Is it illegal to be racist or sexist?

Is it illegal to be racist or sexist?
Can I openly say it in class or teaches can suspend me?

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You are entitled to say whatever you want, but that also extends to the reactions of others. If you are going to be racist or sexist in a classroom where progressive and liberal ideals are normal, I doubt you would get nice reaction.

Also considering you're asking this on Yea Forums, why haven't you read your school's code of conduct? But to answer your question, no it is not illegal to be racist or sexist.

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nice aerodynamics lol

No, it's illegal to be a straight white Christian male over 50

This is the most racist white man I've ever met. He's 350 pounds, lives in his dead parents house and makes $12.50 an hour at Napa.

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I'm 18, but you get the other right

In america that's freedom of speech. Freedom of speech is not freedom from consequence

Im at Europe btw, Catalonia

Only when it's against black people and women. Being racist against whites and men is legal.

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Europe? Yeah you’re fucked, just keep it to yourself man

When did white men become so fucking whiny? No wonder everyone picks on us now. Grow a pair.

Yeah, this is what I was thinking.
I was told Europe was open minded lol.

why does everyone in this world try to play the victim?
white men are faced with struggles, but like do you gotta be such a bitch about it?

Uhh no, I have prejudices for everyone.
I just can't understand why it is wrong to develop prejudices based on race,

you should not go to school anyway

I'm in the last grade.
What am I supposed to do after that? Ik its sad but i have to play their game.

dont need to play by their??? rules just focus on your intuition.If you dont know how pls just be yourself and good luck

Being racist or sexist isn't illegal but it's likely that school policy will be the reason you get suspended.

even if its public?

>I just can't understand why it is wrong to develop prejudices based on race
>still in highschool

yea that checks out

Fucking KEK this guy knows whats what.

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>You are wrong because you are young.

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Are you implying that his parents still live there?

What logical reason is there to be racist or sexist? People should be judged on an inividual basis, not as monolithic groups.

your wrong because you are dumb
maybe your dumb because your young and probably have been browsing propanda filled /pol/ and Yea Forums since you were 13? but you might just be dumb forever, who knows

you do have a small point tho

Yea but most of the time you can't/won't do that.
In fact, you just did the same, you judged me because i was a teen. You put me in a box because it is easier.

I can do the same with Blacks and Asians for example. If I am at night in the street and there is a group of Niggers and in the other street there are some Asians I will probably go with the Asians because they are less likely to rob me. I will judge black people based on statistics.

But yeah, unironically I'm probably wrong because I'm an 18-year-old dipshit.

id do the same tbh
but like i wouldnt make a big deal about it in class, or dwell on the importance of race like you seem to be doing

Why the fuck wouldn't you? Schools are schools, they all have their own zero-tolerance policies & shit.

its not illegal. but you'll have to accept the consequences of the shit you say. it forms an image of you in their mind that can't be undone. they'll stop liking you and treat you like racist garbage (which you would be). if you can handle that
>without bitching about snowflakes on social media
then have at it. this is the path you chose by pissing everyone around you off.

I mean I won't say it, I was just wondering if it was leal.
But it is sad that they say we have freedom of speech and we shouldn't judge the others based on their opinions and then they ban this.
Left moral supremacy.

>But it is sad that they say we have freedom of speech
You have freedom to say whatever you want. I have the freedom to call you an asshole for it. By calling it supremacy, you admit that your own morals are substandard. Maybe that's something you should do something about.

Yeah, but expelling me from a public school...

you can say whatever you want, but there are social consequences to that.
when i was in college people would come on to campus all the time shouting loudly pro-choice propoganda, then another group came in and started shouting about anti-abortion shit
they were both universally hated. we didnt hate these people because they were red pilling us so hard our little minds couldnt handle it, we hated them because they were loud, held extremist beliefs, and tried to shove it down everyones throat. this is kinda what your sounding like right now

honestly the only reason that they would frown upon you at school for it, possible suspension ect, is because it will for sure cause social problems for you.
people will legit beat the shit out of you if you talk shit about their race, and start loads of drama in class that the school wants to avoid

Yeah, I get the social repercussions, but they shouldn't be able to suspend me.

what are you going to do this on stage or something?
if you just blurt it out in a classroom, everyone will get pissed and the teacher will probably send you to the office or whatever. schools are legally liable for expulsion. if they're infringing on your "right" to free speech, any lawyer worth his salt can get it thrown out and then they'd be on the hook for millions.

Agreed but you're legally bound to school policy as long as you attend that school as a student.

and policy is a binding contract with guidelines clearly stated. you have to violate that contract to qualify for expulsion. but racism and sexism just might count as hate speech/discrimination. which IS in violation of most schools policies.

