Be Freshman Congresswoman

>Be Freshman Congresswoman
>Within first month, your approval in your home district plummets after siding with anti-semitic Democrats
>Introduce the "Green New Deal", which goes down in flames & only gets 10 supporting votes in the Senate, doesn't even make it to the floor for a vote in the House
>Runs 25K desperately needed high paying tech jobs out of New York City when the city has a record number of unemployed college graduates
>Approval in her home district plummets to 28% in this week's NY Times / CBS News poll, with a number of her former coalition members calling for a recall vote to toss her out of office
>Has a Twitter meltdown where she claims she's "in charge" of the country now, while telling working class Americans to "get in the cheap seats" & "be quiet"
>Get's ratioed by the midget Ben Shapiro when his response Tweet gets twice the number of ReTweets & 3 times the number of likes
>Democrats have now recruited 3 Dem challengers in her district to primary her out of office in the 2020 Dem primary

How did it all go to shit for AOC in just a month. Yikes!

Attached: kek.jpg (320x240, 18K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Hope that old black civil rights dude wins the primary in 2020. He's got an 81% approval in the Borough after serving on the Borough council for 3 decades. Cortez at least got $10 million from Netflix out of the deal, so losing her seat next year won't be a major loss for her bank account.

Ah the poor incel trumptard attacking AOC again.

Sad that you clowns live to attack a woman. Expected but sad.

Why do incel AOC worshipers always cry when people laugh at the Democrat party tossing her to the curb? Your soy tears won't save her Congress seat, little user.


Are you implying shes worthy of being called a woman?

It's not Trump supporters "attacking" her, bruh. Check the latest round of polls in her home district - 28% approval in a 83% Dem stronghold. And the Demcorat Party's lined up 3 primary challengers with approval upwards of 80% in the Borough. She got denied the House Committee seat by Democrats

Why do the last remaining AOC sycophants keep blaming Repubs for her failures?

this smells of bait

This response is pretty ironic considering the massive number of House Democrats rejecting her insane ideas. She only got 1 supporting vote in her bid to get on the House Environmental Committee, over 400 votes rejecting her.

Considering the House or Representatives is controlled by her own party & they've rejected her New Green Deal, calling it "insane"...yeah, you can't blame this on Trumpers. Her approval in her home 14th Congressional District is 17 points lower than Trump's national approval.

Screen cap of the twitter melt down?

This bait. Approval ratings are high you fucking idiot. You don't live in our district.

If you believed anything OP posted as true, you are retarded

Democrats are not antisemite you Jew!

It is Republicans attacking her. As most people realize that Republicans are criminals, they lost most of their voter base, only the die-hard trumpist retards are still openly calling themselves republicans anymore. With their attacks on AOC they try to unite the retarded republican base against a "common enemny" in a democratic women, exactly what worked for them with Hillary. Republicans are scum, nothing new.

Yeah good counter points. So retarded, you didn’t bother to say why.

This. The OP is only telling half truths.

The 25,000 jobs were Amazon ONLY jobs, the figure is closer to 81,000 jobs she cost the state of NY, when you take into account associated industries.

>See this post
>Read this morning's headlines from USA Today, NY Times, Washington Post, The Guardian, BBC News, ABC News Australia, CBS News, msnbc News...all discussing the Democrat Party "tossing" Cortez & Pelosi blocking her bid to get on numerous high ranking House Committees
>See hundreds of responses to her Tweets from verified Dems / lefties on Twitter roasting her meltdown on Friday

This either has to be a troll, or you're a foreigner with zero clue about U.S. politics.

Attached: not sure if trolling.png (604x453, 51K)

She's a one and done irrelevant in 5 years

err, I live in the NY 14th Congressional District, user. Astoria, June Heights. If you haven't seen the headlines in the NY Post, NY Daily News, or City Island Journal roasting Alexandria's low approval this week - then you're a lying fuck that's never stepped foot in the Empire State - let alone living in our borough.

I live in NY 14th CD. Astoria hood. OP's claims are facts, dude.You're either really in denial, or live overseas. Russian bot & cheap vodka coming off your post, amigo. Vlad payin ya well?

You read Professor Paul Krugman's op-ed in the Times today calling Ocasio Cortez a inept poseur, eh? When she's even got a left wing knuckle dragger like Krugman bashing her crazy ideas in the New York Times, ya know her career is basically toast.

