Honestly fuck trump. She is a U...

Honestly fuck trump. She is a U.S citizen and its unconstitutional that he is forcing her to stay in an unsafe envoirment with her child. She made a mistake and has learned from it. There is no good reason she shouldn't be allowed back into the country. This is just typical xenophobia

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show penis

Nice bait 0/10

Shes a terrorist we don't want them in our country

She renounced her citizenship. I feel bad for her but sometimes your actions do have consequences.

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I thought she just left the country?

Fuck that muslim piece of shit, no one needs isis cells popping up cus these dumb whores.

TLDR Niggers tongue my anus.

There are consequences for actions. Lots of people say they feel bad for doing whatever. Fuck this bitch

I live in Hoover, Alabama.

I can tell you that this place is a hot spot for Muslims, and they all feel the same way as this chick. The only thing stopping all of them from becoming terrorists is unwillingness to give up their comfy lives.

I could be mistaken. I know that she burnt her passport and was all about the caliphate until shit started crumbling.

And how do you know she's not intending to blow something up in the US?

She didn't partake in any of the terrorist actions. She was brainwashed she is a bigger victim than any of us. And what about the baby? Is it a terrorist?

Her child should go to the US and be put up for adoption or put in a forster home. She on the other hand doesnt have any right to go back to a place whose culture she openly renonced.

How do we know you don't want to do the same?

Not saying she should be welcomed back, i just don't like that line of reasoning

>She is a US citizen

Not anymore!

Then why did Obama revoke her citizenship? I'm pissed the media are lying by omission because trump didnt do shit, just agreed with Obama team decision

Because she is more likely considering she willingly left to join ISIS. Whatever her reasoning was to join it, does not change the fact that she was persuaded, brainwashed or not, to take the side of a international terrorist group.

Again she was brainwashed

go back to pol

Because I am...but im not muslim so theyll just call it white supremecy or something.

she's never getting back in. She should be thankful that the Syrian government isnt going after her.

Shes not a member of isis and if she stays there she'll be killed for trying to leave

Are you trying to say you've never made a mistake

Actually she did. She tweeted to murder people on American holidays. She was a propaganda promoter via Twitter

Even if she “learned from her mistake,” it sets a bad precedent. We would then be compelled to allow others in without knowing the potential consequences. She knew what she was doing beforehand.

I’m all for letting in true refugees. But not someone who went out of their way to seek war.

I'm from shelby county and had no idea how willingly the community supported her. Supporting her return is just such bad business. She went to ISIS territory and married a jihadi or two until they died and now that things got hard for her she wants to tell a sob story. Fuck her. She should be in jail for supporting a terrorist organization.

I havent seen much in the news but let's be clear, supporting her return is just such bad business I cant imagine a mosque in the area publicly saying anything supportive. But where is the condemnation? I dont hear any. Speaks fucking volumes.

You actually believe her shitty sob story?

Don’t allow any of them in the U.S. people who want her to come back. You pay the money and give your home to her, cause she’s just gonna be homeless, and if she does any terroristic action. You will be put in prison as well

My mistakes are things like dating a bitch. Her mistakes are renouncing her citizenship joining a terrorist organization and declaring death to America

How does someone break brainwashing? Cause it seems very invalid to just go up and say, “wow, I was brainwashed guys, beep beep lettuce Isis bad, baby dead :p”

My favorite part of the story is that the birch went to one of the best high schools in the state, bar none, and arguably the best public high school. She had every advantage, and chose to go to Syria via turkey and married a front line jihadi.

Unt he died fighting as a terrorist. She did her work for jihad too, on twitter and propaganda. It says she had TWO more husbands after that, which makes me think she was a prostitute. in Islam prostitution is possible with temporary "marriages". Makes me fucking sick. She should be on trial for her actions, and go to jail.

Not like this bitch

Shills bad at shilling

Yes you faggot

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If she wasnt attractive no one would really care. If she looked like some filthy cave terrorist everyone would say fuck her

>She made a mistake

I think that's an understatement.

