Who's the worst person in America? Pic related

Who's the worst person in America? Pic related.

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Your mother, for not having an abortion.

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Jesse Smallett. Just imagine the riots and property damage if what happened to him were true. He's a terrible racist.

Wow dude that's so rude

It’s not Hillary. Go to bed, troll.

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She is a horrible individual.How is that not true?

Who's the biggest faggot in the world, and why is it OP?

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She's smart, attractive and powerful. I'd give her the dicking of her life.


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How is Trump not enjoying afternoon every day?

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For a trap maybe.

>still obsessed with Hillary
anything to deflect and distract eh?

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>thinks traps can be attractive
confirmed faggot


Mueller is going soon and liberals own apology to Trump.

You virgins are so picky.

Wrong election Ivan, don’t drink vodka at work.

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Except... He's not.. Keep crying faggot

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this broken English gives you away

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Bill Clinton is a rapist,son.

you don't say?

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Liberal faggots want to taste Russian dick?

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The stress the man is under -- all due in part to his own actions?

wow you certainly proved his point

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No he's an adulterer you dumb cuck. And you lost your right to care about rape when your party literally decided to ignore it on half its running members. Trump literally admitted to molestation.

Your Russia is showing

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Learn to read,grammer nazi nigger

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Didn't Democratic party legalized gay marriage? Nice self projection

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Being able to read it doesn't make it proper English you dumb slav.

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Do you think she let him fuck her in the ass?

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Doesn't matter, he'll do it anyway

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How hard do you think he fucked her and cum all over her face?

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kek someone spent time making this

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what time is it where you are right now?

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Imagine being so gay to create those fake images.
Liberals lol

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He doesn't support trannies,tho

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god that's a terrible meme. do you think that's clever?

Imagine bowing to a Muslim king like a slave.What a humiliation.
Thank God we don't have this unfunny joke in White House anymore.

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No, he's a literal rapist.

but they support him

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lol you make me laugh

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oh please do go on

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Another fake image from a liberal.What to expect,you like fake news lmfao

Bill is a rapist.It has been proven.

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>posts a fake image
>does not see the irony
neck yourself

There is a difference between bowing while shacking and getting the main award.

>moving the goalposts
sure kid

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>if I inflame the language and emotions, my statement becomes true
kys faggot

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she later recanted and dropped the suit saying she didn't knew whom assaulted her, this is back when women came out and said Gloria Allred had offered them money to accuse. She filed about 24 hours before critical Indiana primary that made trump the Republican candidate over Cruz and Hillary's opponent. Know what happened about 24 hours before the critical primary the made Obama the Democratic party candidate over Hillary? The Birther scandal , notice a pattern yet?

wait...bowing while shacking? What does a shack have to do with this? Were they building a shack?

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Didn't that girl recant her story and admit she had no idea who raped her?
I thought we were supposed to believe all women?

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>Someone shows the slightest hint of supporting Trump

Must be those damned Russians


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Did he bow there like Obama did?Also kek at your obsession with Trump.Keep crying bitch lmao

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that's not why she withdrew the lawsuit. why do you lie?


no she withdrew the lawsuit citing legal intimidation

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Yeah, let snopes tell you the truth.

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yeah he bowed like a bitch for some fake award from king sandnigger. Also kek at your obsession with Obama. Keep crying bitch lmao

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>if it isn't on Fox it isn't real
facts scare you do they not?

protected speech faggot, lrn2Constitution


>On 20 June 2016, New York City-based blog Gothamist reported that the plaintiff had refiled a similar complaint in a New York State federal court
Ironic timing if you ask me.
Now that you're going to be President, I'm going to pursue this.
Oh wait, I'm not.
Yeah, yeah, they intimidated me.
That's why I'm not going to pursue this matter.

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just remember that Trump is a legit retard. his brain is mush.

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>>if it isn't on cnn or liberal news it isn't real

facts scare you do they not?

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keep crying libtards.
Game over.

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they are a fact checker, you got a problem with facts?
we're talking about Snopes child, please focus.

that's irrelevant. he raped a 13 year old and used his lawyers to scare her off

>they are a fact checker

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>Obama hates America
fell for the Bill O'Reilly meme I see. Ever considered, and I know this is a radical idea...thinking for yourself?

and what have they gotten wrong?

You raped me and your lawyers intimidated me.
These are facts because I said so.

