Why does she trigger the right so bad

Why does she trigger the right so bad

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Dunno, but allegedly she has an upskirt out there with her little white panties showing.

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Word is the left can't meme...but those conservative tears tell a different tale.

Idk either. I don’t even care. Those fags get all autistic over anyone who has opposing political views than them.

I allege from my ass, it does exist but didn't saved because she is a crazy cunt and not that hot.

And she won't stump the Trump.

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she doesn't trigger me, I actually feel sorry for her and even more so for the people in her district.

she couldn't stump an actually tree stump.

She doesn't trigger the right. The right loves her. She triggers the non-communist left.

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Well you're useless.

She's a woman with moderate intelligence and doesn't take any BS. That's all it takes to set these spazes off.

Plus probably a genuine effort by propaganda disperses to discredit her, spread disinfo, and keep her from getting big corporations and lobbyists out of government.

She's pretty, obviously. She's attractive and so is a bigger threat.


>29 years old and not a mother
>pays her interns a livable amount
>doesn't afraid of anybody
she's the ultimate anti-conservative

>moderate intelligence

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Only if you consider horses to be attractive, Mr. Hands.

>She's attractive and so is a bigger threat.
Not attractive and attractive people are a threat, how again?

Kek. If you think she is intelligent then no wonder you are a left wing idiot.

Trigger, no. Laugh at the retard , yes. She is the dumbest bitch ever elected and it us hilarious .

republicans are vapid shit heads

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Can't agree with her, but you can only masturbate to that dance video. Right-wingers know there's not one on their side who's that hot. They're stuck with their wives.

The funnier part is that they will make Trump stay in office another 8 years if they keep up like this.

Guess they can't stump the Trump.

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>They're stuck with their wives.
fellow closeted homosexuals in truck stop bathrooms, too.

>ywn get a cushy govt job starting at $52K per year to be her eunuch foot maintenance servant

She triggers the right far less than Trump triggers the left.

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She's a fucking moron. Outlaw cow farts, airline travel, and pay anyone a living wage who is unwilling to work?

She doesn't trigger us, we LOVE her. She's gonna prove to the moderates you liberals are out of your fucking minds.

Umm... no. The right loves watching the democratic party eat it's own head. Use her to troll reasonable liberals.

I love hearing how you feel you understand economics better then a person with a degree in economics

>look mom, i'm using an appeal to authority to troll people on Yea Forums. Give me a cookie for ironic shit posting!

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Except that the left doesn't think of her at all. So it just looks like you're bullying some random young congresswoman with fairly boring typical ideas like she is the next Stalin.

She doesn’t “trigger” anyone. Even her own party thinks she’s a retard that needs to shut up. That’s it. Nothing more.

Didnt she minor in economics?

Says the brain trust that voted in BEEP BEEP ME LIKEY TRUCKS.

moderate intelligence?
>Thought a $3 billion tax incentive was real money that could be used elsewhere.
Your moderate is my moron.

The denial is unbearable. You are so fucking insecure.

An appeal to authority is when you say that a person is right because they are an authority.
Hence "this guy is right about my car because he is a Havard professor" is an appeal to authority. There is no relation.
What isn't an appeal to authority is when there is a relation. "this guy is right about my car because he is a mechanic" is a valid argument

....because that 3 bil wouldn't have been collected as taxes, and thus be usable money for the public.

She is not attractive at all dude, she has a horse face and crazy eyes.

no she heard the word economics when she was a minor.

>She doesn't trigger anyone.
>Yea Forums is flooded with AOC rage topics.

Sure, Jan.

I like that you assume "moderates" means "left". Please, keep thinking that. Worked so well last time.

Bro she thinks unemployment statistics are so low right now because "people are working 2nd jobs" and her green new deal seeks to completely rebuild 3,000 structures PER DAY for a decade

if you don't think she's retarded it's because you are, too

Because she won't let them lick her boots.

sad when lefties have to resort to invading spaces for the sake of being petty just to complain about the non-left. I'm assuming you've never had a real job. Go get one please and consider swallowing glass

Cortes is the best thing that’s happened for the republicans for ages. I honestly think she’s a republican plant at this point or paid off at least. She’s radicalized and polarized her own party into two camps while at the same time the vast majority of non political Americans find the idea of any form of socialism or communism she try’s to sell as highly distasteful to say it mildly. Straight up divide and conquer tactics.

jeez another moron who doesn't understand,
ok so they would've been required to pay $27 billion in taxes, ok? But you give them an incentive to come to New York to improve the economy to the amount of $3 billion, that is still $24 billion dollars. And now it is zero from them. We need to God damn euthanize some people.


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Trigger? No. Is she an endless source of comic relief? yes.

She is batshit fucking crazy. Not to mention free college for all, I heard.

interns are not paid by her.

she made me switch parties.

