Pitbulls should be erased from existence

Pitbulls should be erased from existence.

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Dat's rayciss. Also, sage no work no more :(

Deluded and fearful lambs should be erased from existence. World would be perfect without the easily misled.

Found the trailer trash

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Traps/furries should be erased from existence.

Explain your reasoning pussy

Found the lamb. Still mad about Shillary?

Anti-pit bull threads are tangential anti-colored minority threads

Nah bruh, we don't like them nor their retarded owners either.

Good god hes fucking ugly

If there is an actual problem regarding this matter, it's the owners.

they're statistically more aggressive than any other breed yet do nothing better than any other breed so the negatives aren't offset by any positives

Humanity should be erased from existence.


I got attacked by a pit once.grab it by the neck and fuck the life out of it.felt good man.P.R. owner called the cops.i got a ticket for cruelty to animal.best $85 I ever spent.would do again/10

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Beta cuck spotted

Owners treat em like shit. Theyre just hunting dogs though


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Wat do Korea nom?

you fucked the dog?

LOL the whole "more aggressive" argument. Any dog can be aggressive if threatened or scared. Pit bulls aren't more aggressive. They're just statistically more likely to be owned by terrible owners or raised as fighting dogs. A chihuahua can be just as "aggressive" if they have the wrong owner

my mom's old friend has a pitbull mastif, thing's the hulk, has it for years not much problems just doesn't listen well, one day it attacks her, sends her to hospital lol

sweetest doggos in the world. lots of asshole owners though. goes for all breeds & all pets.


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Nah bruh, it's the fact that these dogs are capable of easily killing most people 1 on 1.
I wouldn't give a fuck about degenerate drug dealers etc. owning chihuahuas or house cats.

but if you got attacked, you're not in the wrong
lmfao what the fuck

He fucked the dog.

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>owners treat/train them to be shit dogs
>owners breed them like crazy instilling those genetic traits in offspring through generations of dog fights
>genetic traits of the markers are forever changed
just think about that for a second, while dogs were breed over generations for all sorts of purposes
the pit bull breed will become more deluded over time to just be overly aggressive and kill it's own kind
kinda says something about these owners doesn't it?

It was asking for it.

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Says nothing about the owners you dumb dognigger.
Dog fags are always quick to move the goalpost away from the simple fact that this specific breed is capable of killing most people on this planet 1 on 1.
Animals aren't infallible beings that require people to instigate shit before they "defend themselves against evil humans", they can fucking snap.

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>Bred for generations for war and killing
>bad leaders using them for their own purpose
>genetic trait changed forever

Makes you wonder about all those peaceful muslims

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>don't do anything better than any other breed
They scare weaklings better than most other breeds, apparently. And if they're the most aggressive and dangerous breed by far, would you rather one of them defending your home and property or one of those less aggressive and less dangerous breeds?

Personally, I'd rather have the bloodthirsty, strong-as-a-Mack-truck killer dog ripping a nigga's arm off than some other dog that can be intimidated with a hard slap on the nose

I am a middleclass suburninite and I own three dogs. One is a female blue nose pit one an Australian Shepard/border collie male and the third is Luna a female pup of theirs. My wife and I decided to fix the parents and we will breed Luna in a few years to continue the line. Pit bulls are agile, intelligent, trainable, and Lucy is a sweet mama dog. We raised her with love and she is a product of that. Pitbulls are like any other dog if you raise them right. When we take our pups to the dog park she is better behaved than her rambunctious daughter she's so submissive she lays on her back when the other dogs come and introduce themselves. Also her agility and athleticism is just as impressive as her mates. And Luna our little halfbreed is adorable and quite intelligent she has the best qualities of both parents. Doggos are the product of their environment. Don't judge my dog.

Top kek. A pitbull got shot last week here.

>Be crack head white trash guy who somehow makes enough money to live in a nice house across the street from me
>His stupid pitbull he loves so much that he says is tame attacks the mailman
>The mailman was packing heat
>Shot the thing several times
>Crack head white trash guy got a citation

One down, millions to go.

