Am I good looking, average, ugly?

Am I good looking, average, ugly?

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average for an in-shape guy. Your good features could be better highlighted if you paid more than $3 for a haircut and didn't look like a slob


Groom and trim your facial and head hair and you're slightly ABOVE average. wrong board for this shit, dont really know what you're expecting lmao.


not bad but you look you're you might be balding which will really reveal the \ / shape of your head.

Pic related

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That board is garbage

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Fucking ugly


5 head havin ass nigga

> “soc is garbage”
Yeah because faggots literally keep doing what you’re doing now.

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Grow your hair out abit

>Grow your hair out abit
This. Your forehead will look smaller

Average ugly

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Grow a handlebar moustache. Pic related

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take the buzzpill, like me

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Haha I see you here a lot. What would you honestly rate me?

you shop this liek you shop your NECK bruz?

I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about... my neck looks huge in this pic related as well
really good facial structure but grow bangs or something, the forehead is too much. look up james blake or other undercut/bang cuts. In other pics you were a 8, these probably a 7

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example of what a thick neck can do, just started doing autistic neck crunches

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