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Other urls found in this thread:


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Some 519 Canadian 681 fun 5012 for your amusement... shout: "it's a good time to wake-up, you fuckheads!" (It's really not. In fact, they would hate to be woken up at this time.)

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Another fag cuck thread, shame of ylyl. b/ became crap full of shit kids.

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This thread is awful

So far, this is the best time to be alive, so what the fuck do you mean?

tfw deleted all banana pics

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Oh boy another fantastic round of ylyl, I can't imagine this shit ever getting old

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haha where did you find this one?

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phone prank user

I had it for a while

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Hmmm I’ll have the heroin and water please.

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kitchen pranks

I just lost The Game.

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What the fuck is this shit show?
Can’t we have one ylyl without you sad fucks spoiling it?

No, too many faggots


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Fucking pathetic

I enjoy.

Why are you so gay for this guy that you need to post him every day? It's pure obsession you fucking fag. I bet you jerk off to him every night. The idea of him being a rapist satisfies your submissive fetish and you need to broadcast your homoerotic fantasies of having your anus cheeks spread to every YLYL/cringe thread/rekt/pics you saved/etc. thread you find. And to make it worse, you post your own threads as well, effectively doubling your faggotry because you become the OP. This essentially makes you the gayest person on Yea Forums. You are obsessed with some guy and you are the faggot OP. Well done. I don't think anyone has ever achieved such faggotry in the history of this website, perhaps the entire internet. I bet you eat cocks and shit rainbows for breakfast and everything you utter faggot.

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s4s is more like classic Yea Forums
Go there.

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Great job you mongs
You did it
Worst ylyl ever

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Wanted to share this with my Yea Forumsros - I've wasted so much time here wanted to say goodbye. was on top of the world, had a great job, nice place downtown, even a cute conservative younger gf... nov 25th i get pulled over, got a DUI, blew .092, passed the sobriety test and was fully functioning. never been in trouble in my entire life, even had a clean driving record free of speeding tickets. well, the jew judge was fire and brimstone - lost my license have have to take UAs twice a week, literally have to pay out way more then i can come up with in the short time they gave me, everything they could they did. life has been falling apart. decided last week I'm just done. broke up with the gf, put my notice in with HR, wrote the ad for my replacement, gave away the cool shit i had in my office to the staff. leaving a notebook with the basic info that anyone with 10+ years of IT / network engineering experience should be able to figure out. flat broke now with the systems slowly creeping up on me. went from being a foodie to having just one packet of ramen at my place - not exactly the best last meal but it will definitely do. the system is beyond fucked up, been joking how i should have just drugged and raped a minor - that i would be in less trouble then slightly over the legal limit. didn't even feel buzzed. don't even drink much.
anyhow, wrapping up my last day of work. have a bucks left in my account, going to stop on my home grab a pint of the best whiskey that is less than the $15 i have left to my name, wipe my laptop, nas, phone, delete social media, etc. clean my place, get dressed up, leave my DD214's on the coffee table put on my tags for the last time, put on one of my favorite episode of futurama as i enjoy my last meal, have a few laughs - then go out in the snow with my 1911 and end it. part of me hopes reincarnation is a thing, but sure its not. definitely had a good run. Stay good Yea Forums & /pol/ !
Last internet words: *Fucking Jews*
>user 1984 - 2019

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When youre this new

Fake and fucking gay, reposted from 2 weeks ago.


Does anyone know what happened to Nick Sandcastle after the interview?

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Why garbage and not all threads of /b? I have not seen a good thread on /b since 2009

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What does Yea Forums think of this rapist's 13 year old girlfriend.

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>implying you've been here since 2009

Its the new faggiest thing you can do.
You'd know that If you'd been here since 2009....

>inb4 implying i've been here since 2009

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you old fags need to chill hahaha i can pearly believe this still gets posted,

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Daddy Pappy kek

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Spam alert, dear Mr. Spammer please insert foot into mouth then cram the leg in and when you are finished be sure to hit the vice until your foot pops out of your ass. Thank you and good night.

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anyone have that greentext of that user who had liberal/leftists parents who shilled for blacks in america and he eventually put them in a bluck run nursing home where he told the staff they were racists?

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lost it at goatse

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Just kill yourself already for Christ's sake

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It's shit like you.

imagine being such a retarded loser bitch that you spam rapist and pear shit over and over again

Attached: Bethany.png (1920x1693, 526K)

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the pearfag is gone

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Big lawyers are suing over 50 celebs and entities for him for hundreds of millions, including WAPO for a quarter billion. Ole sandy about to become one of the richest people in America, and that filthy old fake vet chug is still a loser.