>this doesn't apply to damn near all humans
Haha! XD

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I'm so tired of people saying, "It's how you raise themmm."
No. It's not.
Pitbulls are more likely to be aggressive, period.
Does that mean ALL Pitbulls are bad? No.
Some dogs are just shitty just like some people are shitty. Nurturing traits out of an animal or human can only get you so far. Nature and genetics are king. If a human or canine doesn't have the "play nice" gene then they should be put down, end of story.

And no pitbulls shouldn't be erased from existence, you're an idiot. What kind of two dimensional opinion is that?

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You should have been swallowed.

Sure, yeah, I dont care.

Im just gonna leave this here


By that logic, shouldn't you kill yourself?

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You probably think you're clever, but you're still retarded for not understanding that the underlying problem isn't that they tend to be aggressive, but rather than WHEN they are they are capable to maul most people on the planet to death.

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I'd rather not live in a shitty neighborhood that makes me feel like I need a killer dog for safety to be honest

>humans are deadliest creature on earth
Lets wipe out humans! :)

It'd be easy to do, just kill all nigger. They're the ones that raise them in puppy mills and shit hole trailers. Get rid of niggers and pit bulls will soon follow. Of course, there will still be pitbulls being kept by over entitled white women, but we always have this too look forward to mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/police-found-pit-bulls-eating-11719337

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found the nigger

You use the term "human" lightly faggot

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Samefagging but here is a pup that is almost identical to mine. Breed pit bulls with Aussies/border collies they are god-tier companians.

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Just following your logic lmao

No pitbulls are awesome op is a pussy cat

You weren't replying to me newfag

Its not "how you raise them". They are genetically bred to fight and be agressive. Its like having a serial killer thats not active in the house. They may be nice at the moment, but when they wanna kill, they kill...cuz its in their nature. Its how they are. Its WHAT they are. You are just playing russian roulette. Some day someone is going to lose a face. Hopefully one of your kids

please go read. We are worrying about your overall health. Your choices for the last make years have been poor ones.

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lets put it this way, if that dog get agressive it will fuck you up, cuz it was bread to do that and that only

So that being said we should kill all the niggers and arabs because they are the same fucking way.

Videos of tamed tigers and their kittens are also god-tier. But they shouldn't be allowed to be kept as pets in public due to the magnitude of the consequences if shit goes south with such an animal.


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Still doesnt have an argument i see? Im disappointed. :/

i don;t think anyone here would disagree

the difference between a chihuahua and a pitbull is that the chihuahua can gnaw your ankles and get punted while a pibble can tackle you and tear your throat out
abuse/neglect aren't unique to pitbulls, the difference is most breeds don't have the combination of muscle mass, jaw strength, locking jaws, and demeanor that pits have

Aren't pitbulls more aggressive to other dogs where as rotweilers or German shepherds are more likely to attack humans?

Are you parroting that argument on this thread?
Are you too stupid to realize that a lot of canine species are capable of killing people? Let's just kill them all I guess!
What kind of stupid ass logic is that?

All individual dogs of ANY species that are aggressive and capable of doing great bodily harm to humans should be euthanized. NOT entire species of dogs.

Let the good pits breed. They're just as sweet as any other breed.

nope because I've never attacked someone unprovoked and I'm really good at fucking your mom

Half breed

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their brain is also wired differently.... its a different animal... its like comparing a house cat to a tiger, both are cats, yet one can never be domesticated

Sweet halfling pup

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Hey guys isn't it kinda weird how pitbulls are only 13% of dogs in america yet they seem to contribute to half of the dog related deaths?

Buying a nice house in a safe neighborhood can cost anywhere between six and seven figures. Meanwhile, I can get a dog for free.

Are you seriously supporting dog eugenics?

so lets bring wolf hybrids into the mix...

>Expects an argument without having previously supplied a point of discussion
Did you drink Flint water before you left 9gag?

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you are not talking about pitbulls now you cheeky cunt

Weak b8

But yea pitbulls can be dangerous if you dont train them fully. A fully trained pit is the best dog and a half trained pit is a ticking timebomb.

Yea Forums typically supports eugenics and crimes against humanity, bringing dogs into this is fairly tame.

