Time for our daily femanon Q&A thread
You got the Qs and they got the As!
As always tits not required but encouraged
Happy Saturday everyone!
Time for our daily femanon Q&A thread
You got the Qs and they got the As!
As always tits not required but encouraged
Happy Saturday everyone!
Other urls found in this thread:
its sunday, op
What’s the difference between manicures and pedicures?
I am still waiting on meeting a femanon to creampie it's taking a while to find one any advise?
I’ve dated five girls, married the last one. 4 of them, including my wife, enjoy being choked during sex. Why do women enjoy being choked? I enjoy doing it for sure.
vchan is that you?
dunno tbh, it's just kinda fun?
Saturday for me user
Sorry I'm high on pain meds so I feel like I sound slow af
Are you happy with your boob size?
Who the fuck else would it be?
Also, don't you have anything better to do than attention whore for strangers for the millionth time on here?
Hey I have a question and it's probably best to hear it from a female. So my gf and I broke up 2 months ago. I got distant and she got fed up. I want her back so horribly. With time do you think it's possible for her to come back?
fuck no, bigger would be great
Yea it me
How do I convince my gf to take it in the ass
you're going to need to explain what happened first
Yea I think it's perfect
Why are you on pain meds? Did you fall down the stairs?
Just how high are you right now vchan? Let's administer a test shall we.
Vchan, post a picture of your breasts.
Stated having money problems for a while. The stress got to us and we got distant. I gave up all my goals like collage, better job, and personal time so that she could get the job she wanted, collage, and her own social life and I got distant cause I was stressed. I got inveloped into gaming heavily to escape and I guess when she needed me I was not there. She left and still wants me to be close but I don't think I can bare it. I was going to propose on new years, 2 days before she left. I was going to promise her change and improvement you know. We at that point had been recovering from our issues but they had taken their toll already I guess.
By now, most girls should realize that a large percentage of men naturally have a sexual attraction to female feet. It is what it is. So, why don’t more women use their feet to that advantage?
Why are women so obsessed with sex? That seems to be the only thing on their mind at all times, and that's pretty lame.
That actually complete and utter bullshit.
Damn lady no wonder you retired from anal!
It was worth a try.
I don't find my FWB hot anymore and the last two times we were intimate I didn't come. Feelsbadman. Should I dump her? I think we're not a long-term fit anyway.
So what's the solution, just pain meds until it heals itself, or is there a doctors visit in your near future?
That's literally all they want to talk about, and these threads are an example, assuming you consider "Vchan" a woman. They literally serve no other purpose, and that's probably why they're obsessed with it.
Holy fuck man I feel like I can hardly even talk right
You dont. You accidently shove it in her ass. She will either like it or she won't. Most girls wont agree to try it though
Are all women natural slaves?
>I'll show I'm not obsessed, so I'll say everybody's obsessed
Okay, kid.
A couple unrelated questions.
feel like letting people down and not working hard enough, while being taken advantage of. I hate it at work but have nothing at home that will make me happy. So what's the point? How do i stop thinking like that?
When I rarely get matches on tinder I really have no idea what to ever say. Idk if there is anything/ anyone that can help with this.
How do I improve self-esteem/ lower self hate? I really dont like a lot about myself, find it hard to find anything that i like about myself at all. It is difficult to change at all because im so afraid of things getting worse that i often dont try.
I'm willing to talk about anything. Not just sex
honestly, you sound like a great person. it kinda depends if you think you two have gotten over that shared stress. if her life has improved (and yours, ofc) in say, 3-5 months (meaning 1 more month to three from now)- that'd be an okay time to try again.
You weren’t a partner, just a crutch. Change, and then try talk to her, not the other way around
fwb guy. i guess that's fair. I think she'd be hurt, it's been a while. but oh well.
that's basically what I'm doing is just calling her/responding to her texts less and hoping she gets the message
Why are you here? Yea Forums and this board especially have very little content for women, so what do you find here that is worth your time?
Do you hate women?
I'll take both if these and do what I can. Where there is a will, there is a way. I need her back. She was my world and what we found was rare, real, and not worth giving up on for such a stupid set of events. Thank you both.
Lol I'm sorry I feel like my brain is currently off
She gets to attention whore
Can anyone help with any of these?
