Why do comedians commit suicide Yea Forums?

Why do comedians commit suicide Yea Forums?

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Because humans are naturally supposed to desire people taking them seriously.

When somebody is constantly made to feel like a fool it naturally leads to despair.

ppl commit suicide for different reasons some times theyre killed.

Ill tell you ill never kill myself. its funny cause even when the local dirty cops arrest me over something stupid they try to get me to not circle that im not suicidal on their little form.

You're not a comedian though dipshit. So who cares what you think

Because people laugh at them all the time!

lol everyone cares what I think cucksquad lame fool.

On the contrary if you have control over a rooms raw emotion like laughter you own them temporarily which is the opposite of despair?

Idk because he's a 40 something did the hangover movies, and is still a nobody.

Jewish comedy is not a loss


It’s the final punchline

Brody wasn’t a jew.

He was a pretty shitty comedian and massive burn out was obvious from his last podcast visitations.

they don't. they make the wrong joke or tweet the wrong thing a certain group of people come after them.

Because Hollywood is a Mafia and most people in the entertainment industry are actually slaves. Behind the scenes they know things that break them down and that’s why we see people killing themselves and drug addicts and what not. The life they live is different than the life we think they live.

i dont know how anyone can do it. the repucssions to people that know me is why i could never but then again who gives a shit if you are dead.


no its not.

RIP Brody. I always thought he was funny

Because raping kids is a bitch on your conscious

Because they realized that life was the true joke.

Because humor comes from your darkest place user. It is a coping mechanism to keep others out of your true problems because you don't feel like they would understand. You make fun of yourself before anybody makes fun of you, trying to hide your fear of social rejection.
Your mind works fast enough to identify a joke perfectly suited for any occasion making people laugh, just as fast as it takes to realize that nobody makes you as happy as you make them.

Honestly the funniest people tend to be the most depressed and have the most mental illness. Weird how it works out that way, but yeah

A very small portion do, wtf are you talking about?

But anyway, the ones that do; people who want to make other laugh and be happy often do so because they're in tremendous pain inside of their head and don't want others to be in similar pain

People aren’t born funny. It’s a skill that develops over many years. Years of wanting to please the people around them. Maybe because they desperately want to be liked to begin with, or because they just want to make other people happy,... but even then, why would they want to make random people happy?

Most people don’t give a fuck about making random people smile. Maybe we do it to be cordial and polite, but if we fail, who gives a fuck? In my experience, the people who are funny in a natural, constant sort of way are usually people who understand what it’s like to suffer, or to simply not have anybody around to make them smile.

Just look at male comedians and try to find one who looks like he got laid in highschool. Damn near none of them are good looking or suave or charming... most of them were the geeks and weirdos in their highschool yearbooks. Even Joe Rogan, for fucks sake. That dude was one of the most handsome motherfuckers when he was younger, but he admits all the time that he was terrible with girls and socializing in highschool. He admits readily that he was an insecure bitch and it’s one of the main things that got him into fighting. Needing a place to vent and all that

They also spend a lot of time sitting alone trying to write jokes. Creative writing of any kind, when your livelihood depends on it, can be very stressful and depressing in and of itself. Writers block is very real. Imagine if every once in a while, something about your brain just wasn’t working quite right and it left you completely unable to do your job competently, sometimes for weeks or months at a time. It would fucking suck.

Because wit quickly runs out and even faster when you do a lot of drugs and drink a lot, which a lot of comedians do. It's why you get older comedians just running through all their old material in their sets. They get washed up and realise the one thing they had is gone, the one thing that defined them as a person, is gone.

To real user.

Attached: DrhoN.jpg (655x1038, 338K)

woah dude

I'm willing to bet that you're a nigger

It’s the ultimate joke. You just don’t get it.

Nah, I used to make people laugh ALL the fucking time with my wit, people always remarked how quick my wit was and how funny I was, and it wasn't a skill or something I worked at at all, it just came naturally to me. I didn't do it to make them happy, or because I cared what they thought of me, it literally was just how my brain ticked over when I observed things.

After several years of heavy drug abuse, that wittiness is basically dead, maybe it's to do with aging too, but if I had built my entire persona and career around that ability to fire from the hip and make everyone laugh I'd probably kill myself too now that it's gone.

How do you keep a comedian in suspese?

Put a belt around their neck and attach it to the wardrobe.

Same reasons other people do.