Here we have a prime example of an idiot with a unique mindset of the kind of 'world is my enemy'.
Would you like to have that kind of unstable killer near your child? This question is of course hyphotetical because a child would require you to ever have fucked a pussy and stayed with a woman. Just let me tell you this: fuck you with your degenerated mind and fuck your pitbulls with a genepool just as bad.

We've been practicing dog eugenics for thousands of years

Look at this pupper and tell me you don't want to snuggle and play with him.

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>A fully trained pit is the best dog and a half trained pit is a ticking timebomb.
sounds like a Schroedinger's cat

YOU should be erased from existence you HONKEY!

>thinks about home defense
>has never had sex
I don't see how you made that connection, user.

Thats what we've been doing m8

Pitbulls didnt magically transform from wolves one day.

This. So fucking much, it's all said here.

>yet one can never be domesticated
spotted the brainlet

The meme reads that Pits are dog seals, so... you know.

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they're owners should be though.

if you are a pos owner it doesn't matter what breed of dog you have it will be a bad dog.
learn to be a leader first, then get a dog you beta fuck.

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Most people dont even train dogs at all really. They teach them to come when called and to sit. Maybe a trick or 2.

Then those people get surprised after 5 years when their dog snaps.

dog eugenics is basically how we have dogs at all now, so some more wouldn't really hurt

You know people had this conversation about Rottweilers and German Shepards before Pits were as popular as they are now...

so they should require a license

Your dog shouldn't "snap"

> be concerned about home defence
< bring inside the most unpredictable beast we've breeded

Nice work, redneck

>Highly educated bro scientist

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and you're a wolf right? You're probably an autistic edgy social outcast who is just pissed nobody wants to be around you.

no kidding. Did you even read the post?

I'm saying that happens mostly because people just dont train them

I never said that. People should just learn to handle the breed they buy. Pitbulls are easy to train most people just dont give a shit.

there are many dog breeds that can bite your arm off if you piss them off
only reason they did it was because they felt threatened or were taught to do it

how the fuck do you think we created dogs?

this, impulse control is what actual dog training is and almost nobody does it

To be fair if you train them they are hardly unpredictable.

>I never said that. People should just learn to handle the breed they buy.
i'm saying that, if improper operation can harm others the license should be required.

Ah yes, we must've just forgotten that if you sit your dog down and listen to its feelings once a week, it'll never be able to get a fever or otherwise become sick and lash out.

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BS, its an animal, you give it too much credit in terms of consciousness

I'm saying that if your dog has a chance of "snapping" if you don't dedicate half of your time to them then they should be exterminated

"Listen to its feelings"

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No, niggers shouldn't be allowed to own dogs.

Theres nothing wrong with the breed other dumb as shit owners who abuse the shit of them and not properly train them.

Thats true of plastic bag too though. Improper operation is deadly.

Last thing the world needs is more friggin licences. Its just a dog. Train them and they are fine. Dont train them and they are assholes. Its not complicated.

Get a fucking computer license then faggot

I've owned dozens of dogs throughout my life and also never really trained them. Never once did they "snap". The fuck are you doing to a dog for it to fucking snap?

pit bulls are programmed to hold on dude. they're harder to get off someone then any other dog. theres one near my city that hangs off a rope in front of his owners barber shop for hours on end.

That's what wild untrained animals do though.

Beautiful dog.id love to invade it's stool/10

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I have a staffie and he is fucking awesome!

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>half of your time
Nigga have you ever trained a dog?

It takes like 60 minutes a day at maximum. If you cant afford that then you shouldnt have a dog.

aka trained
thanks for agreeing its the owners fault

oops wrong pic!!!

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Every single dog that is poorly trained has a chance to snap. Its almost like they are bred from violent predators.

No they're not, you grab by the throat and apply pressure as to choke them out and they will let go.


Look at these magestic beasts. Also pic related is Staffordshire Pit mix. Staffy's look almost identical to pits and share genetics but are considered non aggressive. Why?

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Not my dog personally. I'm referencing the pitbull that attacked my sister.

they were bred to have jaws that lock, that fact has nothing to do with training

Yea and if you dont they wont let go...