No, I'm saying that moderates see you constantly ramble about aoc and the left not really caring one way or another about her because she is an unremarkable congresswoman.
It looks like you're just randomly bullying someone not based on their policies. There are many congressman with far more radical positions.
So, why are you so focused on her?
You're forced to conclude that it's because she is young, or a woman, or not white.
I am a moderate. I voted for Johnson last election and defended trump because I saw him as the best of the conservative candidates but this is a real bad look for you guys.

>made me switch parties

oh okay. hygienic.

...because Bezos/Amazon couldn't possibly afford it if they didn't get that break.

Oh, wait, no, they just wanted the extra 3 bil to put in the bank with the other 134 bil. And YOU want him to have even more, what, because you're so fucking deluded as to think that you'll join him some day? Step 1, fucko: get off 4 chan.

I have an advanced degree in economics. She's an idealistic nut.

She wants to rebuild or renovate 127+ million to make them energy efficient in order to save the environment.
Do you suppose she's thought about how much rubble and debris that's going to generate? How many landfills are going to need to be created? How much CO2 all those trucks and machines are going to release in the process? How many forests will have to be cleared to supply lumber?
All in order to save the environment.


I think the people who are clueless as to why the right is obsessed with her, are just as stupid as she is, since they obviously can't see it.

This is delusion at its finest

so you praise her losing 25k jobs?

don't forget about eliminating cows from our country cuz dey furt tooo mush. That alone would destroy hundreds if not thousands of families

Shitty bait, but the truth is she just guaranteed a Trump 2020 victory, and a Pence 2024/28 victory.
The Democrats tried to move to the center, as always, but she will not let them do it. They played themselves with the Socialism meme
Brilliant strategy by Trump

AOC is a fool. I used to think that Howard Dean was God's gift to the GOP. I see now that he was just the warm up. This foolish little girl has you guys arguing for Socialism, Open Borders and Late Term Abortion. Please contemplate that. You are fucked.

She’s a literal moron, and it baffles me that the Democrats have made the idiot one of the faces of their party.

Well, let's see, are they good jobs, or do they require people to piss in bottles to keep their position? And how much does the government need to suck corporate cock to get those shitty jobs?

Beyond that, wtf, rich fuck must get richer, anyone who disagrees is a fucking commie? Like, is this what capitalism is now?

quite the contrary. If she could run for president, I would vote for her. Our country would go to shit at warp speed assuming she could make all the things she wants to do happen. Then we could finally have a race war

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What would you rather have?
27 billion

In fairness, I think it's the media that has made her a darling. The Dems are just chasing her to get themselves on TV. It's a HUGE gift to the President and The Republicans. Napoleon once said "Never interrupt your opponent when he is in the process of making a mistake."

By "you guys", to whom are you referring?
I voted for Clinton last time. Not trolling, I swear.
I've always been a registered Independent.
This time, I might vote for Trump. Or somebody who will put these Communists in their place. (Rotting in hell)

Perfect jobs for the type that rely on welfare

Why does Ivan post so much cancerous bait?

If you have a degree in economics you should know that she didn't deviate too far from neo Keynesian economics and that her policies actually getting implemented are very unlikely and just b posturing and that government actually plays a very minor role in the economy regardless who is president.
Also, I'm sure you are aware that there are congress people on both sides that have way radical views like returning to the gold standard which Adam Smith explained why its a silly idea all the way back in the wealth of nations and that she isn't a Socialist by any means unless you count "democratic socialism" which has nothing to do with marx.
So why is she the idealistic nutcase?

She never said she wants to get rid of cows. She said we're supposed to reduce our emissions to be carbon neutral. See, that's not so crazy, now is it?

Most bovine methane is from burps/oral sources. Look it up. The media prefers 'cow farts' because it sounds cooler.

I want to fuck this dumb commie so bad. Someone leak some nudes already.

I dunno. Integrity?

See, here's the problem: Every city under consideration was in a race to debase themselves before Amazon. I would hope that we have more self respect than that. Amazon wants to be in America? Cool. They can pay American taxes. Or they can fuck off to Europe, deal with more bureaucracy, regulations, and taxes, or the 3rd world, where they'll deal with unstable politics, or China, which will rip them off like crazy while demanding bribes left and right.

The US is a desirable place to base. We shouldn't have to promise special treatment for any company. If anything, the constant threats that companies like this will leave are damned near treasonous. What matters more, your country, or for rich people to get richer?

I am a moderate as well which is why she appears to be crazy.

Honestly both sides do a remarkable job at giving TV time to extremists and making them look like retards.

I really doubt you voted for Clinton if you think aoc is a communist.
Communism and socialism are about democratically owned businesses. Only the right equates social programs to communism, even though welfare for the poor dates as far back as Rome.
In fact, Marx and the free market socialists and communists believed in a shrinking of the state because worker owned businesses could alleviate the need for worker/owner regulations since there would be no exploitation. Check out Richard wolff

Hahahahah an idiot trying to sound clever. Nothing you said makes sense

The green pledge is idiotic. The end.

