Confess your sins Yea Forums

Confess your sins Yea Forums

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I just left this girls house after fucking her and she passed out and I slipped out but her damn door handle lock was broken and I wasn’t going to leave her house unlocked so I had to wake her up and tell her I was leaving.

Now I’m in a lyft with some old lady who breathes like she is on oxygen and has no damn music playing, just the GPS audio... fml and the chick called and was asking if I was okay and all this shit lol I feel like a dirtbag

My sister got home from the hospital and found the bullet ant I ordered extremely quickly. That's what she gets for putting on dirty clothes. I hid it in her hamper.

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sucked my own cock.

I shit on the floor in Walmart bathrooms

Yeah, that wasn't super smooth. Just learn from it i guess. You didn't really do anything "bad"

I'm the zodiac killer

I keep posting trannys in random threads.

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Are you going to run in 2020 as well?

Post more please i neeed to cum real bad

recorded myself cumming in my mouth back in 1999 witfh a sony DV camcorder

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I don't care for the jews very much

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Well I’ve been with a bunch of girls, I didn’t expect her doorknob not to lock (top one did but only after door is closed)

Oh well, I’m back home smoking and about to rekindle my buzz

Dan Schneider is still working for Nickelodeon under a false name

Less than a week after moving in with us my new step sister proudly told me she knew what sex was. I was 12 she was 9 and our parents left me to watch her while they went on a date. We were on the couch watching a movie and a love scene came on. She turned to me said with a proud smiling face she knew what sex was, knew what boys and girls had, and had seen boys penis’s before. I didn’t really know what to say. But she kept talking and it was obvious she knew way more than I did. After talking for awhile she asks if she can see my penis. I didn’t know what to do my mind exploded and my heart was dancing on my tongue. I decided to just go for it and see what would happen and slid my shorts off. She took my dick in her hands and started playing with it. Rubbing the head and stroking up and down. This was the first time anyone but me had touched my dick and I just exploded all over her hands, my stomach, and the couch. When I came she giggled at me and wiped her hands on my shorts. After I cleaned up she cuddled with me on the couch and asked if she could be my secret girlfriend. Of course the answer was yes. And for four years she was my secret girlfriend who gave me my first everything.

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That's incest user
That's sick

Its not like that's unusual these days. Was it your first time with her?
You'll be right mate. you are beating yourself up over it more than i think she is.

Fake & gay

I regularly fap to cp from sites i find on reg web


I didn't pray the rosary last night :(

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I once had a rotweiler
He loved to lick everything off every time I fapped
After that he kept following me every day

I fucked my cousin. I'd do it again, she's pretty hot!

i need to do more cocaine

When I was 15 I got into an argument with my bf. He called me a stupid slut. When he got close to me again I reached up his basketball shorts grabbed his balls twisted and pulled hard. He screamed and fell on the floor and I went home. Almost a week later police come to my house to interview me. He had a serious injury and they had to remove one of his testicles and he needed more work over time to try to save the other. They were saying I adsualted him so I told them he tried to force himself on me and that’s why I did it. They side with me and charged him with aggravated sexual assault. He took a plea deal for one year in juvenile hall and five years as a registered sex offender. I know I went to far but they didn’t need to invoke the police was only 15.

Had sex for the first time in the missionary postition for the sole purpose of procreation... before marriage

Close I’m from Georgia.

Like your sex life.

You are what is wrong with society.

Yeah, she was a neighbor but had a BF at the time but we’ve always hella vibed and have hella shit in common and dealt with similar shit.

Shit was banging though. She hit me up and wants to hang tomorrow night, so guess that’s a good sign, I’ve always been the guy to dip out after sex or tell the girl to leave like a hour after fucking at my house, I cannot commit since my ex I dated for 6 years

I still have the photos of my friends dog licking my dick even after the dog got hit by a car and died. This was about a year ago. And I still fap to the pictures. I feel awful afterwards.

well at least it was before marriage
hopefully you abandoned her

I almost fucked mine, she gave me a hand job and I fingered her, I was like 12 and she was 15.
She was hot asf, then she did drugs and got pregnant by a nigger and nobody in my family talks to her

If you wanna get that high and conserve your coke, grind up caffeine pills and mix it(usually 200mg a pill, i did 4-5 pills added to a gram)

Missionary is the best position IMO besides reverse cow girl, both have made me help 54 women acheieve an amazing organism

You'll find something that works

Y tho

Thanks user.

She’s pretty fucking hot, I dig tattoos and piercings, she has her tits and pussy pierced which was hot as fuck, rubbing her piercing made her get so fucking wet it was nuts.
Her puppet was annoying as fuck though, fucker nipped my ear and started bleeding(it’s a pit)
But kinda helped start the moment, she came and brought me a napkin and shit and hugged me and then that led to a kiss and yup.

Sorry for my blog post , lmao I’m home and stoned and drunk

Pupper * (dog lol)

Well, at least 5 or 10 of em, I'm sure the rest TOLD you that you did.

If a girl can make her legs shake and cramp up and feel her pussy pulsating on your dick, I’m pretty sure that’s an organism and not faked unless I fucked a bunch of actresses

You sound like me in my teens and early 20's.
Got any pics of her?
Dogs are annoying as fuck especially when they are treated like fur babies. Italian greyhounds and whippets are the pinnacle of annoying when you are trying to smash.

Wow what the fuck


I fapped in a girl's high heel during a party (I didn't even know her)

One time, I might have sold my daughter to the Jews

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When I was 13, me and my friends often bullied a lonely guy. We insulted him, and chased him during pauses, tho we didn't physically hit him. I regret this so much

I have all of liinaliis' videos saved on my drive and I can't bring myself to delete them even though I know it's wrong
She's just so fucking perfect bros.

Cousin was fucking this nigger so I fucked her best friend

Convinced a girl that to find her blackmailer, she'd need to send me all the pictures and vids she made for him.
I didn't intend to actually find him but I think I have. Tempted to team up with him.

Catfished my niece for nudes.

Sure feels good to have a couple days away from the bullies at your school huh user?


Toddlercon. All night long. Sorry father.

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Can't. She's a bit young.

And what did you get?

Mostly tit pics. I got impatient and pushed a bit too hard and ended up losing her interest.

i have a bad habit of talking to girls & saying im single despite being in a year long relationship