>just strangle it if you want it to let go bro lol

Here you go you stupid ass nigger

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No, pitbulls have a way higher chance to kill people even when trained, other dogs don't do that you fucking moron


A fully trained dog shouldnt be attacking anything unless you want it to.

yeah i agree

Right. And then we have the headlines telling how a pitbull ripped the face off of its owner or a child. Why the hell there's practically never news of any other breed doing this? Are the owners of pitbulls so piss bad or could it be that there's something wrong with the breed, hmm?

>either lacks reading comprehension or is autistic
>quotes posts without the use of meme arrows
Are you here from tumblr or facebook newfriend?

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Why do you think dogs go for the throat or neck of an animal? Why do you think they do this when trying to establish dominance in a pack?

No they do not lock you dumbshit.

still not a reason to kill the whole species sorry friend
thats like murdering the human race just because some of them have killed others
inb4 "n-no its different"

I have a pit mutt. Shes adorable, Ripley is an angel.

>Thats true of plastic bag too though. Improper operation is deadly.
if you mean using a plastic bag to kill someone thats intent, there is no intent to harm people when your dog 'snaps'

Pitbulls take way more time to train because they are born that way

100% but half trained pitbulls are more dangerous than half trained labs or basically any other dog

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uhhhh...they're not.


Awww widdle bebbeh scared of the borky bork?

>neighbour has pitbull for a good 10 years
>treats it like it's her second child
>you can tell she loves it and doesn't mistreat it at all
>her kid visits with her infant grandchild
>pitbull bites the infant

>gf i had way back had a pitbull for 2 years
>she too treated it like it was a member of the family and no hitting or yelling and such
>motherfucking dog constantly bit me whenever i was at her place
>and im talking about seriously grabbing my leg or hand or whatever to the point she would lock it outside of the house
>i know it must have been some jealousy thing but still it was pretty aggressive to me even though i wasn't treating him bad or anything

>aunt has a very long relationship with doberman breeds over the years cause she lives far from the city and has them as guardians
>someone gifted her a pitbull
>all the dogs getting along just fine
>3 years FF
>she comes back and there was a fucking bloodbath and the pitbull had fucking killed the other 2 dogs

now these are my experiences with pitbulls, honestly i could not care less about what breed each individual likes and has but i don't like them

It's called eugenics and that's how dogs were created you dumb negro

Rottweilers German shepherds, all dogs that have been breed as guard dogs and attack dogs are capable of killing people.

You know the breed who has the worse bite of any other? Dobermans.

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>If you train your dog every day there is 0% chance of it ever lashing out, even during high fevers.
How is the sub 70 IQ life?

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>knows wtf he's talking about

Yeah but they aren't aggresive pieces of shit, read

Can't tear your balls off tho


must not have trained it right
have to do more than just hugs and kisses because love isn't training

well this is just complete bullshit

The only times dogs take longer to train is when they've been pretrained poorly or they are particularly a stubborn dog (not a breed thing any dog can be stubborn)

I mean if you wanna do extra training in certain areas it could take longer but typical obedience classes are effective for all breeds.

you can link random websites citing one study each that supports your argument all day but it doesn't mean anything

I agree. Pit bulls are really great dogs, normally. Unless the owner is a total fuckup. Meaning most niggers. They are totally a product of their upbringing.

Treating it like a member of the family = clearly untrained and the dog is mal-adjusted behaviorally

Dogs are not humans and this is why its just more than 'treating them nice' that's required in ownership of a dog. Dogs are pack animals and unless you show them that you're the dominant alpha of that pack they will assume that they are.

Thats pretty fair. I'd never argue that pitbulls arent aggressive just unlikely to cause problems if well trained.

Pitbull labs are better.

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they're good boys... part of my family... this can't be true

Thats two studies and I dont see you posting any studies to back up your argument.

do you seriously believe any dog breed is equal to any other dog breed? holy fuck, people are dumb

>typical obedience classes are effective for all breeds
Yeah but most breeds don't need them you dumb cunt

pitbulls are more aggressive than the average dog
they shouldn't be exterminated because thats retarded
they should just be harder for the average person to get a hold of

if you aren't capable of properly training it (I don't mean just "treating them like family") then you shouldn't be able to get one
if you want a house dog get a house dog

pitbull anything mix is trash tier

Like it was her own pup. Look at her watching, protecting, caring. What do you think is happening with the oxytocin in her doggo brain when she guards her ward?