OP, it's because the right are cowards.

Fuck your "I dunno" and fuck you.

What does she actually say that's so crazy? Like a green new deal is cringe but it's just advocating for the programs that democrats ALWAYS advocate for

good argument

Yeah, you don't have any knowledge of economics. Go to bed kid. You have church in the morning

You haven't read it have you?
I realize this, she initially had a draft mentioning cow farts, but had to be corrected.

the exploitation would arise in the form of monopolies.

I've forgotten more than you'll ever know neckbeard

Tomi lahren, lauren southern, Dana loesch are all hotter off the top of my head

they are scared of little brown people

Trump has 6 more years.


Monopolies happen in capitalism as well and the exploitation from monopolies is the customer / business relationship. Not worker / owner


Anne Coulter, Hubba hubba

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To each according to his needs, from each according to his ability.
-Karl Marx

To each according to his needs, f̶r̶o̶m̶ ̶e̶a̶c̶h̶ ̶a̶c̶c̶o̶r̶d̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶h̶i̶s̶ ̶a̶b̶i̶l̶i̶t̶y̶.̶
>to the left of Marx
>not a communist

BTW, do you know what a worker owned business is called? A business.

Take that Jew shit the fuck out of here.

Lmao, this cringy shit you guys post here and reddit. It's like watching an old person use a computer and then whine about how others don't understand technology.

come on now, that's a man

She's a woman, that's literally all it takes to trigger these snowflake incels.

Like Trump's some beacon of intelligence?

She's gross and its a fake leak/meme just like the birdbox challenge.

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If you consider her original statement on the “Green New Deal”, you’ll see she’s actually autistic.

Yeah I have a degree in economics and I don't have a clue what you are getting at. The gold standard would destabilize the globe because the isn't even enough to cover a third of the supposed wealth that is out there, essentially we all are in a dream world because money means absolutely nothing. It's an idea that is going to eventually fall apart. As far as her not having Marxist Ideology is something to be argued about because her intentions are all over the place, Democratic socialism is starkly different from the authoritarian rule of communist Russia, but the Russian's didn't fully implement the Marxist agenda. Democratic socialists draw many ideas of social reform from Marxism.

Finally someone talking sense. I think she's oddly hot in flawed beauty, bug eyed, horse teeth kind of way.
Great rack, too.

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No, it's called a coop. Also if you actually read Marx you would know that each accord to his ability thing was AFTER socialism was established world wide. The theory being that product would enter such a surplus that money would stop being an incentive because everyone could easily afford all wants. Post scarity.

you just agreed and then disagreed with me. Socialism has a higher chance of garnering corruption when the workers decide the economy instead of the consumer.

He speaks at a 4th grade level. That's fucking rocket science compared to his supporters.

do you mean Coup?

I want to rub her legs

Well they're horny for immigrant women but are also patently racist and don't get to fuck any.

no, he means co-op, you fucking idiot

and these ideals are tragically flawed. Not everyone is created equally no matter what people tell you.

you must be 18 post on this site

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But it didn't happen even though according to Marx is MUST happen, it was a historical inevitablity.

It was a nonsense theory that allowed sociopaths to slaughter millions of people and put a large swath of the worlds population in to virtual slavery.

excuse me , assfuck, English is second language.

>fascists: semi-ironically love her, commie mommy
>cuckservatives: hate her because she's brown and muh socialism
>neoliberals: hate her because she talks about class and not just whitey bad
>socialists: she's /theirgirl/

nazbol GANG

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Yeah, you know nothing about economics. If you read the wealth of nations Adam Smith pointed out that the value of gold standard was always guarenteed by the government anyways. So it never reflected the market value of gold but derived its value in the trust of the government. So why even have the gold?
Also, you have ZERO understanding of Marxism. Russia was a fuedalist country before the revolution. Marx said fuedalism follows to capitalism because mah hegelian dialectic. So Lenin instituted the NEP "state capitalism". To jump start Russia into socialism and assumed that the first world would turn to socialist before Russia. When it didn't, Stalin implemented the Russia alone policy. Russia was never socialist or communist. Marx argued that employees should be paid percentages of profits instead of wages and was one of the biggest tenets of his economic theory. Russia always worked on a wage system.
Are you done cosplaying now?

created equal in the sense that we all need food, shelter and companionship. Capitalism has warped this idea and communism is just capitalsim in disquise. Socialism is the answer. Too bad nobody watches the watchmen. This is why we need AI.

How are the workers deciding the economy? The workers still have to sl products to consumers even in a worker owned business

you cannot compare her to trump. a rabid raccoon is smarter than trump. anyone the left nominates in 2020 will win. that is what triggers the right so much. their assclown will be behind bars and Hillary will not and everyone knows it.

