Does the average girl care about penis length?
Does the average girl care about penis length?
I think they care more about width
As long as you aren't super small or super big, no
Too long can "bottom out". Girth is preferred as most nerves are near the entrance.
And no, I'm not a femanon. Just a fellow Yea Forumsrother who's banged a few females. I've got large hands, size 13 shoe sized, and a thick cock to match.
No, if you're 4 inches or more and you know how to use it women don't care.
to an extent yes, but more so girth than length. that's really where the pleasure is.
my pecker is 8.5" long but it's skinny, so I've literally never satisfied a girl in my life, and I've been with 12. I can recognize the disappointment on their face the first time they see it.
As long as you're close to average we don't really care. More concerned with the rest of your body and how good you are at sex.
Got any of her feet webms?
I'll take things that have never happened for $2000, Alex
Eat her pussy, make her cum and she's your slave.
Most girls think length matters. But most of them realized that width plays also a role! According to women, they prefer medium in width and length. Long but small in diameter doesn't feel as good as a perfect sized of both. Also too long or too small is totally unrealistic! To think your penis is small, check the average lenght and width to your country then your is perfect for any woman who knows how pleasure and fun feels.
ive got very small hands average sized feet, and a thick cock that doesnt match.
I'm not proud of my pencil dick. having a long thin dick is basically useless when it comes to giving pleasure. sure I GET pleasure, but I'd like to make a girl feel some pleasure while I'm in her.
but I don't blame you for not believing me about the length. it is longer than average, but I'm taller than average at 6'7" tall, so I guess my dick grew long too. i'm also very skinny at 165 lbs, so i guess my dick is skinny too.
oh well. kay sara sara.
Learn to G Spot, too. Give em the triple threat. One nipple is more sensitive & sexual than the other. Don't just pinch the tip. Gently dig in a little under the nip. Learn to know how they like their clit touched and use that tongue. Two fingers in and up like you are trying to reach the clit from inside. After that she won't care what your dick looks like.
im a girl and i just want a guy to dick me down hard but also to cuddle on a cold night idk shits weird
Sorry you lost at the Genetic Lottery. Find a small woman so it looks bigger?
is that pandalee?
That's not weird, it's pretty normal
you misunderstood. i said my thick cock doesnt match my very small hands. its a little over inches in girth. pretty much every girl ive fucked has an "oh my god" look on her face when she sees it.
long enough to satisfy a horse
China Doll Syndrome? Your guy treats you like you might break? Encourage a little rough play. He'll like it, or you can go shopping for a new BF
>it WAS Pandalee
What I like to do is, make a girl with my mouth then spoon her and fuck her pussy from behind while one hand rubs her clit and the other plays with her nipple as I nibble her earlobe.
Drives then fucking wild.
Oh, Cheers Mate & happy fucking!
I got 10" on me, haven't measured girth but it is quite thicc. I've been with over 10 people in the past 4 months and I wish my dick was an inch or two shorter. The fact that it's a lucky dip whether or not I can go deep hurts me and nothing says "well fuck me." quite like hitting someone's uterus at full speed. I've been told my dicks perfect but I'm scared when I meet the love of my life she'll be on the unlucky side of the 'deep' coin.
>make a girl CUM with my mouth
Sounds like it works for you. Can't depend on your pecker to do all the work. Keep those hands busy, and find something to nibble/ nuzzle. Back of the neck gives many goosebumps.
you have to dominate the girl into liking your girth and length
i don't have a man but from the past it never worked out well oops
o ok
Yeah, all those "Look at my gigantic nigger cock" threads are a joke, unless your GF has a deeeep pussy.
Girth isn't a problem and hurting someone to the point of enjoying it is machoistic and needless. BDSM, slapping and choking is fine because it's controlled but when I'm trying to make someone feel good, im going to make them feel great. I'm not going to be a selfish lover. That's the difference between having one night stands and people texting me begging to go out for coffee or to come round again.
Sorry, what's an average girl?
Yes. Girls care about peepee length just like guys care about how their tits look.
I've never had sex and I don't think I ever will, but I figure me having a 6.2-6.5 inch peepee is more than enough for a woman. And if not, then it's probably something up with the woman. The average for all men is between 5-5.5 inches, so I'm definitely above average. If her pussy is too deep for 6 and a half inches, then something's up with her.
I wouldn't know because I havn't gotten laid.