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>i know it must have been some jealousy thing but still it was pretty aggressive to me
I woulda fucked that dog up. If a dog gets aggressive with you its because it thinks it can punk you. Sounds like the pitbull called it lol you got scared and had to lock it out real beta move.

Just admit that basing an argument on an oversimplified statement is fucking retarded. Example: "All niggers are criminals"

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any male animal acts like that.... out cat is the same, it challenges me often for status, gets fucked every time... does it to my wife, and she creams and runs... so he is bullying her often lol

>she creams


Pits are just like any other dog.

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I never said all pits were bad, a properly trained pit, like any other dog, will be a good dog
I said that pits are statistically more likely to attack just like niggers are statistically more likely to be criminals

I just know how to handle dogs. Sorry that you dont?

Theres not a 0% chance of them lashing out but if fully trained its just as low as any other breed in my experience.

I actually see a lot of wild golden retrievers/black labs because people get them and then literally do nothing to train them and they end all fucked.

that's what every pit owner has said about their pit before they bite someone totally out of the blue

if that dog attacked me because I didn't snuggle it it would be justified

mfw i could legit fucking kill the stupid dog with a kick to the face but gf said to not hit it and just to tell him commands like ''STOP'' "NO" "SIT""

kys loser, it's not everything in life about being alpha

because they just treated it like a normal dog instead of training it

Untrained labs are the worst.

The point is, even a well trained pit, one that is treated well, trained great and "perfect".......STILL has those genes other dogs do not have to flip their shit and go crazy. Its genetics other dogs DO NOT have. You are playing the lottery every second they are in your presence.

Fuck you faggot

so they're not just like any other dog then

Sure but you can't simply ban or issue niggers out on a permit basis based on those statistics.

they aren't, they are more aggressive
so they need special training
they aren't household family dogs they are guard dogs

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didn't train it right
kept it like household dog

I literally never said that. I said obedience training works for all breeds.

Yes they do. 90% of peoples dogs are fuckin shit rocks because they have 0 training.

You guys havent been bit by golden retrievers and labs before apparently. Its not that pitbulls arent aggressive its that you can be aware and deal with the aggression very very easily.

People are simply unaware of most breeds aggression so they say stupid shit like "You dont need obedience training for other dogs"

Good luck buying a german shepard, rotty or any large dog and not obedience training them is all I have to say.

They are not guard dogs, We are trying to MAKE them guard dogs. They are dogs meant to kill. They were bread to kill. They kill, not guard.

most of them are doing pretty good right now
its almost as if some aren't being trained right

Uh being alpha is everything with dogs?

Like you're the idiot who just deals with getting bit. I'm not even saying kick it, just get on its back, roll it and wait there until it understands whats up.

>"Yes they do. 90% of peoples dogs are fuckin shit rocks because they have 0 training." But 90% of dogs don't rip off their owners faces you down syndrome chimpanzee

fucking teelllll me about it

The number of idiots who get labs and think "I dont need to do anything, this dog is always going to be well behaved" is fucking staggering.

>Pits are just like any other dog.

they aren't

my nigga...if you gonna have an argument at least fucking get it straight in your head first

They are actually called game dogs. They are for hunting and killing.

yeah because they're humans
pitbulls are dogs though and they don't have the same rights

I'm evil doggo guard your face.

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you're a low iq insecure faggot who needs a nigger for a dog kill yourself

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this is just the nigger argument but for dogs
"it'd be easier to just kill em all hur durr"


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Jews in Germany had rights in the 1930s, then they didn't.