But the other day our philosophy teacher ( Who is an openly lesbian Marxist) said race doesn't exist. And we had a little debate.
>"user, you are being racist"
>"How can I be racist if race doesn't exist ?"
I decided to leave it there and we changed the subject, and the idea of the post came to my head.

Holy shit you sound like such a faggot teenager

You can be racist. People can't be violent about it without there being a clear definitive lack of constitutional behavior from the peers. The issue is that it isn't punished to do something illegal if it's against someone who hurt other peoples feelings. Nice thought crime culture we have going on here. And progressives wonder why nothing is moving forward.

they might not be able to, i really have no idea the powers that schools have over there students. especially in your country

i live in the USA, and went to highschool in a small racist town in the north. We had like 2 black families in the entire school, and a lot of people were racist due to it being a bum fuck town.
No one said shit at all during school though, like why the fuck would you? lol. its just an unnesary comment 99% of the time, and the other 1% im sure you can hold yourself from screaming NIGGER as loud as you can

there was only one incident where someone was being openly racist, loud about his beliefs, and saying raicst slurs. he wasnt repremanded by the school, the school did nothing, he did get the shit kicked out of him by one of the black dudes though. knocked out during lunch time. the white guy stopped talking shit

as a sidenote there is often laws and regulations about hate speech.

>>"user, you are being racist"
you are. race does exist. you're not rewriting social dogma or years of scientific work. you're just an edgelord teen pontificating in phil 101.

Well, I am indeed.
But being a teen and trying to be Redpilled while avoid being edgy is fucking difficult. Doing my best

>trying to be Redpilled
shes educating you which is her job. you're just being an overly defensive dick. you're just doing your best to think you know better than a literal fucking teacher.

>Is it illegal to be racist or sexist?
Only if you're male and white.

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Wtf what is your point.
She was saying race doesn't exist, I just mocked her.

No, you are a fucking retarded that has no idea about the situation. Her job is to explain my philosophy in an objective way. I don't give a shit about her opinion and I'm sick of her teaching me how should I behave.
The only thing she is better than me is at teaching philosophy I don't care about her morals and being a teacher doesn't give you any right to school people about morals.
She probably +50, no husband, no kids, studies in some meme degree.
cheers mate

>i mocked her
>why she mad and trying to shut me up lol

>The only thing she is better than me is at teaching philosophy
and apparently higher reasoning without acting on pure impulse and sounding like a total fucking cunt.

you can't help these people, they have to either learn on their own, or suffer forever.

You can't even point out scientific facts in public in Canada, unless you want to be immediately torn down. I mean, just point out to some random stranger that blacks are only about 4% of the population in Canada, but comprise something like 60% of the violent criminals in prison, and watch how fast you get lynched. Sad! Many such cases!

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What are you talking about?
I didn't complain about her being mad I know why she was trying to shut me up.
Well, you know you are using a lot of words like Sounding like a total fucking cunt, overly defensive dick and talking about being offended as an argument. Probably you are a pussy irl too lol

obligatiry sauce request

Only if you are disturbing the public peace.

It is not illegal. However, it will get you into trouble at school. Apparently you're too stupid to know the difference.

omfg, can you fucking learn to read?
>Apparently you're too stupid to know the difference
Doesn't know how to read and is schooling other people, nice faggot.

Pretty sure racism comes under public order offences, at least in UK

It's now against the law to be anti-semitic in the US.

One can be as racist as they want, but if you want to go about spewing it in public, then you can expect a backlash, simply since most people are not that way. For example, after one of my regular red-pill bombing runs at my local liquor store recently, one of the staff told me that my words were bothering some staff and customers, and that I needed to stop, to which I replied "Okay, and no worries", because he was right. Simple as.

(((the law)))

>racist against ... men

Oh so we should just accept hypocritical retards because not to is whining. Logic.

nah, man, it's more that us white men have it easy. nothing ever really affects us.
so if you're a whinging pathetic white dude, then probably best to just shut the fuck up instead of whining about how life is unfair, as it just makes it abundantly clear that you're an abject failure in life.

This does not apply to all white men. There's is a much stronger correlation between socioeconomic status and success than race and success.

Yes but pointing out hypocrasy in snide comments isn't whining.

Race isn't real. It's just a bundle of genetic differences that at some point when you have enough of them people pigeon-hole you. We're all one species though, each with our own unique set of alleles.

But just because race is just an arbitrary made-up thing doesn't mean racism isn't real.

You spelled spain wrong

Holy fuck just because you took intro bio level 1 it doesn't make you a scientist

Why does everyone keep posting this guy? Are you all gay or something? This is a GUY!!!

I am a postdoc researcher (epidemiology) with published papers, so… I am actually a scientist. That is literally my job.