You posting here is as dumb as a black man going to a klan rally, and you know it.
Is there such thing as an ideal penis
No problem
By content for women I meant that Yea Forums and this site as a whole have very little of the content that women tend to be interested in. Most actual threads I see these days are either porn, right wing political discussions or women hate threads. Women simply have no reason to come here. I can't remember the last time I saw an actual woman here that wasn't just some mentally unstable tranny
>mentally unstable
You just described 99% of womyn, though.
oof, well here's a mentally stable transgirl for you, then
I'm a girl with a side hobby of mutilating animals. Ama
Sorry I had my phone at a weird angle so the mic is weird I think
Trying one more time to bring attention to my question. Sorry for doing this as it is probably annoying, but I kinda want help with something.
How do you femanons act on your daddy issues ?
Does my shirt make me look fat?
Well no...you're a big guy user but black clothing is the best to wear when you're chubby
Mommy issues ? You resent your mother ?
How do I stop being sad
If you were given the option to Magically change sexes and be male for a day, and the next day you would return to being female, would you? Also what would you do as male with the day you have, thanks.
hail and rejoice femanon here is my first Q to you ever:
how do I deffirenciate between a girl intersted in me and one that want to use me
Dunno...I'm taking antidepressents.
So far not feeling a huge difference
Do you ever get shit skid marks in your panties?
Get a vesectomy.
There's not much of a difference. Sorry to say user, but most girls are going to use you. Just try to look for signs like if they ask you for stuff, you'll find someone
how do you feel about rimming? also tits pls
Would you rather be a vampire or werewolf
Don't mean to be a condescending shitbag, but have you tried speaking to her, as in a calm, yet full frontal / direct way ? Only exposing YOUR views on her behaviour ? Like "I'm the one speaking, you'll listen to me and that's all you're gonna do. I will say what I want, and then you'll reflect on that".
(No native english speaker, sorry for that)
usually its obvious but this time i don'r know maybe it's my insecurity or i got friendzoned without being a ..........friends ?
How do I improve self-esteem/ lower self hate? I really dont like a lot about myself, find it hard to find anything that i like about myself at all. It is difficult to change at all because im so afraid of things getting worse that i often dont try.
Why aren't more girls ashamed of their feminine hygiene? During the summer I can walk behind girls on staircases on campus and sometimes it's delicious smelling and sometimes it's foul. Sometimes I want a gooey shiny snail trail from my chin to my forehead and other times I want to throw the girl in a trash can.
Why are some girls so negligent of their pussy stank?
Every try an ennema?
Nobody on Yea Forums ever asked "What does it mean when a girl does - " Just say this makes you feel usefull and less of a fucked up pill junkie.
would you find it hot to fuck a guy with a strapon? it always been a fantasy to me
I'm practically already a vampire so fuck it
show boobs user please
What is that you look for in a straight
partner? Most femanons I've come across
aren't interested in straight men, at least
not as much as they are in others. I have a
hard time finding and connecting with someone interested. Sex drive also
doesn't match most of the time. It feels
like trying to find a clean nail in a pile
of rusted nails (not implying anything bad).
I have a 5 inch penis with a slight curve upwards, very similar to this penis. Is it enough to pleasure women?
i'm pretty much only into twinks, or at least like a less muscle-y dude. that and/or having empathy is good enough to get you through the door on the dating train
yeah? your dick isn't the most important thing here for pleasuring anyone. you've got fingers and a perfectly serviceable mouth, use them and you'll be fine.
Same thing with cucking.
If you are on with another man fucking you're girl your a beta bitch and that's just as disgusting
Yeah actually nah. Doctors don't prescribe you a dose that's high enough to get you high.
Look at how defensive you just got, though.Because we both know you're newfag asfuck/ Nobody on Yea Forums asks what it means when a girl does a thing. Find me one instance right now of someone asking something like that. This isn't reddit or tumblr. How about reply with text instead of trying to flaunt your femininity with vocaroo you vapid junkie. Also lurk moar.
thats some kid rock thinking right there. are you from alabama?
have you ever got upset when your bf wasn't in the mood for sex when you wanted it badly?
What the fuck happened to Yea Forums.. Bunch of pathetic incel virgins pouring attention on this attention whore playing the femanon card without even posting tits and timestamp? This is why we can't have nice things. Boot licking newfags.