Don't worry bro, I thought he meant coup too.
English is my only language and I have to decipher what these retards are saying half the time.

hardly my problem. means you're foreign, which means you like everyone else has had ample access to american culture and thus the language.

also, for the record: fuck Trump

Marx never said people were created equally. Marx argued that people should be paid according to their ability but in percentages of profits instead of wages. So if you have special abilities or are a harder worker you should get a larger percentage of the profit and if you don't work as hard or do not have special abilities. You should get paid less of a percentage.

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>thinks he knows about economics
>keeps referencing an 18th century thinker

The world moved on moron, your hero was a great man but that doesn't mean everything he said is relevant now.

>anyone the left nominates in 2020 will win.
If they nominated Bernie or maybe Beto they would have a chance. Tulsi might be good too but they're not going to let her run.

If they nominate some centrist woke-capital faggot like Kamala or Warren then they're fucked.

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The right wing of socialism died with Russia and Mao and Good riddenence. Marx - Leninism deviated HEAVILY from Marx. Free market socialism still exists and is doing fine and no one has a problem with it

You sure triggered some fags

Ooh, wow. Fuck Trump. Did you come up with that yourself?

It'll be a woman. The question is which one? And it has nothing to do with who could win, it's who seems the 'correct' candidate.

It's relavant to the gold standard which is exactly why I bring it up. You're defending an economic theory disproved in the 18th century.

She doesn't.

Cute though.

ITT: libdrools getting triggered by how un-triggered conservatives are about AOC

>old theory BAD
Literally nothing has happened in the realm of economics or political theory since 19 fucking 19 when the Fascist Manifesto was issued. Liberals rehash Smith, commies rehash Marx, fascists rehash Gentile. Saying something is old isn't really relevant here.

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Like in North Korea? Yeah they're such fun guys.

Oh I already know it'll be Kamala. Everyone already knows that. But I'm just pointing out who would win and who would not.

By this definition, Cortez is to the left of Marx.

North Korea abandoned Marx - Leninism after the soviets fell in favor of their home grown political philosophy of Juche

>what was the general theory of money, interest and employment by John Maynard Keynes

Because she's retarded and we like to execute retards

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Not very ample exposure in Caucasus. We don't get much American culture here. I curious for see her alot on T.V. You seem very entitled and ignorant. Trump is probably smarter than you. He run country, you run mouth.


nope. but i didn't feel like you coming back at me with some stupid shit. instead i got a grade school comeback.

My sides.

Nobody cares except liberal faggots

Nobody cares except liberal faggots

Yeah, great. So is everyone else in the govt.

years old and not a mother
Nobody gives a shit.

Yeah, she's hot.

>>pays her interns a livable amount
No, you and I pay them.

>>doesn't afraid of anybody
Retards have no fear because they don't understand how fucking dumb they are

>she's the ultimate anti-conservative
She's the ultimate anti-intellectual. If you support her after she told you she's in charge and you're sitting in the cheap seats, well, you're a bigger asshole than she is.

>Stalin wasn't a real communist.
If Stalin heard you say that he would have you whole family killed.

Dirigisme? The liberal world's answer to Mussolini and Hitler?

of course i'm entitled and arrogant, I'm a fucking american, I've fucking earned it by being born in teh best country ever.

you, on the other hand, are lazy and willfully ignorant. the cold war ended decades ago, get with the fucking program and go watch some disney flicks.

Glasses. This bitch apparently has so many I think she doesn't even need them, they're just those fashion accessory ones with fake lenses. I fucking hate that.

>looks like a horse
>by 35 any left over cute will be gone and she will be a VCP granny looking fatass


Nigger what?

You need to retire this No True Scotsman fallacy.

Suicide is never the answer.

trigger the right? the right wants her more in the media because she is mentally retarded and will ensure a trump victory.

Depending on how you think of left and right yes.

Marxist think of Stalin, Lenin, Mao as right wing because authoritarianism and command economy.

The left wing is free marketish libertarianish like Ricardo socialism, classical Marxism, revisionist or late Marxism, Bernsteinism, free market socialism, and ancom.

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Even Stalin would know he's not a communist. Communism assumes the dissolvation of the state

Why are you posting like you're answering Jeopardy questions?

What a poor job on that lion photoshop

If you logic falling through your fingers like sand, just say so. I'll lay off ya.

left and right are retarded terms and have no actual importance except to designate factions of a greater political consensus
it doesn't -mean- anything to say that Stalin or Luxemberg or Kim Il-Sung is left or right because the political consensus in America is liberal

>I actually feel sorry for her and even more so for the people in her district.
Why? The people in her district are not the type who will get high paying jobs at Amazon. They would be driven from their homes by increased rents. They didn't want that. So she mobilized people in the name of her constituents and defeated a secret deal, negotiated with no community input, that would have only really benefited the state treasure and Amazon. Because what her constituents wanted. Pretty admirable IMO.

