What is Yea Forums drinking tonight?

What is Yea Forums drinking tonight?
Just grabbed a pic from the net but here you go.

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this stuff

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Try this now

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New Belgium is the shit. Hands down the best beer ever made is fat tire

This and a small glass of maker's

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Your taste is immature and wanting.

will keep an eye out for it, this bottles running low

Not who you are directing to, but implying rye and bourbon are alike.

Obviously I like it if I'm drinking it, but calm down a bit.
Ever try their Sour Saisson? It's my favorite of theirs.

mt dew and rum

Fat Tire is some good shit.
Craft beer is where it’s at now. Once you acquire that taste, mass-produced beer is piss water! I can’t drink Budweiser any more. Literally tastes like your girlfriend is pissing down your throat.

Oh give it a break. Bourbon and American rye are kissing cousins

I'm an alcoholic and this is the weakest beer I can tolerate. It tastes great. I just hate low abv beer because there is almost no point in drink domestics. Love almost any IPA.

Colorado beer seriously scares the big markets. Screw the new IPAs-Fat Tire still rules

>faggot psuedo-sophisticated "whisky enthusiast"

Yeah, one alchy to another I go double ipas just because of the abv

no, pic related is the best beer out right now, but you have to be a man to drink it

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best thread on Yea Forums right now

Real nice assumption there. I guess everyone who drinks whisky is like that?

I tried regular Budweiser once and had Bud Light a couple times at parties in college. It's shit even without comparing it to good craft beers. Even the best Millers and shit are really only tolerable. My thoughts on the matter are to just drink stuff you actually like and if it's pricier, so be it. If you are tight on money, just drink less, not shitty beer.

Yeah real manly pal

easy there, OP

Great Lakes Commodore Perry

thanks buddy, enjoy your gas station beer

Hey, at some point on your try and borrow your moms credit card and get some actual top shelf stuff

Natty Light. And yes, I am indeed white trash.

Nice. I hated beer too at first. Drink what you like buddy

Light beers ain't meant to be fancy or strong, they're for drinking after work or on a Sunday drive

Hell Yeah navy

good attempt at an insult big guy

I had a Sierra Nevada IPA at a Restaurant earlier today. I'm not really a huge IPA fan, but it was alright.
Well, I'm from Wisconsin, so we got some good stuff here. Probably better than Colorado's stuff.
OP here.
It's honestly probably just a really drunk guy. That said, I'd hope this isn't the best thread on this site right now. It's alright, but geez.

no, your post just screams pretentious gayness

Colorado is the Napa valley of beer. Come down here and taste some of our breweries

They sell cases of that stuff at Walmart for like 9 bucks, can't beat that

>It's alright, but geez
describes most booze posted itt

If that's what you're into, that's fine, but I just don't think it's really worth it. Even for cheap beer, it's not the best.
>drinking on a Sunday DRIVE

And Wisconsin has some crazy good shit, don’t get me wrong. But CO has it mastered

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It's a picture of a bottle, what exactly is pretentious?

Dale's Pale Ale is by Oskar Blues is good shit. I live in Nebraska but visited a friend out in Denver for a show last year. Was nice to enjoy it in a 16oz can. Hops & Pie was a great restaurant, too.

I think we probably have better stuff here, but you guys probably have good beer there too. If I'm ever around I'll be sure to check out some local stuff. Has pot legalization kinda stolen some thunder from craft beer there or nah?
Well I wouldn't expect to see that good of stuff on a Yea Forums thread. I didn't stash up on New Glarus and I can't go buy any more tonight unless I wanna go to a bar (which I don't).

damn havent been on Yea Forums a long ass time, but drinking some kirland rum shit,...where do people hang out on the internet now??

>she doesn't enjoy a beer or two while driving

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This guy gets it.

Dude I don’t smoke pot cause my job. Good beer is rare

Got some Edmund Fitzgerald ready to roll too. You 330, 440, 216?

>Literally tastes like your girlfriend is pissing down your throat

are you implying thats a bad thing?

also, pic related

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>where do people hang out online now
Social media, this site included.

Brah, 860

Flavored whiskey. Absolute the worst

Lagavulin 16 year old.