???? No that's just straight girl thought lol
I'm from Los angeles
how do you got anal fissures? also how old are you?
I would appreciate an answer for my question
he's asking if his dick is big enough. He's not asking what a womans actions mean.
Also, as a tip for your dumb newfag ass, that's a bait thread because "lol micropenis". Did you legit think a guy with a one inch dick even needs to ask if it's big enoug to please a woman? Holy shit lurk moar newfag. that shits posted 20 times a day.
Yeah, can relate on the childish-yet-parental-figure type of shit. Showing the contradictions of the logic / arguments is a good way to open a breach !
(Thanks for answering, hope it doesn't put a strain on you).
Chill-type question: what are you looking for in Yea Forums ?
I'm 29.
Well it first started from a really huge dry poop. Ripped me pretty good on the inside and I was bleeding pretty much the whole day.
After the first time now when I have a dry poop or push too hard I could possibly tear it open again.
So far it's happened 3 times since then.
This time it hasent bled so that's good but it literally feels like its ripped. That shit is the worst pain ever
Posts / topics / interactions
Still not asking what it means when a girl does a thing. He's looking for medical advice and opinions about his dick. Try again.
I had a doubt i asked i got mostly an answer so no faggotry to see here
maybe you have to hydrate more?
Thanks for sharing.
when girls get their period is it because they have dry poops?
i would like to know if u would fuck me but no chance im posting my face so to bad for me
can i please get a handjob? ill give you money if you want. where are you located?
what do you think of the new wave of feminism?
i like small boobs. actually, i prefer small boobs
Yeah, I thought this bitch was a hooker when I first discovered these threads too.
Are you autistic?
I clearly said anons who ask about women or ask advice about women.
Clearly he wants to know if a woman would like his dick so clearly this thread would be relevant for him to ask that question and relevant for an actual female to answer.
can you sell me some pain meds
Who the hell gets fucked up from taking a crap?
Cut or uncut and why?
no, i mean, why is giving dudes a handjob such a big fucking deal to women? one handjob can get rid of depression for a male for like months, maybe longer. instead women just let men not get the one thing literally billions of years has made the one thing that matters most to us. like seriously, women, just put your hand on my cock for 3 fuckin minutes FUCK
Oh yea I know that's probably an issue.
I hardly drink anything.
Well doesnt matter. I wouldn't. I have a bf so other men dont interest me.
Sort of. Makes me think hes getting tired of me or something.
But luckily that does t really happen.
Nah I'll pass.
Its shit.
Well bf is back home so time for me to head out and get my cuddle on
Me apparently. Lol I have unfortunate luck I guess
that's why you have two whole hands!
unless you don't, in which case... bonus prosthetic handjob?
I second all of this
Nah you literally said "I always see guys asking what it means what a girl does something"
Also the first picture ss a troll thread. He isn't asking for anything but mockery for shits and giggles you utter cancer.
The second picture he said he's too self concious to show a girl his dick because of the bridges and asked how serious a problem bridges are and should he get them treated. That has nothing to do with whether some hopped up pill junkie whore user likes it.
Lurk moar, get better at reading comprehension and fucking kys summerchild.
Not your job to pleasure women. They can fiddle with their clit on their own time. Women are here to give men pleasure.
What are you talking about? I gave multiple examples.
I didnt just say that 1 thing you tard.
Seriously you got issues bro
if your poo is hard and your pee is concentraded you definetly need more water, try to drink one or 2 extra glasses of water daily, I'm sure that will help a lot if not solve the problem.
>one handjob can get rid of depression for a male for like months
yea masturbating definitely doesnt get rid of depression. ive probably masturbated over 9000 times and im pretty fucking depressed. the only times i havent been depressed are the 2 times in my life i had females to touch my wee wee and the following many months after
0/10 troll harder faggot.
>one handjob can get rid of depression for a male for like months
if some random woman gave me a handjob, after not getting any sex or handjobs in the last 3 years, i am pretty sure i would stop being depressed for at least the next few months
What's the difference between being a "nice guy" and being a nice guy?
have you considered a prostitute?
Cut or uncut dick and why?