Assuming you ARE an actual female living in the Free World you have all the advantages. Guys want what you got because it's better than fucking their hand. You can walk through a grocery store and get a date. I'd get arrested or chased off.
Spends all their time thinking about how inadequate their penis is
Instead of devoting their time to the emporer
Never had, don't think you ever will? That's a negative attitude. Try adjusting to a more positive feeling about yourself. If you don't like you, why should ((she))? Flirt with cashiers, sales clerks, the chick that you see in the elevator. If only one in twenty is interested then you gotta do it twenty times until one responds.
Never happened to me. I've been single all my life. What advantage do I have?
dsp's cumsluts look mad weird
>What advantage do I have?
Let's assume you were born with all the regular female parts in the right places. Overweight? Some guys like Phat Ass. I'm more into the tall sporty types myself. Don't worry so much about make-up because most guys don't want to wipe off your face and find out it's all clown paint. Got any interests? Look around and see if there are guys doing *it* too. Your advantage? Rape is illegal.
And I'm curious now. Tell me about your physical appearance? I know the rule is tits or GTFO. I'm wondering about how old you are and what is blocking you from getting hooked up.
I don't need to do that sort of stuff. Women flirt with me regularly as is. Because of the nature of my job (not saying what it is), I have a lot of women that converse with me and give me a LOT of hints that they find me very attractive; feeling me up, the eyes (you know which), body movement, speech intonation, etc etc. The whole thing.
I'm just not comfortable with being touched and with intimacy. It's a hurdle that I don't think I'll be getting over any time soon. If there's a woman out there that's willing to be patient and be faithful, then sure, I'll probably end up with a broken dick from how much I'd slam her. But I know that chasing girls and pretending to be some Casanova to get pussy isn't going to work for me. It's all me here. Women aren't really at fault here.
If that's sara-n-tuned, that's not a girl.
>Never had, don't think you ever will? That's a negative attitude.
That's what I was gonna ask. Are you socially inept? Age?
My response is here, friend
Kind of. His dick should not be small or thin but I really don't want huge. Whats more important is how he fucks. I want to be fucked not poked. Go hard or stay home. He better last longer than a few minutes also. One more thing guys please PLEASE wash your asshole... you think vaginas smell? You should try going down on a guy with a shit smear up his crack.
>I'm just not comfortable with being touched and with intimacy. It's a hurdle that I don't think I'll be getting over any time soon. If there's a woman out there that's willing to be patient and be faithful, then sure,
Slow and low? Then find a church or other social organization. Develop an intellectual relationship first. The physical can follow as you get comfortable. You don't sound like the "average" male. Consider discussing with your doctor?
...I'm a cock fag who likes to guzzle mangourt by the barrel. Trust me pedo fag here.
Lol what would I even discuss
>That's what I was gonna ask. Are you socially inept? Age?
Hope I'm not lost in the tangle of conversation. I've offered some advice, but haven't been seeking it myself. I'm nearly 60, was married for 30 years, and have had a couple long term GFs since divorce. Not bragging, but been with 10 women and not laughed out of bed yet.
Also, you measure from the top. You don't start the tape at your asshole. Don't press it into the side either.
>But it's shorter measuring over the top
That's the fucking point. The shortest point of the penis is the length you can penetrate with it. That's how they're measured officially, so comparing your "size" to the averages doesn't work unless you're using the same system.
Yeah, this is is Yea Forums where everyone is a liar. Whatever. You are being disregarded.
im just saying that, woman have it in their DNA to please the man and be under his control, both will like it if she accepts the dick and goes deeper everytime you fuck
Intimacy issues? Fear of physical contact? Doesn't sound physical, more psychological. I'm not a doctor, just a guy with some Life Experience. Assuming you are like most of your peers doesn't work if you are outside the bell curve. You are a Professional from previous comment so get educated. Read up on the subject. Take testosterone supplements.?
I'm not low test at all, so that's not the issue. It is all psychological, I'm just not really sure how to approach something like that.
Yes, every single one. Even lesbos.
That would be fine if you are a counselor, a priest, maybe even a gynecologist. Knowing you have a problem is half the battle. If you desire to change, seek professional help. Not a prostitute, someone who deals with your specific intimacy issues. The human animal has a biological need to reproduce. Figure out why you are *other * than normal and adjust yourself.
ITT: Faggots that worry about pleasuring women
I thought fags fucked other guys?