It's been taking 2 hours for oxycodone to kick in everytime I take it. does anyone else have this issue...

it's been taking 2 hours for oxycodone to kick in everytime I take it. does anyone else have this issue? i've been taken it for my shoulder

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you're a dumbass, it doesn't take 2 hours to "kick in" for any human. chew em up if you want a faster kick. better yet, slam some black tar cheeva into the vein on your arm. that wont take 2 hours

bump its been 2 hours 30 minutes still nothing. yesterday it took 2 hours

What do you mean? It usually took 45minutes now it's been taking 2 hours

parachute it.

crush it into a fine powder, using a credit card or razor, put the fine powder into a cigarette paper or any other thin small paper, twist it up until it resembles a tadpole or a sperm cell, then wash that shit down.

for added effect, drink liquor with it. you won't die if you just take a few. do not take more than that and drink liquor, it is dangerous.

is 2 hours normal though? or have I just built a tolerance. i've been taking this since i was prescribed it for my shoulder

stick it up your ass it'll work ten times faster kiddo

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2 hours is normal if you have a tolerance.

most people do not.

parachute that shit and have a drink.

simple resistance, which builds fast

you can't really use that stuff for pain and not eventually get high, it says take 1 but, take 2 and get ready to be high

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you kids are such fuckin pussies. just chew them up lol