>Nah I'll pass.
but why? it only takes literally a couple minutes. why the fuck is this such a big deal? if some random woman, as long as she wasnt an obese slob, asked me to finger her twat, id do it, and thats a lot more of a hassle than giving a male a handjob. but of course no woman will ask me to do that, you all just will ask the top 20% of guys. i guess youre mostly all ok with sharing the same top 20% too.
Anus is so close to the Sex hole. How often yall nasty wipe shit into the hole? Or a real question, why cant yall wipe with out leaving tp traces behind. Gross.
as soon as i find one ill do it
Doesn’t matter how long it’s been if you seem like you have changed you’ll have her back I promise you
Expecting something in return.
>you all just will ask the top 20% of guys. i guess youre mostly all ok with sharing the same top 20% too.
That's one of the reasons I hate all bitches, including, of course, the whore who keeps making these shit threads.
Uncut because they’re so much more sensitive
>dat incel rage
Keked.. Guy if you really can't get any pussy via personality and charm, then just get a prostitute. LIterally google escorts in your area and go do the deed. Letting yourself get this frustrated and desperate is letting things go wayy wayyyyy too far.
prostitution is illegal
What makes you like the fact that they’re more sensitive?
I'm not him, but all women, especially girlfriends, are prostitutes. They all have sex with men in exchange for money, making them nothing but hookers.
Honestly try psychedelics
So is being that much of a thirsty ass virgin. desperate for any kind of sexual contact. Break the fucking law and save your mind before you end up hating women and yourself and resigning yourself to a lonely ass life.
Not all girls are like that. I've had a few that didn't expect me to pay for them, and they still put out a lot. Selling yourself is pretty much a universal part of humanity, though. You find what you do best, and then get paid to do it. Some people fly airplanes, some people fix leaky taps, and some people spread their legs.
Worked opposite for me. We have way more cash together and she’s way fucking cheaper than I am. Doesn’t expect shit from me.
No, your man tits are what make you look fat.
no your head does you tool
>Selling yourself is pretty much a universal part of humanity, though.
Most guys don't sell themselves for sex, though, unlike women, who do it across the board, making each of them the literal definition of a prostitute.
Yeah, I'll bet. And I'm 100% certain that you're not really a femanon saying that.
Because they cum immediately
vchan are you in Cali? Northern or Southern? Is it as much of a shit hole as they say?
>Most guys don't sell themselves for sex
Under your logic women fuck for the money of their men, and men work to provide for their women, so men literally sell themselves to have sex.
No, men sell themselves for money, which they then, according to you, spend on sex. So men are giving up all their time and effort to get money so they can pay women, wifes and girlfriends to have sex with them. So.. They're selling their time to have sex.. So.. They're literally selling themselves for sex then.
My gf prefers when I cum from one pump, while that doesn't always happen, she says she likes it because she gets a huge ego boost from it.
My nigger, didn't realise you said the exact same thing.
You like a guy that cums quickly?
I think it's pretty obvious who the "jons" and "prostitutes" are in such situations, although you're going to try to pervert the terms to suit your cucked view on women.
>They're literally selling themselves for sex then.
so, theyre buying sex?
They're selling themselves to buy sex. Sex is the reason they are selling themselves.
This user is just trying to use these mental gymnastics to pervert and confuse the whole idea that women sell their bodies to men in exchange for money and security. He or she is not convincing anyone with this bullshit.
i use money to buy lots of things, most of which are not sex.
Yes very much so
Women earn and keep the affection and financial support of men by doing lots of things, most of which are not sex.
Where do you like the guy to cum on?
>most of which are not sex.
Yeah sure, like what? They're cooking is overrated and they're pussies are they're only assets.
I meant *their* each time I said they're.
ignored completely.....
>mfw this is just how women treat me off the internets.....
Depends what you value in a person. You get all of the same stuff you would get with a friend but you also get a deeper bond if you find the right girl and get to share your life and all your experiences with them. I don't know how you managed to have such bad experiences with women to get this jaded but they're not all like you seem to think they are.
Sup V how ya doin..
Am I late to the party?
>Women earn and keep the affection and financial support of men by doing lots of things, most of which are not sex.
i dont even like women cooking for me
>deeper bond
aka sex
Edgelord alert
lolwut how?
ok i admit i like women cooking for me if theyre eager to do it, but i would never want them to feel even slightly obligated to do it
>aka sex
No. Are you emotionally stunted or just autistic? Maybe it works for you, so more power to you then. Good day.