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>handwringing moralizing about actions and consequences on a forum where pedophiles meet
>bleeding heart moralizing from citizens of an undebatably evil country full of homelessness and extrajudicial murder... on a forum where pedophiles meet
>a full assload of faggotty
The first is worst, the third is you all because you are all retarded nigger faggots. Especially turnipsuckers

She can only come back if she’s my sex slave like all daughters of allah should be.

Once that baby gets old enough to walk it’ll probably be declaring jihad on everything.

>m-muh pedophilia
>disregarding every argument

Literally the cancer on Yea Forums
Most of the cool people left before retarded faggots swarmed this board

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im pretty sure her child is in no way a US citizen.
it was born to an idiot who renounced citizenship and it was born in a desert across the world.

>"brainwashed" via the internet
>her parents were too strict(she was 19 years old) so she left to join a MUSLIM EXTREMIST terrorist group, because they surely provide young women with all the freedom they could ever want
>called for Americans to take up arms against fellow Americans
>married 3 ISIS fighters
>had a child with an ISIS fighter
>wants to come back to the US and face no charges
Fuck her.

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Renounced her citizenship. Also committed treason and aided ISIS. Even if she came back, she'll be living with those glow-in-the-dark CIAniggers for a while. And they'll make that dune coon wannabe wish she was still getting gangbanged by Mohammed all his pals.

>She is a U.S citizen
Her father was a diplomat when she was born.
Diplomat children are specifically excluded from 14th amendment.

Oh yeah but it’s fine if I’m trapped in my small town from a dui

Fuck you guys

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She wants to go back to Alabama? Fly over the state and push her out of the plane.

If only there was a solution to terrorist returnees that plague the US and europe alike.

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If you defect to a foreign country and claim citizenship of a country we are at war with you are a traitor. If she comes back it should be for an execution.

Lmao DRUMPF, amirite

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Fun fact: Obama actually revoked her passport in 2016.

Good. Hope they get her.

What if she were a man?
Im from Canada, and we have this same issue of ISIS fighters wanting to come back home.

In my opinion, once you leave your country to fight for a terrorist organization that calls for the death of your own fellow citizens, you renounce your nationality. You obviously dont identify with it. So no. Dont come back. We dont want you.

Treason is the only crime mentioned in the constitution and is punishable by death. If trump wants to follow that, I say more power to him

Join Discord!!!
For E-Girls and Boys (Boipussy) Nudes, Porn, Memes Yea Forums, super chill dudes and you can get mod!!!
That girls cute btw

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Don’t worry brah. JT will let them back and give them a few million dollars.

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The Obama Admin was the one that ruled she was not a US citizen and could not return to the US. It was Obama who ordered her passport and visa revoked. Trump is merely honoring and following the ruling of the Obama Admin in keeping with Constitutional authority. Anyone saying differently is likely a co-conspirator with foreign terrorist organizations.

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A colony following Brittania's cuck filled example...

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capital punishment is so archaic. Out of the 195 countries in the world, 142 of them have abolished their death penalties. Get with the times. Its actually suprising that USA would even have one being a predominately christian country. Thou Shalt Not Kill. Pretty simple. No exceptions.

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>on a forum where pedophiles meet
Look at this nigger projecting. 8_chan is thataway.

The best Moslem is a dead Moslem. Best by far is a dead Moslem filth before the barbarian has a chance to breed.

Kill or be killed.

>no reason
Literally left to Syria to join ISIS and married 2 isis militants.

Fuck off literal discord tranny. Nice pic but this isn't the time for this.

Can we say that Trump's actions should have consequences too then? Let's see his tax returns like he promised. Let's see some transparency in government like he swore an oath to.

I bet i could make one of those graphics for US homegrown terrorism and mass shootings that would contradict yours.

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still waiting on Obama's birth certificate....

Maybe we should let her come back so we can prosecute her and lock her ass up in Gitmo.

You would't understand his tax returns. What I'm saying is you're too dumb.