A pitbull is like putting watermelon in front of a nigger.
They may be able to contain themselves from eating it, but in their head is the same as a pitbull

NIGGER: Watermelon, watermelon, want the watermelon, need the watermelon, gotta have the watermelon..........fuck it, im eating the watermelon

attack, attack, want the attack, need the attack, gotta have the attack..........fuck it, im attacking

>get on its back, roll it and wait there until it understands whats up

is this a metal gear move?

jokes aside what do you mean, im seriously interested in that even though it doesn't matter after all these years but still will be good to know

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If they are used for hunting, then why do people buy them as normal pets???
Sounds like a fuckup on the owners part IMO.

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caught in the act of chewing the baby's face off, clearly

Therefore pitbull are not like every other dog.
They need special training
Lets assume you provide this special training, is it guaranteed that the pitbull is not gonna just snap and maul your newborn for no reason?
Will you ever be relaxed around it?


Know what makes these stats worse? Pits are only 5% of American dogs.

niggerbulls are abomination dogs bred for dogfighting, low iq people flock to them for their lock jaw that can crush a baby's skull

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>Pitbulls should be erased from existence.


You better believe i'm gonna be on defcon 2 around that dog

it isn't guaranteed but it wouldn't be guaranteed with any other dog either
but it should be mostly under control if done right

They were bred to take down bulls not other dogs that's what shitty rednecks and niggers did to them.

you know nothing

I get bit by labs and goldens at my job training dogs 10 times as much as Pitbulls.

Most people realize pitbulls are at least slightly more aggressive so they handle them with respect, dont yell at them/swat them etc. People dont think Labs can be aggressive so they treat them like that. You end up with aggressive Labs and non aggressive pitbulls.

Its counter intuitive I realize but its most often the case. Like most people realize the pits need the training and get it right off. People with labs dont think they need the training and come with with 2 year old dogs that are just miserable.

Its not about training, its about breeding. You can train anything, but that doesnt take away their genetically bread NEEDS.

You can not change that. Not in your lifetime

pitbull defending its lunch

the terries they derived from were. The pitbull breed was specifically bred for dogfighting; There's better dogs out there, these are demons, not dogs

>hur durr all niggers are bad and should be exterminated also did you know jews are out to get your money at all times I browse /pol/ religiously its my only hugbox


good couter arguement, mockery is the ultimate form of flattery

niggerdog owner detected

Dogs cant reach their backs with claws or teeth. If you rear mount them, head lock them and roll them. They will just flail worthlessly. If you wait 10 minutes or so they will give up and realize you are stronger.

Honestly you shouldnt have to do this crap if the dog is trained but untrained dogs only understand domination/subjugation.

also jews suck, you're a fucking idiot if you support israel

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Stupidest shit I’ve ever read. Labs want to go swimming. Pit bulls want to kill something.

You’re fucking dumb.

Itt niggerdog owners: mock you like a 12 year old on a schoolbus not countering any of my arguements just personal attacks like the pounded ass faggot he is

very true
I've owned goldens all my life and have been fairly strict with their training
a few years ago some people down the street got 2 golden pups and then neglected to train them or leash them at all
they got put down in less than 2 years after they ganged up on a child they found while roaming the neighborhood freely
dogs are a huge responsibility that most people don't respect properly

Why do people buy bloodhounds as house pets?

/pol/ is like tumblr
its just a hugbox but for the other side


you sound angry, im sorry your life sucks so bad jesus loves you

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>mostly under control
Aka the dog can just snap "out of the blue" and maul your newborn
>of done right
Oh so it can even be done incorrectly
How can you recognize if the training was correct? Just check if your son still has his face on his head

labs and goldens are definitely easier to train and pacify but an untamed and headstrong lab could easily be as aggressive as a pit

like a goddamn daffy duck episode
"u cant have bark without a tree""

>only 13% of the population and over half the crime
>pits are 5% of the dog population and are far over half the crime
Yeah I'm thinking pits are niggers and blacks are niggers.

I'm not mad at all actually but you can believe that if you'd like
just poking at the usual /pol/ faggot

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Yea it is stupid but its also the truth. People dont realize labs can be violent so they just dont train them at all.

People realize pits can be a lil violent sometimes so they come and get the training.

A good lab and a good pit both wanna swim tbh.

I'm not saying they are the same I'm saying how they are handled is different so the outcome is different.