I cheated my ex gf with a pretty hot girl from college (not actual cheating, only kisses and shit) and then (after telling her about the kisses) i broke up with her because i wanted to start a relationship with the college slut, it has been 2 full months since that and the girl from college already actually cheated on me with my best friend.
I want to get back with my ex but i'm to ashamed to do it, how can i make this work?
She knows that the college girl isn't giving me any attention already
I seriously doubt she would take you back after that my guy
>not actual cheating, only kisses...
that actual cheating, fuckin retard
You treated your girlfriend like shit and traded her in for a shinier car and now you're paying the price so fuck you become a better person and gtfo with this I want my ex back bs
>Are you emotionally stunted or just autistic?
mostly the former. even more reason i need sex
I KNOW HOW BAD I FUCKED UP, i know, i know i know i know, i was stupid and horny and just starting college, of course i would try to get some puss, and i had this mentality of highschool relationships are temporal, this one is going to finish too.
there must be any way to get her forgiveness, i really fucked the best thing i had, but everyone deserves a second chance, please
Stop acting like a faggot & move on like a real man you pussified bitch
if u have a question ask me if any other girls aren't replying :^)
>bout 20 bucks
c-can i get a handjob please
for money in the santa clara area hell yea and the sad part is that im not even joking
hmu stoneymoses on kik if you're serious.
are you obese?
Ignore "edgelord" user. Their cooking is overrated, as I've already said. They're only good for spreading their legs. Prove me wrong.
the whole world is ignoring me and it makes me feel dead inside.
why won't any girls talk to me? ;-;
Cus you're a whiny cunt
no at least i don't think so since i starve myself
Do you have social anxiety?
i was diagnosed with it yes.
maybe ur a creep or just come off as one
hmmm, well, youve made me seriously consider travelling 5 hours to go see you but anyway at least you got other user.
do you ever visit LA?
what kinda meds do you take for it?
How much does the taste of cum vary from different guys?
nothing, they sent me to therapy and i stopped going
you should try to get meds. you need to go to a psychiatrist, not a psychologist
haven't been there in 2 years
Very little
Do you swallow anymore or dont let that shit near your mouth
Whats your conclusion on it? Salty, sweet or what?
i also have depression and don't have energy to go to doctors offices. i know i'll be alone until i die but i'm still sad.
I swallow
Do you like giving blowjobs? Why?
What was your reaction to the first time you tasted cum? Did you swalllow the first time?
It's like a salty, bitter, meaty taste
When was the last time you swallowed? Hoow many times a month?
Yes. It turns me on and I aim to please
Do you walk to your freidns about your sex life? What do you talk about
Ever ask a friend to tape you giving head or having sex? And by friend i mean someone other then the guy your doing it to
And the texture?
It made me gag but I swallowed anyways. It was more the texture than the taste. But you get used to it.
Are all women natural slaves.
1 anal?
2 deepthroat?
3 dp?
4 spitroast?
Ever let a guy cum on your face?
What texture did it had?
Femanon, who was the first guy to go down on you? How old were you and was the guy your age or older? My sense that younger men don't appreciate that joy.
>i also have depression and don't have energy to go to doctors offices. i know i'll be alone until i die but i'm still sad.
im the same way and the only reason i even went to the doctor was because i was about to quit my job which is actually a great job and id be fucked after a few months if i didnt find another job
the texture is like boogers
2 months ago. I don't get to do it as often as I'd like, because my boyfriend travels a lot with his job.
Thick or thin texture?
It's like when you cough up mucus
Last time someone came on face? Do you like it? Whos idea was it?
Ever take video of you swallowung? Do you watch it later and masturbate to it?
It's been a few months. It's nice once in a while; it's messy. It was the guys idea.
What was your reaction the first time you got a facial? Did you ask for it or the guy just out of nowhere?
still shy?
You have a bf? How many guys have you fucked, sucked, and let cum on face?
Ever post nude pics online? Why?
It was warm. He asked me if it was ok.
Yes. 1.
Yes. 2.
Do you poop with the door open or closed
By that time have you ever swallowed before? How old were you when you got your first facial?
Ever make a sex tape
Whats a dream of yours
Reply please
Yes. 18.