>hello this is my first day and am I doing this correctly.

nick sandcastle, they harrased a native american because they are edgy teenagers and.now the right tries to show him as a brave MAGA Boy who stand his ground against the left simply by cuting out the beginning where he and his schoolfriends harassed the man who was protesting the killing of his people by the americans.
inb4 leftiet, I'm not even american


Attached: YcKLR0E.jpg (920x920, 51K)

Under rated

you fucking faggot
he didn't do anything but stand his ground and lightly smile
you're not american yet you're still triggered lmao

Baron Yes

Yes I would like the salt and I'll take an order of homo fries for OP

Goyim strikes back

>/b? I have not seen a good thread on /b since 2009
Try not to be a newfag redditor

Can somebody explain to me whats happening in this thread

Oh fuck, standing and smiling in public is a crime of harrassment now. Let's fucking charge everybody we walk past on the streets.

Attached: 1550642234363.jpg (399x464, 52K)

>I'm not even American
You're not even out of grade 1, kid. Maybe go and actually watch the video instead of being manipulated by the msm


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>doge memes

Hurry up and same faggot yourself about how this is top lel

can't relate

These are actually pretty funny

Seems like big fake titties and manly hands.

It's a trap you fag

Attached: behold.jpg (600x766, 129K)

what were those

that ugly fruit meme


This thread is still up? Time to nuke the shit out of it with Ray Pist memes.

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Cheers bro I'll drink to that




Daddy spice

Okaaay buddy retard

Thy name is Sir Fizz

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Daddy Radical
Feel free to call me "Daddical"

Best thing ever

This hit's too close to home.

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rollin for sinjin

Motherfucker.. this one always gets me

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>Last internet words *fucking jews*
>user 1984 - 2019
No sir 2019 was unfortunately the last internet word for you.


Whatever happened with her, I stopped paying attention once i realized I didnt care and had drugs to do.

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Lost. Africa can't even feed itself.


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>His girlfriend is 13 and he makes a living by fucking dogs.

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Those fuckin trips...im so proud of you user...

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Daddy taste

Fuck you user

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She went to Mexico with a new lover, and to others disapproval, she even had another kid, people still want to kill her.

Attached: CqRYzWCVMAEtlpK.jpg (480x416, 35K)

Ok, so how do they all get back up now?

"you talking to me?"

Elephant steaks?

My new background. Hydrate, motherfuckers!

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Underrated post.
Hail Satan!

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this is weak

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Y'know i'm actually a girl and was going to give you a throwaway e mail so we could talk but your immaturity ruined it.

Attached: IMG_151.jpg (1536x2048, 308K)

shut up retard women dont exist on the internet


oldfag confirms these trips and blesses you

tits or gtfo

Attached: m.png (1227x136, 234K)

No u

hope u die being raped by niggers and get aids

Ylyl memes here too guys:) join op
Join Discord
For E-Girls and Boys (Boipussy) Nudes, Porn, Memes Yea Forums

Attached: 1550894526132.jpg (750x1334, 81K)

mm dats yummy pasta right there


I know it's a YLYL thread but is anyone else fascinated at how this particular condition alters the skeletal structure so much that they look more like each other than there own parents?

Tits or gtfo

Attached: FB_IMG_1550866610674.jpg (640x535, 31K)

Thanks for joining us tonight, Bill.

is that the argentinian team?

thats actually true. Africa will be a great place to put a lot of farms. the slave are even there already.

Hey Faggots,
My name is Marco, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass pictures. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any pussy? I mean, I guess it's fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to pictures on facebook.
Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I'm pretty much perfect. I was captain of the soccer team, and starter on my co-ed soccer team. What sports do you play, other than "jack off to naked drawn Japanese people"? I also get straight A's, and have a banging hot girlfriend (She just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.
Pic Related: It's me and my bitch

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get ready for this le epic lawls
why the fuck doesnt the onion have a mobile app?

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Like anyone cares

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Is this the dude with the long dong who fucks thai ladyboys?

i'm bi and you know 4 a fact kthanksbi xoxo

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supreme empress wearing sissy pump heels and prissy frocks posing for anachonda bois ;)

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>Soylent Black

Is that Jay?


>Hey look, I responded to 90% of the thread!

Fucking faggot

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Carl, actually

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Manchester Retarded vs Genepool F.C.

He says his and yet, this is what I lost to.

mister popper
i like it


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Go to authorities if real


you lie

Lol that's great


who is this dude and y is his face posted everywhere on Yea Forums

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He's so freakin' ugly, god dammit!

Join Discord!!!
For E-Girls and Boys (Boipussy) Nudes, Porn, Memes Yea Forums, super chill dudes and you can get mod!!!

Yly also welcome

Attached: Screenshot_20190223-124027_Gallery.jpg (1080x2220, 376K)

Daddy yes~

What is this game I dont get it?

it's a kid who's jealous of him, coz he stole his crush.
He is full of rage when you confront him.

sounds like he's off his meds

Why haven't you hung yourself yet?

yes, time to consult for a stronger treatment

cringe as fuck

Attached: cringe.png (360x172, 27K)

Good file name, it's cringey as shit and you're an obsessed freak.


. A

You know damn fucking well that's not what happened

I'm just waiting for you to slit your wrists.

