Be me

>be me
>24 y/o UKFag
>meet cute girl on Yea Forums
>be in relationship for 2 years
>get dumped night after xmas
>purge all memories
>cant stop thinking about her
>mild PTSD
>look for new house / job
>try hooking up with randoms
>nothing works to fill the void / clear mind
>keep seeing old things the purge missed
>think about her every day
>dark thoughts but never act on them

I know Yea Forums is the last place to look for help but maybe something good will happen.

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you have cute eyes

Thanks user, they're blue/green, I always forget which.

Wow nobody at all usually at least one guy shitpostes on this type of thread.

Just gonna say Yea Forums ain't the best place for talkin man

sorry i'm late.

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Maybe YOU should BE the GF

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i’m in brighton if you wanna do loads of coke

you're cute af user, you'll find someone

You met someone in here? You were probably catfished!

Too many faggots in Brighton.

but you are a faggot, so you’ll blend in fine

Hard to get catfished when you date them IRL.

Not op but what are the Brighton women like?

Coke and vodka is more my style. I stay out of the Drugs :P Been to brighton I think. Had fun with a cute boy that had the same name as me.

skets. all from different parts of the country cause of unifags. shame really, brighton used to be a really nice city but the sheer amount of students has just fucked it up.

drown your sorrows in cocaine, dress up like a girl and i’m sure someone will fuck you

I was in Uni for some time. he had a cute t-girl GF at the same time. was fun but he's in US now.

Not my style. but I'm sure someones done that.

you're running from your problems instead of dealing with them. acting numb and emotionless will only end you up with worse issues eventually

Like I said, I knw, but it seemed like a good excuse to rip the 'newfag' tag off myself as this is my first post.

I'm not trying to be numb, I've talked to friends. I've beat myself up over it. But I can see how it seems like I'm running. Any suggestions on how to face it head on?

Why are you such a faggot, OP?

Sorry I thought you may have been one of those freaks who exchanges messages and considers it ‘muh relationship’. Carry on.

I think by definision its because I also like men as much as I like women.

It was a small distanced relationship so we had to just text mostly, but we met up several times when we were both free and had the money. lots of drinks and contact.

best advice I can give is focus on waking up, get out of that shitty mindset things have got you in. aside from that just work on yourself personally, think and do more positive things for yourself and shit will start to look up

got myself a Nin. Switch + Smash Ult. the day after it happened. Also I'm trying to live better in a new house. but I'll try and do more. Thank you.

If it think you have mild PTSD from this you should just end it now

hobbies and leisure are good, they distract you while not shutting everything out like drugs or other coping mechanisms. try to be happy by yourself before anything. you won't have healthy relationships otherwise

btw who do you main on smash

Ok I was thinking of coming down. How have they fucked it up?

Was this a “long distance relationship”?

Also, show your boipussy. Put on a shirt with some high heels too.

Yeah it feels melodramatic putting that, but it's for transparancy of the post and it does 'feel' like that.

I used to play kirby, but I've switched to lil Mac, but I know I'll get shit for him so I've tried Cloud a little. but I'm still pretty nooby.

Still watch aniime and play my card games. So it's good to know thats helping somewhat.

Already said what it was in post:
and I'm not going to show that. at least not today/ this post.

Thanks for the lack of shit posts on this Yea Forums, was gearing up for worse honestly.

>be me
>on my first 3D modeling computer exercise
>we have a substitute teacher for the day
>first time working with this software so i should pay attention while she explains
>admire she is fire cute and send a text message to friends saying how i would get distracted by her
>she starts showing us the basics and i watch it the whole time
>on our turn to create a simple model i freeze and start to sweat
>the teacher came to me like 2 times to help me (i didn't ask)
>it's time to make the sketch 3D
>i looked away for one second during the explanation and that's the exact thing that i missed
>for the rest of the exercise i stood in my place clicking around and nothing happening
>she finally came and showed me how to do this too, and wrote down 0.5 out of 3 points out of pity
>mfw i understood everything, but i am just stupid and slightly autistic

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