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guess I shouldn't post the FAA manifests flight logs


just public record of Bill and Hillary Clinton flying it Epstein's flying child brothel to have sex with children together and separately 20+ times

Plane was equipped with beds and child sex slaves kept on board

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OP is literally the worst person in America

I don't hate America. I just hate most of the people in it.

Spaghinty McClinty.

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convenient. why not sue for witness intimidation/tampering. I know why.

most things regarding trump, Republicans, or Democrats

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They are biased and only fact check the things that don't go against their beliefs, even if they're wrong.
It's not necessarily that the things they post about are wrong, but that they cherry pick what to fact check.
They aren't neutral as they claim to be, making them useless fact checkers, in my opinion.

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>it's true becuz I want it to be true

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still not 1 new picture
she dead

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My boss

Rapist, but not really. Hmmm

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so the time 24 hours before the primary the made him or Cruz the candidate, wasn't suspicious at all you you

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Bobby Kotick, obviously.


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>she dead
only when the second-amendment-people decide to intervene.

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yup and gave every member of her staff blanket legal immunity , and wrote the memo exonerating her before she even interviewed

no mind you she raised $1 million for is wife's political career launch
nop nothing to see here says the left

she not been seen nor photo took in like 90 days
every single time the use old video and old photos

She's probably still alive, only by drugs.

yea but

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Probably her staff or maybe Democrat leaders.
She's basically the new Stephen Hawking.

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so...you got nothing.

but they're not wrong

More evidence than you have of Bill Clinton being a rapist as you so claimed

timing is irrelevant, did I fucking stutter?

oh wow an opinion piece from the mouthpiece for billionaires. What exactly does that prove? Nothing.

>Who's the worst person in America?

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I see the jews are shilling for their golden goy hard today

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>kek someone spent time making this
>kek someone spent A LOT of money making this


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Dude that is not at all how this went down.

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Which the story you link doesn't actually say.

Right, it just let you know that the CEO of Snopes himself admitted to being biased.

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Gay new server lmao

Just checked snopes.... this is not true

The pattern I've noticed is that all you trump supporters type in long run-on sentences with terrible grammar. The sentences are usually some conspiratorial shit.

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Have you ever had a $300,000 dinner? Let me tell you why that's important. Every year in June I take my private jet to my private resort in the middle of the Pacific. It is staffed by Masai warriors who are captured from the plains of Tanzania and trained from birth to be the most obedient servants on Earth. Every year one of them is chosen to be cooked alive in the broth made from the bones of extinct yellow river dolphin and garnished with the spices of a dozen plants so rare they are unknown to science. I am served at a solid diamond table where the Masai servants act as my chair and footstool. I have the smallest piece of meat carved from the Masai, placed on my tongue, and then I spit it out into a bowl made of saffron. I do not do this because I enjoy the taste, but because it reminds me of my success. That discarded slice of dead Masai warrior has more chance of starting a successful business than you ever will, and for that reason I'm out.

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Yeah a horrible person no doubt, but the worst person in America? Not by a long shot, unless you buy in to that pizza joint tin foil shit, I wouldn't put it past any of you Yea Forumstards tho.

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Tell me about this pizza joint.

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Oh, you KNOW why, we do not know the truth either way, it is interesting you, a man with no doubt intricate knowledge of the ins and out of this case, not in any way influenced by your deep love for the orange orangutan, just like the people who hate him claim to know it's true.

Truth is none of us know, it'd be interesting to have certainty but all we really have a poorly formed opinions

Well, we can assume innocence until proven guilty.
The evidence sure doesn't make him look guilty, given the timing, it looks like a smear job.


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I am not saying anything either way but knowing is different from being strongly convinced. Too much I don't know about it to make a call either way, interesting that people DO form their opinions with such little knowledge though.

I hear you, but there's definitely enough information on that particular case to make an educated opinion.

I disagree, you are neither an expert in human psychology, law, rape cases or this specific case.
There are enough false convictions based on thousands of factors so to assume either way about allegations doesn't fly for me.
I am not going to tout that Trump is a pedo rapist and we legally and respectfully have to treat him as innocent.
However to claim to know, even if it is as you say an informed opinion, is lazy and intellectually dishonest.

>However to claim to know, even if it is as you say an informed opinion, is lazy and intellectually dishonest.
When did I claim to know?
All I said was that it looks like a wrap up smear because of the timing and her refusal to follow through.

>>>if it isn't on cnn or liberal news it isn't real

Yes? What do you think fake news means?

that's not a slug, retard.

lot of hot chicks in that pic.

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Yeah every once in a while one of yours comes to our side