I came in thinking I was gonna see something new but nah it's the same gay-ass thread from earlier smh

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rage more


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Could you possibly hang yourself with a piece of barbed wire covered in dog shit?

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Well this is Yea Forums.


rage more kid

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Don't join this they blackmail you into taking hormones and force you to become a trap. The owner also make you his sex slave.

reeee that isn't how bets work

>obssessed with this guy
>need to post shit story and shit pics
>not having mental illness

That's not even you, don't use my girl's picture in your fake catfish post.

Raging? You're a convicted sex offender and you jerk off with the blood stains and detritus in your 5 year old sisters underwear.

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>Not slitting your wrists immediately.

That's a shame.

go to authorities and report

go consult

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. ▲
▲ ▲

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proof ?
You're just a liar.
Go consult

>No you.

>Jews did this
>heros alone in the snow
user you're doing it wrong. You're supposed to die honorably. You know what that means.

But he won the bet... he fit all 20, he never said at once.

having a obssession with the guy who stole his crush....

Go consult. You really need a therapy

Attached: screen568x568.jpg (320x568, 32K)

go consult kid
Your mom will be proud of you

When will you get help for your attraction to little kids?

Just admit you have four eyes.

You will never find a GF with this mental illness

>four eyes

Pathetic insult grow up

fantasing about rapist or pedophile...

Attached: medsmedsmeds.gif (300x201, 227K)

This is amazing because it implies those two fictional successful btards didn't have sex with those women at all before marriage which seems like something only autists and southern baptists would subscribe to. The entire point is to demonize those sluts, but instead i blame those two faggots for expecting two women that constantly go out clubbing, appear to have no jobs, and wouldn't even fuck them before their wedding day anyway to like them for anything but their money when the men clearly state they only like them for their looks. Incels are bad at logic. And yes I am implying the creator of the borderline mgtow shit is a hopeless unfuckable incel.

take your meds

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or ask your mom

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this is how

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haha the guy on the left is so done!

go to MedsDonald

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8 eyes.


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ok i admit it, i am a pedophile

12 eyes.


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Louis know

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good for you

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16 eyes.


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I'll break your glasses and take your lunch money four eyes.

meds meds meds

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imagine the sound

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meds meds meds

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Risperdal is mainly anti schizo, i think.

I like Paxel, an SSRI.

The second S is for serotonin, a neurotransmitter in the brain.

If I get a boost of that, everything in me feels boosted.

my face when you forgot your meds

Attached: my face when this kid forgot his meds.jpg (900x600, 66K)

that's right, this kid need to take this


Attached: How-to-Take-Pills-If-You-Cant-Swallow-Them.jpg (500x334, 14K)

go consult, you really need help

Attached: go consult.jpg (276x183, 6K)

Look outside...


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mom can help too

Attached: aid48709-v4-728px-Administer-Medicine-to-a-Resistant-Child-Step-4-Version-6.jpg (728x546, 62K)

imagine this guy, sucked by your ex 15 times/day

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His enormous and juicy cock in your crush

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m e d s

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novartis power

Paxil works gangbusters for me.

I take it daily..20 mg ...8 am.

I'm becoming a better person


kiddo meds

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...what the fuck is going on in this thread?

aspirin don't work

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A few low-lifes here drive away many regs

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You giving this award to every single ylyl thread caused an inflation in the meme market that in turn dropped the value of this award to 0.001 Keks.
Good job you commie piece of shit.

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his enormous cock in your ex

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homeopathy don't work

Attached: BOIRON.jpg (252x252, 9K)

Yay !

there it is, a personality rebuilding medication.

suppo work, need a big one like this

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did he just broke his screen, full of rage ?

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b-b-but whats real ?

pills everywhere

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>take your meds

Attached: AhaAirHorn.jpg (970x545, 50K)


he said :

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really really really need help

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full of girls.

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w/ these threads the quality of /b decreases


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Another thread ruined by The Butthurt Faggot of Infinite AIDS.

I don't know how many times this needs to be said user, but I'll do it again.


Pay a rentboy to let you do it. He's just not as big a faggot as you are. Let's face it, no one could be. You're the biggest dog-cum loving queerboy in existence.

STOP LARPING ABOUT HIM RAPING YOU. HE'S NOT A FAGGOT LIKE YOU. No one is a faggot like you. One who wants to dress up as "Little Debbie" and have some guy put a condom full of dog semen up his ass so you can suck out the "yummy yummy doggie cummies".


Live in the now user. Your Nazi gay dog cum anal slurping fantasies will have to remain unfulfilled. I'm sorry to have to be so blunt, but your hydrocephalus, autism and gay seem to make it hard for you to understand. He will never play the big dog yummy cummies game with you.

unironically mister clean

Dig UP, stupid.

He bets he could fit 20 coins in his cheese sleeve.
He is given 20 coins.
He tries, though strangely, and fails.
Concedes that he has lost.

Nobody wanted their money back, sure, but that's because it was covered in smegma, not because he won.
How is that not how bets work?