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It's not a no true Scotsman.
Marxist literature defines state capitalism as a social system combining capitalism with ownership or control by a state—by this definition, a state capitalist country is one where the government controls the economy and essentially acts like a single huge corporation, extracting the surplus value from the workforce in order to invest it in further production.[2]

After the October Revolution, Lenin used the term positively. In spring 1918, during a brief period of economic liberalism prior to the introduction of war communism and again during the New Economic Policy (NEP) of 1921, Lenin justified the introduction of state capitalism controlled politically by the dictatorship of the proletariat to further central control and develop the productive forces:

Reality tells us that state capitalism would be a step forward. If in a small space of time we could achieve state capitalism, that would be a victory.[25][26]

She's not hot hot. She's Congress hot.

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I think she's hot hot but power turns me on

Ayy is this ps?


She's an excellent tool of the right to discredit everyone on the left.

When she was first elected, I was pissed that people were stupid enough to elect such a pie-in-the-sky idiot. Now I thank those stupid people. She will be terrific ammo for Trump to use against the Democrats next year

I see what you did there.

I think you need to read up on Russian monarchy. Russia was never a true socialist state under a Marxist ideal because it was a dictatorship. Marxism doesn't have a central power. The economic theory of shared profit margin goes back to pre napoleon France. Russia went from a serfdom to a profit share, to a wage and then to pieceshare and lastly wages after the six year plan from Khrushchev.

I'm not cosplaying faggot, and my grandfather died in a fucking Gulag. Quit trying to defend Marx you ignorant twat.

For you I think it just might be

You cant come back on a solid burn with that weak ass shit. Damn, the right cant meme for shit.

see the brainlets in the center are the only people that hate her, and they also hate each other so she's not "discrediting" anything except gay liberal consensus

because she scares them.

why would grown men watch such things. Is you culture just mickey mouse and coca-cola? The best country ever and you have been around for only 300 hundred years and you family ancestors were all immigrants. Best country ,lol, your country a child ran by a t.v. star better than former politicians.

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>Marxism doesn't have a central power.
Sorry about your dad but user pls. The Marxist ideal is a fever dream just like all libertarian ideals, it exists for precisely as long as it takes for someone with a big army to realize there's a power vacuum and set himself up as leader.

Always remember that neoliberalism is actually existing anarcho-capitalism, and Stalinism is actually existing Marxism.

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Quite the opposite. That's why his base loves him so. They think he's one of them.

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I have no idea what you're on about now. You're agreeing with me that Russia was never Marxist but then you yell at me for defending Marx?

I can see that. Maybe a hatefuck aspect too.

>Why does she trigger the right so bad

Because she's a dummy and is in a position of power. It's dangerous. This is why democracies ultimately fail - they reach a point where the people can't be trusted with the power to vote. Right now the vast majority of people see politics as a team sport. They will do anything to cheer for the team and help them score a point, even if it is against their interests. People can't be trusted.

found the incel snowflake

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Marxism can exist in a free market. That is what coops are. No one cares about them.

I thought coops were for chickens.

That would be a simple insult.

No need to waste an entire meme on you.

>implying libertarianism advocates for a massive centralised government prior to then it magically disappearing and there being a stateless, classless society like Marxism

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**Marxism can only exist in a free market

Fixed that for you

oh wow someone's posting pics of dorky people with cold conservative takes, guess I have to vote for kamala harris now
Fair enough. I don't consider that it scales, but I agree it does work on a small scale like a co-op or a commune.

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I thought capitalism (Free Market) was the opposite of a state-run economy.

>trying this hard

stop posting you falseflagging retard

I've heard it called a 'grudgefuck' too.

Literally who?

No libertarianism just totalizes the market as the whole of society and assumes everyone will follow the NAP for no reason whatsoever

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Someone has to around here

Communists consider capitalism to be any economy where people who don't own productive property (capital) sell their labor to people who do. In the Soviet Union, the state owned the property and paid wages to the people. Therefore, capitalism.

Capitalism is one of those slippery words that's used in specialized ways depending on who you're talking to.

Co-operatives. Workers owned businesses.

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I think he's saying Marxism was always a dream, and a dumb one too. And also to please stop forcing everyone to indulge your delusions.

It assumes people will do what they do now, and act in the way that serves themselves the most profit.

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Mondragon is a worker owned cooperative. They have been around since the 50s and have 12 billion in revenue

That's why ancoms refer to the USSR etc as "state capitalism" rather than communism. Karl Marx actually thought capitalism was the best thing to happen to humanity yet, and that communism would be the next and even better stage. It didn't work out that way obviously.

