>first off, let's break it down logically
>there are no pleasure receptors in the anus
>there are no erogenous zones in the anus
>humans are not naturally compelled to have things pushed into their rectum
>then why the fuck do guys willingly let themselves be fucked?
>for attention
>nobody shoves objects into their asshole for private enjoyment
>there is always an external need to show others, hint at it or use subtext to imply they engage in this behavior
Anal sex is a meme, gayness is attention seeking and a personality disorder

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If you think about it, drinking is worse than gay sex. Drinking alcohol damages brain cells severely for what? A few moments of so or fun? And then at the end, no one remembers what even happened. At least gay sex is memorable and for some people pleasurable even if that's not how humans are supposed to work.

On some real shit, when trannies sweat, don't they still smell like men?
Like armpits? Ball sweat, now chopped up "pussy" meat? Doesn't that retain the natural scent of a man?
I've played sports in school. Men stink, and my biology will not let me be attracted to a man's scent even if I wanted to. I'd have to go against nature; the pheromones of a man will always be there despite his dress and makeup. I'll never be able to get passed that. That's not pussy juice, that's ball sweat down there.

>nobody shoves objects into their asshole for private enjoyment
that's where you're wrong kiddo

>there are no pleasure receptors in the anus
>there are no erogenous zones in the anus
>humans are not naturally compelled to have things pushed into their rectum
as an ER worker i can tell you otherwise

You are completely wrong retard. And a fag in the closet. Don't skip anatomy classes

>take trans girl to bed
>begin to make out
>she lifts her right arm and you get a whiff

>implying the only sexual activity available to gay men is anal sex


Ur thoughts are so gay, u should stop fixating on what people do for pleasure unless ur super repressed and need a good ass fucking

There’s something to this.. as I’m gay, and I’m attracted to other men’s scent.. I’ve also dated and fucked lots of women and I’ve never really been “into” the smell.. even when it’s good.. It just doesn’t do it for me.. but a mans armpit.. UGH.

Also I was born gay, so it can’t be a personality disorder it’s very likely genetic.

>I was born gay, so it can't be a personality disorder it’s very likely genetic
Or you were born with a genetic personality disorder. "I was born that way" doesn't mean anything. If you were born crippled by mental illness, it's still and illness.

Thank you for answering. Do you know if hormone blockers and estrogen change a body chemistry to a point where a man's scent can become that of a woman's?

Nice pic faggot

1.Like it or not, your g-spot is up your ass
2.There are gays who dont even do anal
3. Straight normies do anal just as much if not even more
4. Some people are born gay others
5. Attention seekers come from every race and sexuality

In order for something to classify as a mental illness it needs to cause significant distress in someone’s life. And being gay isn’t causing me any distress.. it does seem to be distressing faggot op tho.. maybe because he was born with an anxeity disorder I dunno

I have never experienced this, I would guess some trans people would like to think so.. but I highly doubt it.. Medical science could probably achieve it tho someday

I feel good getting fucked im the ass bro

Hey, what the fuck is a "pleasure receptor'" because I wasn't taught about those in med school

Usually I just stick my dick between guys legs and frot until I nut. But also, anal can feel good. I like to stick a finger up my ass when I wank.

I definetly don’t like attention.. but I don’t wear rainbows and attend pride parades so I guess I don’t fit into op’s version of fag

Thank you for your candor

As a petulant faggot, I will continue to enjoy looking at all the straight guys hogs in the locker room too.

Honestly, I think it’s more about upbringing than being born gay. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with being gay, but I don’t think people are born gay.

low quality bait, but this is the right audience

enjoy your attention

op is a faggot who wants attention, like the buttstuffingreceivers he claims that only do it for the attention?
The irony...

You were wrong right from the start.

If you've ever had bad hemorrhoids, you know then that when your asshole itches you also feel a tingling at the head of your dick. They are connected by nerves.

Weirdest thing to me, has been that I was born gay.. since I was a kid I’ve been attracted to men.. had my first orgasm with a man, ect. But as i’ve Gotten older I’ve sort of “learned” how to be more straight.. and have found myself capable of being bisexual (even though it’s 90% gay 10% straight) So I do think sexuality can be fluid and change based on a variety of factors..

Shut up Jerry

I dont like attention either. Id never be at a pride march covered in glitter half naked twerking in the street infront of randoms. Not my thing. But if thats what you want to do then go ahead

>Literally everyone completing ignoring the fact that lots of straight women like anal

You are completely fucking retarded.

See this is why we get a bad rep

But if gays can't reproduce how does it get passed down genetically? Or do you mean a genetic defect? I'm not well versed in these things.

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I’m curious what kind of things would happen in the upbringing?

In grade 4 my entire group of friends was female except for 2 other boys, and guess what.. they both turned out to be gay too. I didn’t get molested, wasn’t exposed to sex early.. I just naturally liked to figure skate, play with dolls ect.. It may be nurture for some.. but dude.. I was born gay.. I can think back to as young as 5 years old and see it clear as day.

You havent been reading clearly

If a schizophrenic likes the voices, that doesn't make schizophrenia not a mental illness.

