Hanna and other Korean girls
Hanna and other Korean girls
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Hanna is a fucking goddess. Wish she would stop making youtube vids and just become a pornstar already
she would make much more money
thank user
how is her?
would love to fuck her in a video
you guys should comment on her vids and let her know
That's probably all Hannah would care about in the end. Money, fans, and whoring herself out
What would the video be like, user? Describe it
should comment for her to post more videos, until she becaome a camwhore
tell her about some cam sites and she'll be curious probably
don't know, probably is easier to create fake accounts and make her think she is a popular youtuber
I'm actually down to do that lmao
what should we do after we convince her she's popular
create fake accounts -> watch videos -> comment in the last videos for more -> create fake articles showing her as a prominent youtuber -> ???? -> profit
Something like this
>Get her to set up a patron for whatever reason
>Become top supporters by giving her $20 each since everyone else on her channel is a bot
>Convince her to start a twitch channel since that's where all the money is
>Somehow turn her into a cam whore from there
Seems pretty fool proof to me
dont know how that's gonna get her naked though
make her think she is popular, than suggest twitch for money, or we can jump to the twitch earlier
That's exactly what I just suggested bro
but I think we should drag some anons into to this, it would make things easier
Her channel only has like 31 subscribers. Just slowly make accounts and sub to her one account per day until she hits 100. Wait for her to make the obligatory "Omg 100 subscriber special!!!" and then jump into comments complimenting her and asking for more vids before ramp up the subs from there
okay user, we will be in touch throw hanna threads and youtube channels
first you guys need to convince her to make more videos, it looks like its been a while
Actually gonna go make a few accounts later, maybe get her to 40 or something to get her a bit excited
Not gonna rest until we've turned her into a cam girl, this can be one of the next >Le epic times Yea Forums trolls did something xD
Should someone comment something like "Hey Hanna I shared your vids to X location and people seemed to like it!" to get her posting more, or just keep subbing until she uploads?
I'm a oldfag, nothing to do with Yea Forums but is going to be interesting
I'm spreading some subs, likes and comments already
which videos are your favorites?
I subscribed
Welcome to the army user, go sub with any other accounts as well
have 2 accounts subbed and comments
her sister is a piece of fuckmeat too
Shes got a lot of Jesus in her.
I know my christian Koreans, and she is one of em.
probably tries so hard to preserve her precious virginity
Gone from 28 to 35. Doesn't seem like much, but I'm sure to Hanna each sub will mean a lot to her
classic church girl, they are all attention whores
The plan is to turn her into a whore whore, so hopefully we can exploit that love of attention :)
try to get more people to sub and comment
so you saw my account
I'll try reddit
good idea, make it look like it started there, so when shit hits the fan it'll fall on them.
what are you going to post?
just thinking about something really simple, that I want to help my friend to get more attention
Might make a comment on her channel that looks like this. Tell me if yeah or nah
"너는 너무 아름다워!!! You need to tag your videos better Hanna! I only found your channel because my vlogging friend showed me.
I have shared your channel with a group for small Korean vloggers. Hope you don't mind a few extra fans :)"
Gay as fuck I know kek but I have a "Korean girl" youtube account that I can comment with
do it
Looks pretty legit
>I have a "Korean girl" youtube account
i lold
where did you post this?
everyone cum to hanna?
that what it seems like
i wonder if she knows how much cum is spilled to her all the time
it didn't appear here yet
None of my ult accounts can see it either, it'll prob show up in a few hours. I think we've done enough for one day, all about the subscribers now
post her nudes
Should we organise some group chat to discuss on? And if so, where? Might be hard to get another Hanna thread going until she posts another vid
where should we organize this?
we can create a reddit "fan club"
Discord? Kik? I’m not at my pc Rn so if someone else could create that would be cool
Then again we can always just go without
we can just create hanna thread and work independently