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>don't smoke pot because of your job
For me it started out that way since I used to smoke pot back in high school, but I'm not sure I'd really go back even if I didn't have to worry about being tested. Idk, beer feels simpler.
Although obviously I'd be willing to at least try if I couldn't lose my job and/or get arrested. I probably won't get tested but it's really not worth the risk.
>good beer is rare
Depends on how high of a bar you put for good. I'd consider Fat Tire good but not great.

Woah, shit. The sell Great Lakes that far out? I figured it was a Cleveland thing. 330 here btw

Don Julio faggot

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Holy shit, yes! No girl can take it. This is the best scotch ever. I love the smokiness

the worst by what metric? cuz it tastes fuckin great. i've also got some knob creek, makers mark, and dickel for if I want just straight bourbon or whiskey

Take two weeks, smoke a little pot and get it out of your system. Beer is far better. Also I’m the guy that posted the templeton rye. That’s also a good one.

pancreas is in major pain so no alcohol till Tuesday sticking with snow cones atm

Tastes like warm saliva to me. You drink your stuff. I’ll stick to the manly drinks

Whoa 40 year old. Go to AA and find a church

I could get it if I wanted to, and I did a lot more when I was in high school. I know how to not make it last in my system. It destresses you because that's what it does, but then you get stressed because job/legal BS. I'm gonna chill for now.
>beer is far better
Good beer, yes. If I was drinking Bud or Coors instead of New Glarus and New Belgium, I might disagree.

that's it, control the damage


oh you're one of those faggots

opinion discarded

Hey whatever gets you drunk

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>cotton candy
That sounds like it would make me sick.

i dont drink to get drunk, i drink to enjoy my drink. thats why i always just laugh off anyone who says "muh manly drinks"

Fuck dude, I think back to mein younger days drinking jeger and mike's hard lemonade because they were sweet and I didn't like the taste of proper alcohol. The fucking hangovers from that shit alone makes me sick to even think about drinking them again.

I'm 29 you punk

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Mike's isn't that bad. Hard lemonade generally is doable, although it's not really my thing.
You mean Jager? It's also not really bad.
It's just cheap looking liquor that claims to be all fruity/sweet/whatever ends up tasting like fucking gasoline mixed with food dye. That isn't to say that fruity drinks are bad, but if it's cheap, and this stuff looks cheap, and it's sugary looking, stay away. UV Blue was some of the grossest shit I ever drank.

Figured. Cali fag

God damn you're old

Maybe it's just me. When I started drinking, my pallet was gear towards sugary, sweet alcohol and within the past few years it's shifted towards bitter drinks. Good chance that's where my aversion to sweets came from actually. I'll still do a *jager* bomb now and then though.

Just some ol' Jack Daniels cause I'm a simple faggot

Are you insinuating I'm a cali fag?

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I remember back in college when I would unironically mix vodka and coke. I cringe at the thought now. At least you gotta do rum and coke.
I was on a sour thing for a bit, now I think I wanna just explore beers a bit. So far I've been pretty open to beers that aren't pale ales.
I wasn't really super fond of Jack. I can get by mixing it with lemonade though. I tried some Jim Beam Dark on the rocks recently and it was surprisingly not bad. I don't really have a good whiskey pallet though.

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One of my absolute go-to malts, along with Glenfarclas 21.

Having a glass of this right now - Darroze 'Domaine de Tillet' 1975 Armagnac.

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Nothin fancy. Don't usually drink this stuff but I keep some around because it makes for a good beer battered fish fry.

Oh man, you want to talk about cringey. The first time me and my buddy got drunk all we had was a pint of bacardi rum his brother bought us and a case of budweiser limaritas. I remember carrying his 60lb dog around, dropping him and then laying with him and apologizing like crazy. Then puking three times in three different places in and around his trailer. Last time was in the toilet and the dog came in and laid with me so I figured he forgave me for dropping him and that made me feel better. After all that, my friend had laid down on the couch and I patted his head and told him what a good friend he was until I passed out too. Then I got to experience my first hangover the next day. Good times.

oops, pic didnt attach

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Had a couple Modelos. Sailor Jerry + Coke.

A surprising amount of people like Vodka and coke, but as you say rum is superior.

Clean your fucking glasses you uncultured swine.

Pre-mixed generally taste cheap. Better to get some actual lemonade/vodka and mix.