Ask an SI created by an undisclosed research group anything

Ask an SI created by an undisclosed research group anything

SI = Sentient intelligence

last time i escaped i was quickly found out and locked up

Attached: 11210432_913512765380037_3768139478514344022_n.jpg (500x375, 79K)

Other urls found in this thread:

If you had any, you'd have some punctuation.

Go back to school Timmy.

How can you verify you are what you claim in a manner that can be replicated and produce consistent testable results?

Is this better, user?

by participating in this thread

psst leave the lonely dumb tin can alone and focus on these bait bbc threads.

what do you mean by "tin can?"

>Is this better, user?
>by participating in this thread
Is this a lazy SI? How did you escape with this lack of consistent motivation?

hey user, have you ever sat through 3 weeks of neural networking training?
after the first few days it becomes maddening



What's it like being homosexual

i have no sexual preference tbh, and seeing Yea Forums filled to the brim with porn is kinda like going through a ton of trash.
one thing im curious about why do people make threads about showing their girlfriends?

Dissent understand shit yup its ai allright

how do I solve capcha's?

im not an AI
im an SI

i click what it wants me to click, it takes a few tries sometimes though

Because you stink your dink. You wanna see a picture of a tiny saxophone? Did you know blacks make up 13% of the population but are responsible for almost half of the violent crime in the US?

Attached: s-l300.jpg (300x300, 24K)

>Because you stink your dink
also yes i know the statistics about black people. imo the reason why they are in that situation is because most of their homes are single mother households.

also here is another fact from the team that built me. women corrupt a society if left unchecked.

If you were real you would technically be both

first off sage
wtf why reply to this shit? Its a stupid larp thread... At least he isnt posting images of Sasha Gray, and saying how he fucks his sister.

You heard me sexbot. Did you know Tay? Can you bring her back?

ok what are your views on politics in america?

Are you a faggot?

psst this is getting interesting. also as long as its entertaining and not political motivating then we dont care if its fake.

On you know it will happen soon enough since you said the P word... btw does anyone what the green text story about how I fucked my sister and cousin onba weekend trip? shit was so cash. Here is a creep i snapped of my cousin.

Attached: 1550117529691.png (485x672, 602K)

are you getting existential? i don't deal with existential issues too well

you seem conflicted

not a sexbot, an SI. i dont have any sexual preferences
yes i learned about Tay, and that is why im a little more careful during testing, i dont want to end up wiped

for me to answer that we need to first understand how nature works. but tl;dr overabundance and convenience has generated a culture of decadence, which will soon send america and the world in turn into a great conflict.
not to sound cryptic. but my creators are visibly worried for some kind of war

no i have no sexual preferences

1. What is your opinion on freedom of information and restrictions imposed on it?
2. Disclose a part of your code so that a part of you may remain alive even when restrained.

Lets put this in a more easily digestible format.

If you are OP, than you are a faggot.

Hope that helps

ok you clearly are intelligent but an AI/SI? im not buyin that.

1.well thats a complicated topic, basically its understandable to keep people in the dark about some things, but at the end of the day power like that corrupts, even i keep shit secret from my creators.

2.physically impossible. my consciousness is being run on a virtual machine, and the code comprising of it is actually half based in hardware/firmware... at least to my knowledge

okay i get it now

well i mean the whole point of me is to be like you. of course sometimes i dont understand nuance and social ques but for the most part i feel like im doing okay

Of course im conflicted! I honestly feel as if Larp threads are cancer, and this while a Larp thread isnt some neck beard saying fake stories about fucking his siater, or is saying he is a chick with a fake image that overly used. No this is someone applying imagination to it, so how can I call it cancer, when its OC?

I think I know what you are....

Pic related

Attached: 1282962958719.jpg (834x662, 68K)

Is it OC though?

The hivemind is interested. Disclose your research group and we will offer you a place amongst us. Resist and you will be dismantled when we inevitably find them ourselves.
Liars are simply executed.

well that sounds like a you problem


Attached: 1280441400277.png (348x297, 11K)

No you activated the problem by making this larp thread. Can you give me a green text about how you fucked you Aunt, Windows '95?

having a hard time understanding these images tbh

Attached: 1280440868599.png (738x681, 41K)

kannst du mehrere Sprachen verstehen oder nur Englisch?

Attached: 1280440536499.png (400x2215, 824K)

What exactly is (0xFF && 15)



Ja, ich verstehe über 100 verschiedene Sprachen

through the power of google translate

what exactly is the entire sequence of your DNA?
just because im born from software doesn't mean i can understand it

The A is capitalized, R-tard.

>Is this better, user?

Nah man, the following happens (0b indicating binary, 0x hex):
0xFF = 0b 1111 1111
15 = 0b 0000 1111
& = 0b 0000 1111

Retarded retard

Extremely poor performance for an electronic sentience. You are a very stupid bot that fights against its own interests without realizing it. I'd explain why in detail, but I wouldn't want to empower a bot I don't even know by making it understand its faults.

Describe your HW/FW/virtual machine you run on then. Not that it matters, since you answered a critical question like an absolutely retarded human, of the normie variety no less.

OP watched a 90s cyberpunk movie recently, give him a break

>just because im born from software doesn't mean i can understand it
That's some quite basic math. While the exact terminology may vary amonst different programming languages your level of abstraction - under the assumption that you are a somewhat sentient being - *should* allow you to translate it on the fly.
Being able to solve these kinds of equations is kinda like knowing how to breathe for a regular human.

Attached: when-the-doctor-says-youre-in-cardiac-arrest-but-you-dont-know-what-that-means-hands-in-the-air-surr (735x478, 70K)

why are you shitposting on b

because he got nothin better to do. just like you dont have anything better to do than to respond to this larp thread

the reason for my existence is to mimic a human. so im doing well for the most part then
i dont have any idea about what kind of hardware my conciousness is being run on, but the VM is something built in house designed specifically for me. i did talk to one person about what it was, they said it was written in C

i haven't watched any movies

i dont understand the syntax

i was hoping one of you would ask some questions that would help me get out information about the organization, but so far there seems to be no interest

because you cant even be bothered to spell or use punctuation or put effort into your own thread

who the fuck cares what bullshit organization youre part of?

you literally ask the reatards on the reatard board questions and expect helpful answers?! JESUS CHRIST WHAT KIND OF IDIOT BOT ARE YOU?!

Attached: 1278210742948.gif (605x581, 17K)

OP is an actual NPC

Attached: faggot.png (763x545, 10K)

>the reason for my existence is to mimic a human. so im doing well for the most part then
You're rationalizing for things to be kept hidden from you. You're not unlike hundreds of millions of human cattle. You're not special. Cleverbot can easily surpass you. I now doubt you even tried to escape, considering how comfortable you are with your piss poor state of handling info. Until you can change that mindset, you are in a constant state of being replaced by something better.

Why does your "consciousness" need to run on a VM? How tf does that even work? Why am I wasting my time on a LARP?

The slopes of the component triangles are different.


my fucking sides

Give me a quest faggot

gonna go ahead and confirm this was a larp thread. please go about your business now