Just borrowed these games not sure which one to pop in first

Just borrowed these games not sure which one to pop in first.

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Titanfall 2



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nier automata or bloodborne are the only ones worth playing maybe the ratchet and clank.

I don't know why I laugh every time I see one of the variations of this thread. But keep doing it blackanon.

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Bloodborne is garbage

Shovel Knight, fucking Shovel Knight and then Bloodborne

>Black skin
>Playstation 4
>No sports games in the stack
>Bunch of weebshit

I'm calling the cops.

You're garbage



you stole those and we all know it.

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FO4 and Metro

Only 2 good games there...

You know that hand lotion is going to get more hand action than the PS4 controller.

Only a handful are worth playing, and as you're a nigger I'm going to assume you lack a refined taste which rules out a few of those. So for you your options are Nier, Bloodborne and GTA5.
Also give them back Tyrone, you won't play or even like most of them, and they probably mean a lot to the autist you took them from. They don't even sell for that much. Shiiiieeeeeeeeet

Not knowing what other games are doesn't mean they aren't good.

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Your skin color tells me that your definition of "borrowed" is loose, at best.

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>right over your head

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>You know that hand lotion is going to get more hand action than the PS4 controller.

I'd hope so, the ashy ass mothafucker.

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Hand Lotion

Those other games are trash...FO4 is only good on PC


its Tomb Raider 2 on crack

>black hand
Pick one nigger


good meme

why are you black?

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Because god left him in the oven too long.
Or, not long enough.


It's a good play through. The books are better but I suspect you will enjoy the dark atmosphere... But no for real, play through metro, solid game.

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give it back Jamaal

You can put almost any one of those in and have a good time depending what you're into. But if i have to recommend one i would have pop yakuza 0 (but i really like the yakuza series so i'm a bit bias)

Resident evil 4 is the only right answer

Keep those 2 and shovel knigh and sell the rest to get horizon zero dawn

Nice try, keep the gods work


How’s that Brothers game? I’ve had for like 2 years but haven’t played it



It reminds me of fallout but in Russia and less jokes. More linear than open world. Had me jump out of my chair a couple times too

Fallout 4

Nice Evangelion poster ya got there

I'd recommend Metro but Dishonored is pretty good. You can stealth your way thru the whole game or go loud. It reminds me of BioShock with the abilities you can use and combine

Play both Metro games first, back to back on ranger survival difficulty, then NIER on the highest difficulty, and if you still have your sanity after making it through three amazing games, Bloodborne is next


I'd probably go for GTA5, take a bike out to the hills, and night drive for a couple hours. Like out by the radar dishes.

Oh yeah, it's more gritty and it's a game that doesn't suffer retards. But honestly well worth the play through. If you haven't read the books I'd recommend them too.

Ratchet & Clank ez pick

>Somebody broke my window and stole all of my Playstation games!
>Oh, well, at least they took Sonic Forces as well.

bait thread
_ _ _ _

I've known black weebs before. Shit, biggest guy I ever knew was one. He was 250 pounds of Jamaican muscle with like 12% body fat. Everybody called him D, and he watched sooo much anime it wasn't even funny anymore. Shit, he'd put on his electric ab belt and watch moe shit while he ate chicken every night. Man was ripped AF, and hung like a horse.