Healthcare and education aren't socialist or Marxist or whatever. We are a first world country, and we should be taking care of our citizens.


>that pic
"Capital owns the politicians anyway so let's cede all power to capital!"
Don't talk to me, lolberg. Call me when you're overage.
I'm aware of them but they exist in a capitalist society.

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So what distinction would a communist make between a "capitalist" economy and a free market?

Kek. I know it’s hard for you to understand an ideology that’s so brutally honest about human nature, with no feel-goodery nonsense for you to get lost in and forget your pathetic dry life for a while.

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They are socialist and that's a good thing. Not all socialism is Marxist and we don't have to be beholden to the language or ideas of Marxism when arguing about how much state assistance there should be for the citizenry.
>We are a first world country, and we should be taking care of our citizens.

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She's a strong intelligent woman. Nothing scares the right more...except maybe if she was black.

Healthcare and education aren't rights. If you can't afford to educate your piece of shit kid, don't have one.

I understand it, but it has no useful content or policy proposals (neoliberalism is actually existing libertarianism, I'll say it again) which is why you're less relevant than even fascism.

>They pretend to pay us, we pretend to work

Free market is the opposite of state run economy but state run economy isn't the equivalent of socialism or communism. As the other guy said. Marxism is about surplus value and workers owning the means of production.
If the state owns the means of production and you're still paid a wage (or effectively a wage) it's not Marxist.
If the workers Co-own the means of production (the tools and shit) and are paid a percentage of profits (instead of a wage) its Marxist. Even if it's in a free market. If anything, that's easier to achieve in a free market

[Citation Needed]

Sorry to shit in your safe space, faggot

That line of reasoning doesn't work and ends up costing everyone more money. People have sex. You can't dictate how they act.

A communist calls any system with private ownership of property and the payment of wages to labor capitalist.
That encompasses economies like the Soviet Union or National Socialist Germany, where the economy is state directed and there are social programs but the laborers don't directly own the means of production. It also includes the United States, where the economy is directed by large corporations and there are fewer programs.

You'd take her strapon if she told you to

No. She actually does have a vagina, despite the rumors

>cite anywhere from CATO Institute or Austrian school using the term “neo-liberalism” in a positive context.

I’ll wait

Whatever keeps you from killing yourself, bro

Also iirc there has been precisely one actually-communist state according to communists, that being Anarchist Catalonia (which was a complete shitshow). I could be wrong on that though.

You wouldn't?

cause not only do they realize they're wrong when she speaks truth to power, but she's way too hot for any of these neckbeards to ever possibly fuck so it's a double whammy as they say in the biz

>muh Austrians
it don't matta
the anarcho-capitalist society looks largely like neoliberal society except with less of whatever the ancap speaking doesn't like and with state institutions reconstructed in the terms of capitalism (it's not a tax, it's rent/a protection fee!)

get older and come back

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It's the titties.

Intellectually lazy and a boring dolt. You’re a real catch

Yeah, I would.

They can exist in a capitalist society. Marx wasn't anti capitalist. He just criticized it. He saw flaws in capitalism. Like he believed that capitalism would eventually become monopolistic, that workers would be turned into competitors. That workers would be alienated from their work. And that it would enter a constant cycle of boom and bust (although he did not predict that the busts would be supplemented by constant welfare creation and destruction to appise the world class until later in his life. He originally thought we would go through some hegelian revolution which never happened)
Either way, he still saw capitalism as an overall improvement. He believed that it was natural that society would go from a slave economy (empires, which was the worst for a worker to fuedal) to lords and surfs (better then slavery), to capitalism (better then fuedalism) to socialism (better then capitalism) to eventually post scarity star trek style communism (better then socialism)

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ancap """"""theory""""""" is not hard to grasp
it's much harder to actually care about or seriously engage with someone who thinks "we need more capitalism" is edgy or smart
you're irrelevant because you have no serious ideas

Because they're incels.

I'm sure she can get laid a lot easier than YOU

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I don't agree with the historical dialectic but yes, I agree that existing in capitalism doesn't invalidate their success

wtf I love AOC now

>where have I said I am an ancap
>where have I said we need more capitalism

Can I send you money so you can get some reading comprehension classes? I assume there’s schools for retarded people in your area.

No, I can't. But their shit choices shouldn't dictate how I can spend my money.

I'd be more than happy to willingly put in money for cancer care and other diseases that aren't self-inflicted. Having kids or needing a triple bypass because you're a fat piece of shit isn't my problem and people shouldn't be forced to support it.


AOC = nazbol?

you started sperging out about how libertarianism isn't pie in the sky bullshit and started rambling about austrian school economics
if you're not an ancap then you're some other species of retarded lolberg and you're still not worth dealing with

go moon a convention or something

Nah unfortunately not

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Any proof to that, cunt?

cause she's actually human and the right loves corporate shills

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I asked you to find somewhere where the Austrian School or CATO used “neo-liberalism” in a positive context, a claim of your own.

