant humping regardless of position. I always make my gf cum first orally to compensate, but I am so embarassed over this that I haven't had sex since mid january I think. We have sex about once a week normally and i blame my issue on that, that I never get to practice or increase my endurance.

I masturbate daily too :( especially now, even twice a few days a month



I see what you did there. Bravo.

I usually got for about 10 minutes max, if I don;t get limp I mean. While I'm recharging, my wife's black boyfriend takes over for an 1-2 while I do the dishes.

Around 30 mins. My gf complains it's the shortest sex she's ever had. Says that some guys can last hours and doesn't believe me when I say those guys were on pills.

It's such a mind fuck but I have to bring myself back to reality and tell myself that for anyone else I'm doing good

Someday you little morons will understand. Sex is a terrible waste of time. And it is horribly overrated.

30 mins is kind of ideal on normal basis in my opinion

Sure thing man.
Would I rather play minecraft or demolish my GF's ass?
>Such a hard decision.

Pipe down, virgin.

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usually about 8 hours

I've kinda conditioned myself to only nut to certain things, so if I'm in a particular position or doing a particular kind, I've got like 10 seconds to spurt the gurt. Then, I avoid those kinks and positions so I can go for a couple hours but sometimes its difficult to stay fully hard.

I’m a 47 y/o man with a 16 y/o daughter. Not a virgin. Sorry.

I either bust in less than 10 minutes when I'm nervous or I go for 45 minutes/the girl is too sore to continue. It's usually the latter but that isn't always a good thing.

It isn't though, it's great for bonding with your s/o and afterwards it's so good to forget about everything and just lie there and cuddle

I'm guessing she's not yours, CUCK.

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Is your daughter hot?

8-9 hours

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Yea I know I just feel like shit with this hoe bag of a gf that will argue that most guys last longer even though 90% of her fucks were on coke and other drugs

it depend, usually 15-20 min, but i always prefer to fool around, it more fun than the penetration. you know playing with toys and eating her out

i have a friend who told me her and one of her ex used to fuck for over 12h non stop but it was under heavy drugs. the only thing she remember from those hours was that her pussy was sore for days and nothing else

I know that.
The worst is her lying prone in a necklock and my dick all in with her pushing back as I rail her.
One minute of that is all it takes and I'm filling her up.
I always save that position for the end

Don’t feel bad, you know she’s talking bullshit so you really don’t need to give two shits..

about 2-3 hours

Dump the bitch

I can last as long I need to please the person since I don't cum

I'm virgin

Until my woman cums.

I’ve never really considered that.

During marriage 10min maybe. After divorce was prescribed Adderall for stress, depression, weight gain, and I had adhd my whole life. Got a friend to fuck regularly and would go an hour, 3hrs was max after drinking. Got a gf and she said I was intimidating to fuck because I'd go so long. Now haven't gotten laid in 3yrs, not sure I still have it. I'm 43 and tired of women drama.

Eh I mean she probably isn't talking bull shit and she firmly believes what she says. She doesn't say the sex is bad it's just not great, and doesn't last anywhere near as long as she wants. Also she's a self proclaimed size queen which is also annoying because she's made comments on my cock before.

Don't want to dump her because she is really great all around, but she's got some fucking unrealistic expectations for sex because of her past. She's told me that if the sex isn't consistent and good that we'd probably have to break up.

Tell me bros is this as much of a mindfuck as I think it is

could her name start with cl ?

What sort of nerve damage?

when i aint fucked for a few days i can last anywhere between 2min to 10min

when drunk can last upto a hour

SO what is in those things? I have taken Cialis and Viagra, and they are stupid expensive. There was an episode of Ray Donovan where one of the characters took an over the counter pill and it made his dick hard for like 7 hours. I'm tempted to try one, but want to know what the hell I'm ingesting. I figured it was a scam and they wouldn't do anything, but they sell them everywhere, so who knows.

>Not pissing the bed in your sleep for maximum rest gains

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Your first three sentences described me. Then it went downhill.

Interesting. Normal side affect of adderall?

Sorry user, but she doesn’t sound that great if she is that unrealistic when it comes to sex and at the same time puts your relationship as less important than consistent sex

it said "Man Up Now"
came in a blister pack, said she got it from the gas station or something.
But yeah, it either worked or was one hell of a placebo effect


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How long did it last for you, and what exactly were the effects?

Depends on a lot of factors, but usually between 90 and 120 minutes

Too long, i've had the opposite of most guys to where they cum prematurely i've had it where girls get mad because I don't cum at all

2-3 minutes

2h+ Only fucked while drunk and havn't been able to cum then

pretty much as advertised... turned me into a raging bull for like 4 or 5 hours, even while I was already tired from a 10 hour shift that day. Continued to ream out both her holes well after she had passed out whiskey drunk and crying.

Anyone who says more than a minute is lying

She's undying loyal but I mean I agree with her. Sex is a big part of a healthy relationship and if one person isn't happy then you can't see yourself being happy indefinitely with your partner.

2 pump chump

25 seconds... Always yell: First!

forever. not bragging, the only way I can come is through masturbation. I usually end up telling the girl to ease off if she's blowing me 'cause it won't happen. I typically take things in hand and blow a load on her vagoo after a while. Not a brag, just the way it is. Friends say I jack off too much. Maybe.

Back in the day I hooked up with a chick in Calgary (I was in California at the time), I was so turned on I fucked her six times in my hotel room. Dick turned raw.

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Yea same boat I really don't cum for blowies. Pretty sure it's just my dick being spoiled by unnaturally fast pumps of my hand. I can still get off when fucking though

If me, a virgin, decided to take Viagra the first time I fuck my girl (soon) what would happen or what would the effect be?

I last as long as I want, then I decide when to cum.

You faggots can't control it?

Until I run out of energy. I can't cum unless I'm jerking off

like 8 years says the gf.

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For some reason I can't cum from external stimulus, which is awkward because I need to pull out and jerk it a bit to actually cum, but on the plus side I can go for as long as I like.