Not every lab is nice I promise. One I trained would snap at the face like jump 3 feet in the air and try to bite your fucking face. He had to be sent to a solo trainer.

This thread is stupid

They keep my farm safe. Once they get old though, I shoot them. They can kill you when their sight starts to go and don’t recognize you as well.
I have seen many cases when I was a surgeon, mostly old women with old pitbulls they had their entire face eaten by them.

Wow that's pretty awful

tldr get a loicense for aggressive dog

Republicans kill more people. Start with them.

Dogs at least can be trained and can see reason.

weak bait

Cant we just start calling them Diggers?

and yet you still responded to it?
bravo you accomplished nothing and look stupid


Your dog sucks. Pitbulls are trash

>"Did you train your pit?"
>"Yeah I treat them like family :) Same thing :)"

those people at the bottom have to be false flagging right? surely no one is that heartless?

Pit Bull Attacks - Advocating for Victims of Dangerous Dog Attacks


when you account for the fact that men of any race are far more likely to commit a crime than women, black men crime stats start edging closer to fatal attacks by pits in terms of percentage

It's the trademark nigger dog. You aren't a real nigger unless you have a Pitbull everyone knows that. Personally have a distaste for them because again, mostly niggers and trailer trash don't know how to train any dog. Walking down the street and seeing one always puts me more on edge than any other breed because how can you tell how the owner raised it? I'm in favor of a license to own pitbulls, and if anything, would at least give the trainee some insight on how to actually train a dog properly.

Lucy and Luna are no different than Bo. That's what I know as a dog owner. The breed has a bad reputation but my girls are the sweetest pups in the world.

Neighbor had a pitbull- used to bark and growl at me whenever I went to the mailbox, and barked at anything that passed. Saw it one morning on my side yard, taking a shit. High powered pellet gun, one shot through the eye. When it stopped twitching, I picked it up by the leg and dropped it into the trash can- luckily the next day was trash day! The "lost dog" notes on the telephone poles gave me a little chuckle for a month afterwards.

I really hope you're right but I've heard so many stories from people who are like you now until one bad day and it all comes crashing down

I make 85k a year and my wife makes 70. We have a pit and pit mix. I assure you its the niggers and Trump thumping rednecks that fuck up the dogs. Breed and genetics account for very little. Lucy and Luna are my babies. Purple and pink collars and painted toenails make them way less threatening our neighbors kids pet and play with them weekly.

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What if I told you dogs aren't meant to live in the house.

and dicks aren't meant to be in mouths but I still enjoy getting head

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I would say you are missing the concept of what a pet is. Of course if you're on a farm or something and have working or hunting dogs then that's fine they belong out there. But I live in the burbs I like fancy dog parks walking and jogging with my dogs and I like to spoil them. They are domestic animals solely here for companionship.

I would stomp its head till that fucker stops moving

Found the edgy 12 year old

That a good looking doggo fren.

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Pic related happened to me when i was on acid once in a conversation.

That dogs hair is perma-fucked now. You cant shave a huskey.

>use your pit bull to block off a memorial for the victims of pit bull attacks so that the survivors of pit bull attacks can't visit it

Holy shit, I cannot even imagine the type of subhuman garbage that would actually do this kind of thing.

You know what? Maybe it really is the owners that need to be dragged out into the streets and executed.

Honestly I thought this kind of shit was dead in pussified america where feelings are everything. I am filled with determination.

OP should be erased from existence for posting YET ANOTHER cancerous bait thread on Yea Forums. Way to go, homo! Another tumor on Yea Forums!

Kek, shut up faggot

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Come back when your dog gets old and gnaws something off of you

This is not a pitbull.

These are also not pitbulls

These pitbull threads are so cringe. Non of you fuckers know what a pitbull is. Basically blanket label 10 plus different breeds as a pitbull. Its like calling humans all niggers.

If the fucker is blue, its not a a pitbull.. if the fucker is more than 60 lbs.. it . is not a pitbul, if the fucker is white in any way even markings... it is not a pitbull.

adopt, don't breed.

Yes it is, you absolute moron.

"so many recipes so little time..."