But you’re too fucking retarded to
a) read and understand correctly
b) not trail off into irrelevant autistic rants about

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Skinny bitch couldn't deadlift 50lbs
Oh I'm laffin. This bitch is you make dry ice by wiping ice with a towel stupid

She doesn't 'trigger' the right because that would imply she has substance. She doesn't. She is a concern to the right because she is a functional retard straight out of the Hector Camacho cabinet from Idiocracy. Her ideas are cancer and shitheads actually listen to her and oink in approval.

Not just the right. It's a baby boomer thing. Look at Diane "Muh Election" Feinstein ranting to a bunch of 15 year olds about how she won so she gets to make the decisions like a big girl.

Yes half the policies they put out are batshit crazy but its the boomers that are triggered

Conservative here. I love her. Her little girl voice, voluptuous tits and hispanic fetal alcohol face. She's hot and stupid, love that in my wimmen.

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>She's hot and stupid, love that in my wimmen.

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shes hotter than sara palin

At least one of them has finally said it out loud

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She doesn't trigger anyone. She's a complete moron who is kinda hot and she makes the news all the time because of the dumb shit she says. She is also being backed by powerful people who keep pushing her in the media.

According to what morals? The left has none to speak of. Let's kill babies all the way up until birth and even a few min after. That's the left.

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>assumes I'm a trump supporter
>doesn't counter any points
>simply says "nuuuuu she a smert and pururful wahman"
At least you know youre wrong and are just trolling for replies

Putin should be riding Trump in this


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All it takes is one conservative to hate her, and tell all the others to hate her because they always agree with the ones in authority.
Remember, funny face lady bad.

She doesn't trigger anyone. Are their discords that just spam these threads on Yea Forums all day?

no u

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Not mad, bro. She's already cost NYC 25,000 decent jobs and the state almost $27 billion in tax revenue over a decade. She's gonna drag you guys down. I'm happy she exists. Her idiotic exuberance and lack of knowledge about everything she talks about, makes her a winner for Republicans. Keep following her, please.

Lol, ok.

Most of us on the right kinda like her, to be honest.

In addition to being easy on the eye, I like her energy, and naive ambition. Who knows? She's young and silly right now, or at least, that's the facade we're to be viewing.

She, or someone like her, is a much better future for The DNC than Hillary, Waters, and Fienstien's geriatric agenda. She at least has potential.

because she's taking their camera time
because she's new
because she's not the same idiots we have in congress who all do and say the same things ad nauseam.

No, I don't agree with most of what she says, and shes a dumbass for fucking up the NY/amazon deal

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Or, they'll go to a different city where they'll set themselves up and that big amazon money can go to them and their community instead.

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No u (no u)

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Neoliberal here, She triggers the fuck outta me because she represents americas eagerness to reject sound policy in favor of a social media spectacle like her or trump. Her economic policies are similar to trumps in that they are not market oriented and instead focus on distributing wealth to a specific group at the expense of growth and efficiency. RIP sound economic policy.

and they say the left can't meme

no from everything she has said publicly so far she is a moron.

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Actually with the associated industries, it was more like 81,000 jobs. 25,000 was just Amazon, and some of those jobs were paying 115k p.a

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reality triggers the right

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Cause she's a brown woman in a position of power. Anything she says or does is instantly wrong to them and when you point out that it's because of the former they have an absolute melt down.

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It's a lot more than "Cringe", besides removing airplanes fron intra-country travel entirely (fuck Hawaii, right guys?), replacing it with high speed rails, completely changing building codes and having all buildings rebuilt to reflect it (entirely unconstitutional, that's done on a state level), completely eliminating all fossil fuel, coal, and nuclear consumption, and the fact she wants all that done within 10 years because the earth won't last for another 12 in her opinion. Also, it costing more than the combined assets of literally every billionaire and company in America, so we can just take in an even more massive amount of debt through the federal reserve credit.

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Trump is all about shifting our economic policy from Wall St to Main St, meaning he is anti-globalism. She doesn't know what she is about. She's all over the place and is a blessing for the right. Her lack of knowledge about everything and the fearless nature in which she exposes her stupidity is the best thing to happen in a decade.

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I don't like her a bit but absolutely that was a good move. Allowing huge corporations to bully governments for tax breaks their competition don't get is bullshit policy and I'd like to hear anyone try to argue otherwise except "but jobs are good though". free undistorted markets are much better in the long run.

She used to be attractive
Then her kikeroach genes came out
They always do

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Even better. I'm happy AOC won. She will drag the leftists down with her. They are all struggling to get to the left of her. All the candidates backed her green new deal.

more like this dumbshit cock mongler

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Pretty much everything mentioned on this post is described on just the first 2 pages of that deal, the rest doesn't get much better.

