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Have fun everyone

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why would you ever hurt a cute

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This song is my childhood... Crossbow class.

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I'm gonna do it!

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I loved hanging out in Ludibrium when I was a kid.


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Would train for hours and hours and hours. Made lots of friends... but now things have changed.

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That's it! BOOM!

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Used to just buddy up with random people at level 1 to gather mushroom caps. Then we'd be friends for years. All the way to level 120.


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I want to boop her nose. Late night distracted edition

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Put your brain back in your head boy. Have you lost your mind!!

Based boop.
I only got to play Maplestory for a little while unfortunately.

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Sure have!

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Then we finally drifted apart. People quit or got less active in one way or another. They stopped speaking or going to boss fights. Some people had family problems. Some people were really depressed. Talked a few out of suicide. It wasn't perfect, but somehow always we could all escape into this tiny little computer screen sized world.

I wonder what happened to them.


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I know the feeling of being depressed and suicidal. Every day I want to kill myself but I can never quite summon up the courage to do it knowing my family would probably follow my suit.

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>Soap bar says soap on it
Retard proofing at its finest

I remember this one guy named Erik. He taught me a lot about the game when we first started. Gave me a ton of rare stuff and potions out of nowhere when I was just learning the ropes. And he had a sister who had a drug problem. We kept together for years, but I could tell things weren't going well. One day he just disappeared and I never saw him again

I used to go to Lith Harbor and just drop random rare items and millions of mesos for the noobies who seemed genuinely new to the game.

Man I wonder what happened to him too


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I've never been called based before, im no lil b. Anyways, how's it going?

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I just hope they're all okay. I know statistics probably don't work that way. I'm sure they must have made it, even the ones who didn't want to.


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>nobody cares

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I killed myself once. Then I realized everyone is immortal.

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Alright. I'm just trying to distract myself with porn to keep me from going backsliding into my crippling depression and suicidal tendencies. Got any mares?

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There are dead who still walk the earth, but you'd never tell just by looking at them. They still look like you do.


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I'm genuinely impressed about the amount of Angry Beavers porn there is.

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Uhh not really, check /trash/. Most of what I have is from artists I buy other piece from. But there's always sleep to distract you. I love sleeping with my new Ara daki.
>pic related, design I bought

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I don't think anyone can live to be as long as we think they can. Maybe we're all just imagining things. I can't be clear with you, but I hope you find out what I mean one day.


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I have bad insomnia, so I can't just sleep all day. I want anti depressants but I can't get a hold of them right now because my doctor won't prescribe them until I go for a visit.
/trash/ also doesn't have mare threads often, unless you count the clop threads, which I don't really care for.

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The first step is realizing you already died. Then you see that everyone already had knowledge in the first place. They're just projecting to be stupid. But at the same time, it's still their fault.

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If you need help, seek it. Don't be afraid to ask for someone to help. If your doc thinks you need it, they'll give it to you. It doesn't hurt to have a potential problem looked at

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Is this Nibi?

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Sounds like you should try detoxing, really helps with conditions like this depending how you do it; been there, was worth the countless hours spent bumbling through links on various search engines like yandex looking for the best solution, which is one search provider with much better results for some searches than Goolag's. To spare you the time it took me to arrive at my conclusion, I'll conclude by saying: "GANS" structured water


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Yeah. I've been visiting my psychologist for a while now, and I think they misdiagnosed me as bipolar. I don't have mania and I just have real bad depression and an imagination that literally takes control of my mind for the most part of the day pushing me into fantasy lands that I can escape from this dreary world for. I may also have schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder, but I'm not really sure because I don't show all of the symptoms.

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Let me just ask. What would you do if you could do anything? Exterminate or prolong the human species?

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Exterminating all non whites will do both


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Everyone's afraid of each other. Can't say I disagree. There's no room to breathe on this planet.

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What you described is bipolar type 2. There's manic and depressive. My aunt's manic and her eldest is depressive so I understand that neither are fun. But if you really think it's a misdiagnose, seek out a second opinion but do get any help you need. Escapism isn't the answer, but there is a way to make things better.

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I was diagnosed bipolar type 2 but I dont' have mania or hypomania is the thing. I do have bad insomnia that keeps me up for days in a row, but it's not like mania where you want to stay up and get shit done and spend a lot of money and shit. I'm getting help, they're just real slow on the uptake because it's a free institution for the poor.

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>feral poster, cub poster, and train poster are all the same guy
That's the silliest thing I ev
>trains are not anthro. All the trains shown are under 12 years old when they were photographed
... Oh, shit.

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So bored sometimes. I want to take my dogs traveling before they die.


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Dogs must know more than humans. They don't live as long. So they die first, then they know all knowledge first. Does that make sense?


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If I fucked your childhood, it was fully consensual

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i can't believe s/fur is fucking dead

So tired of waiting for my dogs to die. What a stupid place.


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None of these songs are sad enough


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I'm gonna go to bed with my dogs. Good night.

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Animals definitely comprehend some things more at birth than most humans will comprehend in a lifetime, they're simply less desensitized. But if you think about it, the human larval stages of adolescence is our greatest weakness, which also prevents us from being totally independent, unstoppable killing machines.

Feralfag has ascended to another plane of insanity. Jesus fucking Christ.

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almost everyone who is sure they arent bipolar but isnt totally floored considering they may be schizo, is bipolar

Its pretty common to "not have" mania. There are just times where you arent bed bound, skin crawling suicidally depressed.

Ey feral, you good or did you get rejected by your dog and you're losing it?