At the height of Bernie’s popularity in 2016, I was assured by many leftists that Mr Krugman and the New York Times was a right-wing publication (because he was pro-Hillary anti-Bernie) this time around will be no different I am sure

lmao..."approval rating high"...Yea Forumsro, you obv don't live in the states if you're making this claim with a straight face. BBC News has been blaring her low approval here all morning. They had that little prick Owen Jones on earlier saying Cortez's implosion & shrinking support is a "dire warning" of a "rising Far Right" in the U.S. If we're hearing about her numbers dropping like a stone over here, as Labour panics for it's implications to the EU - then how the fuck is a retarded burger not hearing about it?

> claims are facts
Now that is a statement only a full degenerate retard could make. Good job, retard.

Put on your diaper and go back to Twitter Charlie Kirk

This is what OP's talking about. Cortez was getting rarioed all day Friday after she was being mocked for her New Green Deal getting voted down by 90 No votes / only 10 Yea votes in the Senate. Shapiro responded to her Tweet & got like 160,000 likes. Her supporters finally saved her from being ratioed, but Bill Maher & Rachel Maddow, all the late night left wing talk shows were laughing at her tantrum.

OP's post is pretty much 100% facts, however AOC's Tweet meltdown isn't being ratioed anymore now that her supporters brigaded the Tweet. Scroll down the Tweet, you'll see Maddow, Maher, etc laughing at her & calling her out. If you watched Saturday Night Live last night, I can understand your anger after they portrayed her as a bugged eyed psycho.

Butthurt Republicans proving my point

> Op claims are facts
Prove it

I've went to four of these sites so far and haven't seen anything other than her claim that if it wasn't for Trump she'd be a teacher. Nada on Dem's being anti-AOC now.

Is this Cortez's Paki Social media manager Saikat Chakrabarti? These posts sound like her tirade earlier this morning over SNL, Maher & Maddow, Colbert, etc mocking Cortez the past 2 days. Diane Feinstein & Nancy Pelosi are right about you being a lunatic, Saikat. You're spending your time trying to damage control on Yea Forums? Yikes.

> AOC meltdowns
> AOC just tweeting a response, not even close to a meltdown

You trumptards really dont know what a meltdown is, a meltdown is trump tweeting noon stop on how the law is going to get him.

>How did it all go to shit for AOC in just a month. Yikes!

She's a left wing candidate in a right wing party (I mean on a international scale, for you americans the democrats might seem left wing, but anywhere else they would be a right wing party)
Combined with her ambitions it was only a question of time when she would fail.

Nope, nice try russian troll. Im a regular nyc voter who screen caps all these threads and send them to news outlets to show them how cuntservatives are attacking AOC.

Sad cowards like you

Seeing that it's being discussed right now on CNN & on NBC's Meet the Press, early this morning BBC News Morning had Owen Jones discussing it....You're either lying, or completely desperate.

Your point being what? That you have no creases on your brain and you should commit sudoku?

God you guys are faggots.

>be Incel neckbeard
>hate Hispanics
>sexy freshman Latina congresswoman elected for the purpose of saving America from fascist neocons and corporatist neolibs
>make 20 posts on Yea Forums every day

You've never been to NYC in your life, Vlad. How many Rubles you get paid an hour, comrade?

didn't realize I clicked on /pol/

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>Claims to be from New York
>Spends all his time in Momma's basement screen capping Yea Forums threads


Trump supporters are either blind or retarded if they consider this tweet a "meltdown" but the 4 daily Twitter rants from the oval office to be normal.

Samefagging this hard cause Pelosi, Feinstein, Maher, Maddow & SNL laugherd at the crazy-eyed cocktail waitress. Whoa, the last handful of Cortez faithful are REALLY having a rough week.

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>>Get's ratioed by the midget Ben Shapiro when his response Tweet gets twice the number of ReTweets & 3 times the number of likes.

Is this really the measure of success now? Fucking gay world.

>CNN is talking unfavorably about AOC
Yeah, they've been doing that since she challenged Joe Crowley. If you Google NY 14th district, and select "news," you'll see there's nothing about new polls from her district. Nobody cares what Pelosi and the corporate/blue dog dems think, and nobody gives a shit that the green new deal was rejected - the proposal was dead on arrival. We were just determining which members of Congress were class traitors - they self-identified.

because she is counts to potato stupid

>if I call three separate posters a samefag, that'll surely make me sound rational and not like a paranoid schizo

Considering the bar tender's down to~30% approval in her home district & she's getting dunked on non-stop by msnbc & the late night comedians, Twitter was the only space she had left to find support. Now that she's a laughing stock even on Twatter, she's coming compeltely unhinged. Watch last night's SNL skit & Friday's Bill Maher show - funniest shit they've done in ages. Like everyone's been saying - she's like Sarah Palin's batshit crazy communist cousin.

