White "men" are the all-time champions of being cuckolds

White "men" are the all-time champions of being cuckolds.

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>1 post by this ID

bump for original thread

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this guy again

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How boring is this thread, the looser doens't even change the pic.

*Not original
*Not funny

jews won't even admit to who they are
they have gone past omega

It's a bot

>0.15 skekels have been deposited to your account

No, your women are.

JIDF post nig bait stuff to get reactions
then paste those reactions on a SJW forum to get the SJWs to raid us
they are too cowardly and unimaginative to attack us themselves

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It's usually just the one guy from reddit on his discord. I wish Yea Forums would ban by image. The site should be reserved for users to talk to each other.

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Go back faggot

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Discord trannys

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Literal gay ops, also running on /pol/ and /r9k/

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so much better to abandon a kid you had with a crack whore no one wants to fuck

It's shitredditsays 2.0

How deep does this go? So far it's leftist jew NGOs, alt-right reverse psyops, one nutjob hapa faggot, random trolls or discord trannys. How many more players are there?

Too deep I think it's been the discord faggots for a while around 2000 members in that group

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So is the 'Tenda Lung Spencer' angle, just a red herring? It always sounded like a troll to me.

Yeah same here even if it were him I think he fucked off as soon as he got found out