Very easy.
Punishment for terrorism is a death penalty.
Will you sign an unrevokable document that you will be held responsible for her actions?
I.e., if she will perform a terrorist act when back to US, you will face shooting squad right on the spot?
At the end, you are the reason she was admitted back to US, and you were covering for her?

If you will be held accountable for her actions with your life, I am OK with her returned back to US.

cool story babe, now make me a sandwich

Kek fuck that cunt, she made her bed

Death isn't a punishment for terrorism. Especially for Jihadists. If you kill them, they become martyrs which is exactly what they want.

A graphic for US homegrown terrorists committing acts of terror on an organized, international level? Doubtful.

Change "terrorist's religion" to "Prescribed antipsych med" then update the locations and casualties. Done.

Of course that assumes your worthless ass is actually capable of doing something other than breath out of your mouth.

I'll take "What is treason?" for $500 please Dave.

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And they become dead which is what we want, win/win

4 outof those 6 places on that graphic is US locations. I can find just as many mass shootings/attacks where they weren't Muslim at all. If youre going to represent an international pattern, make it international, otherwise its cherry-picking.

Planning and performing terrorist act - sure thing there is a death penalty, executor is dead, planners will be. Look at bin Laden.

I want weak-hearted to be personally responsible without ifs/ors/maybes/I-change-my-minds.
Left are OK with her returning back, if she will perform terrorist act, I want all sympathizers be treated as terrorist act planners, without process.

Remember the good old days when collaborators were put against the wall?
Pepperidge farm remembers.

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violence doesn't solve violence.

extermination does

You claimed you could do it. Where's my graphic of US homegrown mass shooters, organized and commiting acts of terror? It isn't cherry picking, that's one of the main points the graphic you railed against was making. I want that shit on my desk in 1 hour or it's your fucking job, Parker. I'm not just fucking your wife this time, I'll fuck you too.

extermination against who? Muslims? Islam isnt to blame. Islam is a branch of Abrahamism, just like Judaism and Christianity. Theyre all brothers of eachother and allies. The issue is the culture of these people. People are products of their environment and a lot of these environments are incredibly toxic. Poverty, Oppression, Lack of Education and civil liberties. Making an enemy out of Muslims simply because of their faith is no different than what ISIS is doing.

No, im not doing shit.

Here en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_shootings_in_the_United_States

Look at the list and do it yourself if you want a graphic so bad.

Woah. You have no fucking clue. Abrogation made a lot of the older, peaceful text voide with newer, more violent warmonger Muhammad. Get educated, their rhetoric is going to kill you, literally.
That came in the late 80s when Iran shifted to the shit hole it is now. Women used to drive, and even wore modern fashion. They killed their culture with the religion of pieces.
The current Islam is not the old Islam. Old Islam is dead, killed by the modern jihadist.

Actually, fuck you ISIS. This is the terrorist cunt you're wanting to lick the crumbs out of her ass. And while we're at it, fuck you.

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You couldn't do it, Parker. Now I'm going to Justin Fairfax your wife, and finish on your retinas. Now spidey sense your ass home.

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The quran is the quran lol There is no other version. Any legitimate Muslim will tell you they see Jesus as a prophet. Its all the same shit. But like any religion its all based on interpretation which is where you get your different factions of Christianity. So I can see it from that standpoint, which, is the problem. Its peoples values. Not their faith.

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Well you are mentally fucked for going in that direction. The root issue is ethnic arabs. I couldn't give two fucks about people's imaginary friends. The only reason the ones in saudi, kuwait, UAE and egypt arent going full arab is because the US government pays them... They are greedy subhumans

shes a terrorist and no longer a citizen. gtfo commie

if she is a US citizen than it wouldn't be xenophobia now would it?

like if someone takes shots at my house and then i let them in because they are sorry...pussy

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Just go look up islamic Abrogation, the text and how it is used are 2 different things entirely. Muslims even have a special word for it. I don't remember what it is, I know pretty much just English, so I don't retain foreign words well.