Even if you're right I have a bad news for you. You're gay, you're trying really hard to justify the fact that being gay = not normal because you're considering yourself normal. I have a PhD in psychology and this have been studied for years now. I can promiss you that if you do some basic research, you will understand that you're just hating yourself. Deep down, you know that it "may" be true. There is also a high chance that you're watching shemale porn / sissy hypno, get aroused really hard, cum and then feel really bad. Maybe your father wasn't that much present when you needed him tho. It's okay by the way, being gay is almost 100% accepted in USA / Western Europe, if you don't live there, you should considering moving out your religious country. Be at peace and accept yourself !

It's actually been proven that women carry the gene.


More pics, especially like these?

I have a Master Degree in Psy, this Yea Forumsastard is right.

Maybe it’s different for everyone. I wasn’t aware of my sexuality until I was 12. I remember my mom teaching me about sex at 10 and I thought it was disgusting. I don’t think people are born with any sexuality.

I’m gay, I was born gay.. But I’ve had sex with women hundreds and hundreds of times while I was closeted.. so? Maybe thats how? It’s not like I’m incapable of getting someone pregnant. Sex in a pussy still feels good, but it doesn’t change the fact that I was born as a gay man. I can’t pussy fuck my way out of it.

Never heard of puberty and hormonal system development dumbass ?

> being this bad in basic science

Wanna talk about gayness and personality disorders? How about we address the the kind of media you apparently keep on your hard drive.

I have 2 step brothers, 1 step sister and a half brother (all the same father) who are all gay/bi.

and we evolved to pass our genes on to the next generation thats literally the goal of every species so why are men gay... mental illness

based homophobe

The prostate can be stimulated via the rectum. There is a high density of nerves in the rectum. They are responsible for 'navigating' bowel movements, but also the release of endorphins after evacuation - anal sex can achieve this.

Humans have been shoving things up their own arses since the dawn of man - modern examples being quack doctors prescribing enemas and drug mules. Freud even theorised an Anal Stage in his work on psychosexual development.

I anally masturbate in conjunction with my penis.

More pics?

No, it changes.

The fuck mom
>[spoiler]I'm not actually gay tho[/spoiler]

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we're emotional beings, there's more to sex than you make it out to be.

A lot of straight people stuffer from mental illness too you know.. you could place every single person on the place into DSM criteria so whats your point? Being gay is in the mind? Ok.. I agree, but it doesn’t bother me, you can’t take medication for it. If you could take medication that made me straight, there would also be medication that could make someone gay.. So I don’t get your point.

It doesn’t change.. I could literally do a blind pubic hair smell test and figure out who was the biological male.

My girlfriend cums from anal. And so so I.

I find trans men hot to look at, but most of them are feminists and I find that to be the least masculine quality in a man. Hahah

>nobody shoves objects into their asshole for private enjoyment
then am i weird?

Ayy very nice

If you’re born a biological man.. you know that feminism is just fuckin stupid. Trans men just don’t have the same sex drive as biological men.. So they want to believe everything is social constructs.

>Yeah, a fucking nightmare for people that experimented and aren't fags.

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>there are no erogenous zones in the anus
That's not true. The prostate can be stimulated to orgasm.
>humans are not naturally compelled to have things pushed into their rectum
There is if you're gay.

I think homosexuality is a non-adaptive psycho-sexual disorder, but I don't think it's a personality disorder. The points I would've brought up are;

>Increased rate of HIV due to tearing in the anus during sex, facilitating transmission
>Evolutionary dead end

But there's still nothing that can be done about it. Unless there was a cure which I don't believe there is.

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Can you keep and maintain an erection while having sex with a woman? Do you get sexually excited by having sex with a woman?

I remember this. Vaguely. Something to do with the second or third child being born is either definitely gay or has a high chance of being born gay due to genetics.

Actually laughing in real life.

>has never given a woman the pleasure of having her ass eaten

You were likely molested frequently but are simply repressing the memories.

>mfw dad walks into my room at night with no pants

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Wish that was me

bend over faggot

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lurk moar

>posts gay image
>Anal sex is a meme, gayness is attention seeking and a personality disorder
maybe you should have a bunch of men pound your ass, just to be sure

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>you will never cuddle sasori and deidara at the same time
>you will never have sasori fuck you while youre balls deep inside deidara
Y live bros?

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Someone had their boyfriend cheat on them. My condolences, user.

What a waste of a phD, as that is wrong.

Nice try tho xo

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Thats fucking gay dude.

>Straight normies do anal just as much if not even more
yo wtf is this true

op got destroyed

Maximum ghey

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You seem to have a very odd obsession with assholes, OP. Did you know only a third of gay couples regularly engage in anal sex? And yet that's all you can think of. Are you sure what you say you're angry about is really what you're angry about?

Did you know that women have assholes that can be fucked as well? I know right, absolute mindblow.

sheesh what never thats impossible



Op is just being a Virgin faggot

where can I do research for this? I'm straight and comfortable with it, but my best friend keeps lying to himself about it and makes outrageous claims while trying extremely hard to justify being gay is wrong. he's been getting worse and I'm concerned he might try to kill himself

where did you find this information on? I would desperately love to find some concrete evidence on this

This except I’m not even homo

I feel like homosexuality wouldn't last very long if it was genetic.

seroquel makes you gay


gay degenerates belong to the cross