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I dunno man. I just don't know. I also have problems hearing voices and believing really crazy shit that takes me weeks to deconvince myself of. I still often believe that reality isn't really real, you know? Like I'm a particle of light being tested by God to overcome obstacles and achieve divine perfection by killing myself like a sacrificial lamb. Back when I was a teenager I heard voices for years and believed I was communicating with spirits and possessed by demons. I'd believe I was in direct communication with God and that I had magical and occult powers. That went away for about five years but it's coming back now and I'm losing my grip on reality and it scares me. I have days where I go hours staring at a wall lost in my delusional fantasies that are so real to me I prefer them to reality as it is. I also sometimes hear voices now but it's more like invasive thoughts pushing out my thoughts and overiding my mind. I'm also really, really, really, fucking paranoid to the point it's crippling me. I don't know what's wrong but I'm really fucking scared right now and want to die.

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He's gone from delusional retard to full blown schizophrenic.

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I remember you, I had talked to you about bipolar some months ago. I don't think I am now, but you are. You should talk to your doctor about all that next time you visit them.

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You might have talked to me but I don't think so. I don't remember it but I might have been high. I smoke pot a lot and that makes me hallucinate and have visions. Also makes me defunctional as all get out.

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It'll be fine, he'll be back at full autism in a day or so. If not he might finally take a hint and leave. Anyways I gotta be up in a few for work, night

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Yep, it is you because I remember you saying that as I would have the same things happen sometimes when I was high. I had talked to you a few times actually. You should stop smoking weed because that will definitely make it worse and likely irreversible.

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That's absolutely insane.

Though, I feel the same way daily, as intended by God. Bless you my child.

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Sometimes I want it to be irreversible because then I wouldn't have to deal with life. But I have to stop smoking anyway if I want to get a job again. Recently fired because of my depression and mental illness. Life sucks. I'm worthless. Every day I wake up wishing I didn't. I can't talk to my psychologist about all my problems because they tend to get really judgemental about me smoking pot and telling me it's bad for me when it's the only thing I have left to cope with. I'm starting to subsitute alchohol for pot though. It's not working the same though.

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They aren't being judgemental. It's a psychoactive substance just like acid and shrooms, and they can cause hallucinations and paranoia, make them worse, and accelerate latent schizophrenia. You're making yourself worse. If you want to be better then you need to stop the drugs.

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God I'd almost kill for some shrooms or acid right now. And like I said, I have to stop smoking anyway to get a job, so I have to quit for at least a few months. And I'm not sure I'm schizophrenic. I had a really bad breakdown a few months ago that seemed schizo like in that I heard voices and hallucinated a lot, but it went away after a while and I feel fine now except for the delusional fantasy that slowly ruins my grip on reality. I have an entire world built in my head to escape from all my problsm.s

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I need a drink. I've got a little bit of vodka left but not enough to get me drunk so I can go to sleep. I'll have to drink a few beers on top of it.

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Ya'll need Jesus

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That just sounds like a psychotic break. I don't know enough about schizophrenia and bipolar to tell you what it may be, but I do hope you can get treatment for it. Episodes like that aren't fun.

I need better drugs.

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But I'm not Christian, I'm a Hermeticist.
Yeah, I don't know what the hell's going on. I'm trying to get back on my meds but they denied me them for a month because I missed my doctor's appointment.

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That's fucking retarded. What were you taking?

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Paliperidone a substitute mood stabilizer and antipsychotic. I don't feel much different being off of it though.

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They only gave you an add-on? Why? These doctors sound really stupid, and I'm surprised you aren't taking Risperidone or Clozapine because those I know are effective in treating bipolar and schizophrenia.

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Then again I still hear voice thoughts occasionally that really fucking disturb me. Keep telling me I'm going to die and I have to keep responding that I already want to die so what't he fucking point?

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I was taking risperidone but it fucked me up way too bad. I'd go all day wanting to sleep and being groggy as shit drugged out of my mind tired. It was really bad medicine that fucked me up real bad.

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I love that pic. Perfect curves, nice realistic looking tits that don't look like balloons, and a big furry bush. Perfect mommy material.

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The voices are just God trying to tell you something, don't need chemical lobotomizers for that mate.

Oh, it made you zombified, that sounds right. Paliperidone doesn't cause that as much which is why you didn't feel different, but it likely did help because it does sound like you're schizoeffective. You should definitely get back on it as soon as possible.

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I tried to go today but my psychologist kinda flaked on me when I tried to move my appointment back to 4 o clock for family reasons. Well I mean really she just never texted me back, so I have no idea what happened. I need another beer. Brb.

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Back. I'm gonna try and get nice and drunk so I can sleep. Nothing else works. Hell, honestly even getting drunk doesn't work half the time but it's worth a try now that I can't smoke pot. This insomnia is a nightmare.

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Thought of interest: If we all die someday, does that mean that we aren't eternal in any sense of the word, but rather abject qualities whose continuity can only be counted in it's impermanence?

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You've mistaken the body for the consciousness which inhabits it. A good metaphor is a TV set or radio, which picks up a signal and brings in into a form we perceive, but does not exclusively contain that signal sensation physically. The brain is a fractal antenna.

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Yeah dude I was more or less just making an idea off the top of my head as a thought experiment. I'm a Hermeticist first and foremost and believe in the non corporeal form.

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On second read of your post, I now see you're actually talking about the meaning of 'eternal' in relation to death. Just like life without sleep would make for a strange, unfathomable existence. Like all things, a paradox; seeking to extend life, to milk it for every drop of joy, yet subconsciously craving destruction, as evidenced by the ever more frequently shifting standard of normalcy.

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I guess mate. I'm too drunk now to really comprehend that post.

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Drjunk. Going to bed, gnight.

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