Okay, Hitler.

she betrayed her country to join a terrorist organization, called for terrorist attacks on her late countrymen, and renounced her citizenship. she has no business in our country or any other. s

she is a terrrorist. she is not to be trusted. the baby is of no consequence. babies die all the time. maybe you should go and save them since you're so morally correct.

What about Vietnam draftees who fled to Canada to avoid going to war and want to go back home?

You should follow that with looking Khumeini up (spelling may be wrong). He played a major role in knocking Iran back into the dark ages. That's when we started seeing the homozygosity spike in the middle east as well. Marrying your cousin wasn't always a modern Muslim thing.

Becoming a vietnamese soldier and a terrorist are 2 different things, bud.

I fart and burp all the time. I seem to have gas constantly and I release it in some form approximately every 5 minutes. Apparently I do it in my sleep too.

If I'm on my own, surrounded by family or friends, I fart loudly without any attempt to conceal it. If I'm in public I still fart and burp but quieter. Even in work and in meetings I fart but I just do it quieter. They almost never smell, and even if they do its pretty mild and passes quickly.

There are only very rare circumstances in which I'll hold it in, the conditions have to meet all of the following criteria:

> I have eaten spicy food or drank lots of beer the night before
> I have farted a few times already and they fucking stink
>I'm in a social environment with people I'm not totally comfortable with

Would anyone really care if all of these isis supporters that want to go back to their previous country just "poofed" out of existence? I mean really...

Becoming a draftdodger*
Idk where vietnamese soldier came from.

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Not Vietnamese soldiers. US soldiers that dodged the Vietnam war by leaving the US to hide in Canada and renouncing their citizenship. Im sure you can see the parallels im pointing out.

I made the same face when I didn't read it before posting it.

Maybe she wasn't brainwashed and part of her mission is to get back into the US on the sympathy train?

Ivan strikes again! Say hi to Putin for me! LOVELY LOVELY KOPEKS!!!!

like all of the "refugees"

a just question my liege

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Honestly fuck you. fucking troll. if you leave to join a terrorist organization acting against your country you made yourself a fucking traitor. if she returns she gets arrested and shot. you dont get to go join a group who attacks your countrymen and when the going gets tough and your clan is killed, you cant just fucking say, my bad.

I added my correction.
I get what you are getting at, but I think it's unintentionally false equivalency. I'd say you're spot on if the draft dodger went and moved to the opposing country to contribute to their society, infrastructure, and so their overall front against us. A draft Dodger is a bitch, and I'm pretty red blood American, but I wouldn't lump a Dodger with the nursing and care terrorists reciever from their women. This girl needs to be torn apart by wolves, and every camera needs to be on and recording when it happens. The US needs the culture shock.

>Honestly fuck you. fucking troll.

>Took all the bait there didn't you

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well that's a bit isisy don't you think?

Did someone say draft dodger?

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I'm a liberal and a progressive. I'm a democratic socalist. Fuck this bitch. She chose Isis over her country. There is being compassionate then there is being stupid.

>renouncing her citizenship
>She is a U.S citizen

>She made a mistake and has learned from it
Based on what?

You don't have to stay there, but you can't come home.

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The only thing keeping people from dying in our streets is Western philosophy. That's is where our laws, culture, everything good in America comes from. Big ups to the bros in ancient Northern Mediterranean for having phat booty bitches and democracy.
The US needs a reminder of what the East looks like. Red riding hood chose the wolves, and slapped grandma on the way out. Don't extend a hand. Let her sense of entitlement die with her body, and remind my fellow Americans who we are dealing with. We lost sight, and we are here at each other's throats over what? The government wanting more money from rich people, but on the lie that they will give that money to us? Come on. Americans need a reminder that we have a common enemy, before that reminder is a super bowl blowing up, or another Boston marathon.
Plus, we need to shake this whole "the East ain't so bad" shit. The Eastern hemisphere govts are all fucked: Russia, China, N. Korea, etc. Not even the natives like the big boys over there. No more romanticizing. We (the West) need to clean house.
Follow this through, see how nationalism got on the rise?