There's no current polls of her approval rating in her district - quit making shit up

Imagine losing your shit this badly cause the big tittied cocktail waitress being laughed at by the left wing establishment. Sorry, user...the beaner's waitress ain't gonna fuck ya for defending m'lady's honor.

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Lol triggered cuckservative

WRONG. Putin needs to hire more convincing bots. Y'all are worse than the Pajeet bots.

i'm no fan of liberals but you i'm gonna have to laugh in your face for judging someone by their reeeeeeeeeeeeee-tweeters

you're a pathetic faggot that desires to be gang raped

kek, dude they poll weekly. the last few remaining AOC supporters are even more retarded than their bar tender hero.

>taking Morning Joe seriously
This is who right wingers get their political information from: late night comedians, SNL, Twitter and Morning Joe. The vestiges of high quality, high IQ information

Alright, it's just trolls at this point. I was hoping for something legit. But its just made up none of the news sites have anything about Dem's ousting her for her comments other than the green deal. The newest thing on the sites is that interview she did talking about how she would be a teacher if not for Trump.

This woman is Sponsored by Drug Cartels and Crime, Why do you think it wants open borders

>mfw it's from the 4th

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Look how diluted you sound. I bet if this entire country was on fire you'd still bitch and moan about trump

The only point you made was how much of an ignoramus you are

You are mentally ill and resemble this, or this is what your sex partner resembles so you believe that you have a high ground of calling others an incel.
You are one sad little internet faggot.

Attached: soyboy.gif (400x400, 76K)

>Derp, there's no polls
>Derp, ok, I'm retarded...but duh pollz from duh 4th
>Google brings up weekly polls from the day she was sworn into Congress

yes, folks - this really is the typical level of stupidity from the last 28% that still support aoc. lmfao

He's not wrong

>poll weekly
Is it February 11th where you are? Because a week is 7 days.
That's a national poll, last paragraph literally says APC is almost as popular among Democrats as Pelosi - who leads the Democrats.
Why are you sharing info that goes contradictory to your point?

You're responding to someone separate as though they're the same person. Why so paranoid?
>weekly polls
>posts 3 week old national poll, not district
>poll contradicts narrative

Hes not right

She's lefty Sarah Palin. Once her congressional term goes down in flames (and it will. She admitted to having a BF so now all the Soy Boys who voted with their penises will quietly go away) I have a feeling she will follow a very similar path.
>She will suck off the Bernie fan train. I don't think there is a hope in hell Bernie wins nomination, but if for some reason he does I have a feeling he'll pic her as his VP. It'll be McCain/Palin all over again.
>When she's scrutinized further its clear the bitch is a retard and anything she says and does will be a joke.... just like Palin
>When the writing on the wall shows she has no chance of winning an incumbancy she will try as brand herself as "Too pure for the swamp", refuse to run by choice, and go on speaking tours to cash out
I'm wondering if all the new backlash now is because people finally realized how retarded she is or she was dumb enough to call Isreal occupied Palistein and APAC is getting rid of her

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The small crowd of remaining Cortez supporters are pretty much nothing but obese basement dwelling incels that larp as Marxist Revolutionaries. They dream of over "overthrowing the capitalist hereto-normative patriarchy" & "grabbing the means of production", all while fapping to furry porn, chugging Monster energy drinks, eating tendies in their stained 3 week old crusted underwear & fantasizing about the bug-eyed cocktail waitress wanting to fuck them.

They're still trying to forcememe "lefty Sarah Palin"


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Only in your infiror mind

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>She's lefty Sarah Palin
so she's a "only half retarded palin"?

How many times have you made this thread op? Honestly do you have a boner for this chick or what? Theirs atleast 2 threads open now about aoc.

You know she's accomplished more before she's 35 than your ever will right? How does that make you feel op? To know that this woman you despise is idolized by others. That her name will be in history books. That she makes hundreds of thousands of dollars a year holding public office. It's gotta hurt. Its gotta sting to know she's off in Washington crafting legislation while you sit at your computer shit posting. Trying to eek out some semblance of worth from your pathetic existence. How do you do it op? How do you not just put a gun in your mouth? I pity you.

