Morning Foot/Feet Thread

Morning Foot/Feet Thread

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I'm sick and tired of people making fun of my foot fetish. Like, grow up people! They are just feet! Who are you to judge me and what I do behind closed doors!? Who am I hurting? I never suck on toes or lick soles until after I admit my weakness and get consent. Sure I check out feet when I see women walking along the street in sandles, but how is that different than you looking at an ass in yoga pants or admiring breast popping out of a low cut top? Even Jesus Christ washed the feet of those around him to show humility. That is what my fetish is. Humility. Showing my partner that she is superior to me and that I will love every part of her. You just would not understand.

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Slow day today

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What do you mean?


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not him, but theyre ugly feet is prob what he was trying to say

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nails are shittily done.

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Need someone to tribute my gf's soles. Add me on Kik goodevilangel

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Nice copypasta

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Sniffing her socks and panties now. Sativa makes me so fucking hard.

What's her name?

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He just said her name is Sativa lmao.

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Sativa Skies/ Sativa Soles on YouTube. Also on IG. Sells worn items and custom videos.

Assumed he meant THC type.

I love you Sam

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Moar duck

shove your sweaty socked feet in my face after your match

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would you nibble her toes?

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This has to be one of the worst foot threads I've ever seen

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ohhh yes, more of them

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holy fuckkkk, love them!


don't stop

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gf's feet

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love my cousins' as well---

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gf's footwork

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Faaak people actually do this irl.

>Making it even worse

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Bumping quickly

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more of her?

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She's trying to hard but go great feet

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Thanks but no thanks

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Which one?

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shit copypasta, try harder

The one that shows pussy and feet at once.

YouTuber Ex

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got more?


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damn those look big nice wrinkles.

Post her youtube lol

I doubt that will happen but I have a good idea of who if he isn't full of shit that is a youtuber.

>I have a good idea of who
Who? Soothe my curiosity.

I can't give that information since the OP posted stuff that could be considered pornographic where I live and to give the actual name of the youtuber who could then be found is actually a criminal offense where I live lol

How could you tell from just that? Lol

10/10 would tickle all of them.

body shape.....and most of these youtubers have instagram accounts it isn't hard especially since a lot of them are known to flash their feet in instagram photos and their youtube videos.....having a foot fetish for 20 years you never forget the face that matches the feet you like lol

You have nothing to fear, as you didn't post the pic. You just identified who it is.

Now post the youtube.

what kind of youtuber

Them some busted ass toes bruh

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