How old were you when you swallowed the first time? Did you swallow when you lost your virginity or after?
Have you considered improving yourself enough to make it so women want to pleasure you sexually?
Like 17. After
When you lost your virginity did you give a blowjob? Did you bleed, if you did how much?
Yes. I dunno its hot and makes me wet
Gagged and spit it on his dick
3 hours ago. Probably 3-4 times a week
Talk? Yes. I tell them pretty mich anything that happened if its funny or sexy
Yes. She said no though
1 yes, 2 yes, 3 no, 4 no
Yes. I like it when we have no place to go and i can take a shower after
My bf, 16, he was 17
2 weeks ago. Yes! Mine
Yes and yes
I laughed. It was weird and i coildnt srop laughing. His idea. I wasnt sure but he begged me
I have. Usually do it when im horny
Why do girls like sex?
think its a gook or a nog ?
Are we ignoring the question? If so, why?
How old were you when you lost your virginity?
Ever gotten a creampie? How old were you when you got your first one?
Do women like yogurt because it reminds them of sucking dick?
14. Yes. 19
What? No. Why would it?
When you lost your virginity, did you bleed, was it a lot? How painful was it?
I'm also in same situation 1 year ,I'm doing this will it workyoutu.be
There was a little blood. It hurt but not that much. It helped he wasnt that big. I didnt kmow he wasnt at the time since jt was the first one i saw
No I didn't bleed. It was just a little painful at first. It was like a stinging pain.
Was it also his first time, how old was he? Did he use a rubber?
What did you do when you saw the dick for the first time?
Will you suck my dick? What about for $10,000
Yes. He was 15. Yes. Well the first time i looked at it and played with it for a bit. Then jerked him off until he came. The first shot hit my shirt, then just covered my hand. It was 3 weeks before we had sex.
Still here kinda!
If you are clean and for 10k yes, no questions asked lol
women just have to not get obese but men need to be muscular, wealthy, educated, and personable.
no, i do not need to be improved, i am fine the way i am
When he came what did you do with the cum? Did you like seeing the cum?
When you fucked for the first time how long until he came?
How much for us to have sex and let me cum inside you?
I just played with it for a bit. Rubed it on his dick and between my fingers. It was fascinating. It kinda turned me on but i was more mesmorized with it. When we fucked he came in a minute or two. It was quick. I didnt cum
Did he use a rubber?
How old were you when you first came during sex?
Im not a hooker. I was just saying for 10k
Yes he did. Umm i think 17 or 18. It took an older guy to make me cum, he was 24
You seem to be a loser. Move on.
Therefore he lasted longer, how old were you when you did it without a rubber?
can someone tell me the best fruit to stick my penis in? im like 7 inches so nothing small like oranges
A watermelon?
yeah ill definitely try that but watermelon flesh doesnt really spring back, so as i fuck it the hole will keep getting bigger. i think like a really huge grapefruit would be nice, not sure if they come in 7+inch diameters, also not sure its sustainable with how acidic they are
Ah, I missed the thread. Ah well, see everyone in the next one.
Id love to talk to you
What would you like to talk about user?
How old were you when you lost your v card? Was that the first time you’ve seen a penis?
Did you bleed, was it painful, did you enjoy that experience?
I was 15, yes, it’s the first time I’d ever seen one. I was quite shocked to be honest. I bled fairly badly, and it was painful at the beginning, I had a fairly thick hymen and it tore through into the muscle, I still have a scar. All that being said, yes, I enjoyed it, he was a wonderful lover.
Did he use a rubber or was it raw? How old were you on your first creampie?
It was raw, and my first was during that same experience.
Were you on birth control?
Nah bruh it ain't annoying, Yea Forums is just good people pretending to be bad.
As for self-esteem all I've ever done is disregard the idea that people might hate me or that Im not good and just say positive things to myself, and you can also just do something your good at
For Tinder matches and what to say humour is always great, I have no filter and I always say whatever pops up on my mind and eventually someone always laughs. If someone says thats not funny, and believe me I've had it happen, then he/she/they are either humourless, dont like that particular joke, out of the mood, or you need better material than corny jokes
No, I wasn’t.
Did you avoid a pregnancy?
Can someone make the new thread?
No, I got pregnant. My father made me abort. Because the father was who he was.
After that how was your experience regarding sex?