Ban cow farts!

I think I'm in the wrong thread. Is this the thread the Kikes are running to convince NPC's why a beaner puppet candidate with a 70 IQ would be a good candidate or is this the Orange Man Bad thread?

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>their shit choices shouldn't dictate how I can spend my money.
Even the very conservative Cato Institute says that you (and almost everyone else) would spend less money on healthcare under a single-payer system. You could still have private insurance if you want, but you wouldn't be paying for some homeless guy for skipping out on his emergency room visit for a preventable disease.

>Trump is all about shifting our economic policy from Wall St to Main St
I'd laugh at this but I think you are dumb enough to actually believe it

Stop projecting

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Not anymore if ever

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Someone this dumb advocating this has to be in the pockets of the Federal Reserve. Cause they hate that idea of funding it all through them

more immigration will lead to a stronger america and economists from all over the spectrum agree. fuck AOC though as undistorted markets are the key to global prosperity.

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Wow, even when the Left steals memes they can't meme.

Compelling argument user

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It has to be from the federal reserves, her plan literally states "The level of investment required is massive. Even if every billionaire and
company came together and were willing to pour all the resources at their
disposal into this investment, the aggregate value of the investments they
could make would not be sufficient."

Should we tear down the wall in Israel and open its borders to sub-saharan Africa?

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It's true. What do you think all the trade wars are about? It's about getting equal trade deals which promote American jobs. It's about bringing jobs back to the US. Manufacturing jobs are way up. Real wages are up. Why do you think the establishment Republicans hate him too? The Koch brothers hate him. Trump is attempting to destroy the gravy train of paying Indonesians or Chinese people $1 an hour and then shipping products here.

trump is all about acting from his "instincts" which leads to a disastrous and incoherent economic policy.

so half the country is made up of fat greasy rednecks? (rednecks arent southerners.)

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So why doesn't the right like planned Parenthood?

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The key difference though is between the terms "Immigration" and "Illegal Immigration". While it's certainly true immigration is what makes a country stronger (My great grand-parents on both sides were immigrants to the USA), illegal immigration does absolutely nothing to help the country, especially when you weight the pros vs the cons.

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Odd, the economy is doing quite well even with the Fed raising interest rates like 5 times. He is attempting to return jobs to the US and is kind of an anti-globalist. He's doing just fine.

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It is still an appeal to authority by definition and also a fallacy if you're replacing a logical argument by that

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Oh, you still think this is a right vs left and not the Kikes making yet another attempt at world domination by first poisoning the water supply then then brainwashing the goyim?

I'll assume you don't even realize that Fox News, just like CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, is also owned and operated by Kikes.

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And what would you say the pros and cons are ?

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What policy has he passed that improved the economy so much?

Not repubs though but laughing higher kikes

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you are fucking hopeless. lets go through it slowly. the. right. leaning. folks. are. the. good. goys. do you understand that?

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now its on to the next level. the. right. is. just. a. less. shitty. left. all. is. controlled. by. jews. think for your damn self for once.

Is there any more?

Perfect roastie argument

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> It's about getting equal trade deals which promote American jobs
[Citation Needed]

>Manufacturing jobs are way up.
[Citation Needed]

>Real wages are up
[Citation Needed]

>The Koch brothers hate him
[Citation Needed]




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Maybe you could add some pros to the list, but really the only pro I can see is "More workers", but that doesn't do much for the country as taxes don't really apply to them (unless you take certain democrats plans, where they encourage stealing peoples information to pay taxes of their own accord). Cons are numerous and too many to get into in depth, but a simple one that everyone can quote and understand is since there is no vetting process for illegals when they come in and aren't immediately caught, there's literally nothing to stop criminals than coming in. As opposed to legal immigration, where there is a process in place that determines "Is this person going to be a beneficial member of society?", and issues in place to make sure "If you fuck up, you're out"

I win


CNN, NBC, FOX, CBS, ABC, MSNBC, crickets


Ask your favorite politician how they feel about this, I DARE YOU

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>What do you think all the trade wars are about?
trumps ego. Period.
Everything he does is about him.
How many BILLIONS did we lose when he started the china tariffs?
Instead of negotiating FIRST, he just grandstands and imposes tariffs, and thinks "see I won"
All because of his ego

If you are too lazy to look something up, fuck you. Why would I take the time to get citations for a dumbfuck who won't read any of the links? If you don't pay attention enough to know these things, fuck you.





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He has cut around 20 regulations for every new regulation. It has freed up investment and business spending. The lower corporate tax rate is also allowing more investment and hiring.




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Right, so you saw some "facts" on a private alt-right facebook group and did the old copypasta into Yea Forums to own the libs. Please do provide links. I want to laugh at another paranoid schizophrenic rambling about the jews on youtube.