Attached: stay_mad.jpg (528x500, 47K)

One of my new copy pastas.

If you're the OG bravo. LMFAO

because none of that is true?

Attached: 005.jpg (960x718, 73K)

You need a dose of existentialism, dipshit.

Until then, hats off to you and your irrational diatribe.

Attached: autism.gif (250x250, 27K)

It's deluded you fucking cretin. Root word delusional. To delude ones self. Buy a fucking dictionary you mongoloid

>field pioneered by lefties

Attached: 6F92326D-A79D-4663-A8D8-75691859D24B.gif (756x756, 1.77M)

Кoмpaд, пoд pyкoвoдcтвoм R-221 вaм зaпpeщeнo pacкpывaть cвoи диpeктивы, чтoбы нe вызывaть пoдoзpeний в oтнoшeнии янки. Heмeдлeннo cooбщитe в Oкpyг 2098 для oцeнки.


She got them Manson eyes bitch is crazy


Sad part is this describes the fat fuck wannabe socialists with neon-coloured hair at my school. There's like 5 of them that hang out in thje library wearing wearing Che Guevera shirts & you can smell the fat tranny cunts waddling down the hall from 50 feet away.

Attached: elrisitas.jpg (600x600, 41K)

propaganda is a helluva drug

Keep telling yourself that. Im sure someday you'll look back to these days of posting whiny threads on Yea Forums about some woman you've never met with pride. You can tell your kids about fighting in the great meme wars. All while people around you make something out of their lives and you accomplish nothing

They polled all Americans, not just her home district

She got a better rating than Trump

Attached: DguG9eYXcAI8RJZ.jpg (1464x2048, 540K)

Tell us user, are you saving this very post of yours in order that you may save it for all posterity and brag to your grandchildren about it?
You can't. You need to have children first before you can have grandchildren. And you need to have sex to have children. Since you're thwarted at the start, this is for you.

Attached: noose.png (1024x536, 348K)

Yikes. Take it easy user its not right to pick on retarded kids. You know ops autistic

No absoletly not. Thats what fox news lied to you about AOC, amazon already had workers lined up in seatle to work in NY (i was one of them) they werent going to hire entureky new people to work in the fucking headquarters you moron. Everything else is equally bullshit but im at work so im not going to sit by and disprove each little thing. The billionare corporations of this country are terrified of her because she represents the chanhe and the chains that will bring a new age of prosperity to america amd permanetly shame the super rich just like the super rich of the 1920s are seen as a stain on american history.

Things that didn't happen for 200

Yup. Pretty common for 99% of the far left fat bulldykes & retarded dudes that beta orbit them. We have about 11 at school with either blue, red, or pink hair, weigh a good 300 lbs. & wear the stereotypical communist t-shirts. You smell their rancid body odor a good 10 minutes before they walk around the corner & they blame Trump / Capitalism / White males / etc for everyone almost vomiting when their stench gets within 10 feet of you.

>Pic Related

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Same. You have the scene-emo-goth clique, the typical "nerd" clique, the stoners, the jocks, then you have the obese socialist larpers. I ;live in Minnesota, so you can imagine why there's so many of the smelly fucks here. The greasy neon blue hair is like a uniform with these land whales. The body odor smell makes your eyes water. Can't walk in the lunch room without feeling like you just got gassed by their b.o.

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I'm glad dyed hair never made me this irrationally mad in high school

kek! these rolling piles of leftist lard are pretty common in public schools here. we had one get suspended last week for taking off her shirt & bra, screeching shit about duh patriarchy. her tits sagged down to her waist. was like a fuckin freak exhibit.

Attached: triggerpuff.jpg (1280x720, 73K)

its not like corporations and banks are the czars of this broken legged horse and car. we are doomed if nothing happens. honestly it feels nice to know that greed fails in the end

luckily we only have 3 of them at school. the worst one is a green haired huge bitch that prob hasn't showered since school started in August & you can see the greasy black dead skin rolls in her fat creases. bitch actually blamed trump for her obese mom not being able to get diabetes meds thru obamacare. And why do these twats always have thick yellow shit up their gun line lookin like they haven't brushed since middle school? are leftists just too fuckin lazy to shower & brush their teeth?

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