I'm a retard. What is this image supposed to mean?

I'm a retard. What is this image supposed to mean?

Attached: 1550913810661.jpg (700x585, 65K)

blood vessels for the cpu

Seriously OP, Fuck you.

Attached: wtf.gif (280x296, 1011K)

Whoever did this is a trihard

Someone ran a lot of jumpers to that CPU
Welcome to "Nagga Country"

when the cpu doesn't fit the socket

Usually you need a maschine (about 7k$) to soldier cpus unto a board, if you dont fit them correctly or use to much soldier it will not work
My guess for the reason behind the pic is somone wanted to know if the cpu works so he connected all thelanes with jumpers

someone post the horse foot. you know the one

I often soldier electricells end you are Cerrect

why deleted?

the motherboard as rejected the transplanted CPU. Unfortunately, only 85% of transplants are accepted by their new hosts.

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i wanted to add meme pepe pls DELTE


Pepe is canonically dead and we killed him.

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Attached: Screenshot_20190223_100821_org.floens.chan_2.png (971x826, 957K)

Is that why some gayming PCs have tubes filled with red fluid? How long does that stuff last? Does it need a specific blood type?

A faggotive

when you forget to turn on flow control during "that time of the month"

pls no f-slur pls k thx :-)


>no f-slur
oh shit sorry nigga

The CPU has been soldered with wires instead of just actually putting it down like everyone else

china does fucking bizarre shit. you can get fake high end intel cpus that aren't exactly fake, but they're like good high end laptop cpus they fashion to new miniboards that can plug into sockets on motherboards. they are too fat sometimes. there's a guy called linus from canada that does tech videos. his group gets weirdo tech and plays with it. one video was a 1TB drive made from 128GB microsd cards with a custom controller that had shitty performance.

long story short, china makes frankenstein computers from our shit and you can buy it on ali.

CPU sockets must be really expensive

No heatsink or fan?

too much soldier

Attached: RIP In Peace Pepe.jpg (580x370, 61K)

cpu is for a different socket

not even a fucking thermal pad

done by someone not understanding stray capacitance

some idiot soldered his processor directly onto the board with wires instead of using a socket.

>implying the 'idiot' didn't do it ironically

Upgraded motherboards must be really expensive

3 days of soldering, 3 seconds of use.

jeez how long does it take you to fucking solder

You Faggot

Looks more like chipset

Surface mount soldering can be done easily with a hot air station. Those cost about $50.

Do you realize how many pins, and how close together they are.
You marathon that shit user. I would need to walk away from it many times

with some tweezers, magnifying glass and some patience it can be done in half a day

5 min with a hot air station.
Forever that way in pic

or use a hot air station, yeah i agree

Guess I have more money than patience, and Just fukin' buy the right thing.

yeah to be honest i'd do the same. i have better things to do

Maybe you should persue a career in neurosurgery.

thing is... electrons do not move through metal at the speed of light.

gold is a great conductor. that's why it's used on the CPU pins. do you know how fast any given electron moves through your fucking wall? it's like 3 meters per MINUTE. electrons move fucking slow through metal. they have a great effect but... adding long copper wiring between gold is fucking retarded.

30 minutes if you're southeast asian 7 year old and have made iphones most of your life

It's cursed

i wouldnt be able to live with the guilt if i messed someone's brain up and turned them into some sort of half man, half biscuit thing

Since when did RedLetterMedia become memes?

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I bet it stayed cool.

just carefully bend them back

Done that many times kek

But current isn't the physical movement of electrons, nor is signal transmission limited to the speed of individual electrons. Electromagnetic waves travel in the medium of electrons and are sort of close to the speed of light.

Nonsense, you get them that way, dey already fuked up.

Liquid nitrogen gone wrong
you need to wait for everything to heat up, which due to insultation is a while

Great thing about AMD sockets is that can be easily fixed.

Sort of both correct... Think of a tube, filled with balls slightly smaller than its inside diameter. Push a new ball in at one end, and one at the other end will pop out. That's electrons in a wire.

The CPU socket is gone, and the guy soldered the chip directly to the board with wire. Looks old, so maybe it's a legitimate attempt at a repair, IDK. All I know is it's gross and it makes me uncomfortable.

>use too much soldier

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