YLYL, Presidential Edition

YLYL, Presidential Edition.

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i hate donald trump and think hes a retard but these lil mems aint funny at all

Cant believe that was Mickey Rooney

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Who's this old fat mate ?

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Attached: call_for_allah_today.jpg (730x1095, 146K)

What is this - Muslims for Trump?

Attached: TrumpWhiteHouse.jpg (1024x565, 124K)

i like how the legal or illegal was omitted here, it speaks volumes.

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Attached: 20dollaAJ.png (1125x968, 1.08M)

Kek, Yeah...

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This thread is painfully bad.

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And to think Bill Clinton got his blowjob for free

LOL she had to pay him

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We really need a new name for YLYL. These damn bots.

Yeah, I don't think this topic works for a proper YLYL. Trump is a dipshit, sure, but fucking hell these memes are as bad as the ones supporting him.

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Ben Garrison in a YLYL thread? He doesn't have a funny bone in his body.

Is that Trump or a random grandma?

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this thread fucking sucks

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my sides
of haggis

>27 ips
>106 posts
your not slick "anons".

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I'd fuck her tbh

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ITT conservative user buttmad about trump being YLYL'd let's own and eat our shit for once fat virgins who think like old diaper shitters

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tf? This thread is mostly anti trump stuff. OP's pic Is making fun of trump.

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Something actually funny?

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Proving once again that migrants should only be allowed in to serve at the pleasure of rich white people.

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Oh God HC supporter cant stop still Butt Blasted 2019


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>that Benny G one

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"blended bourbon"
Definitely Haram

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Don't you mean "kek"?

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This is too good for this thread

Lol, when the left can't even poem right

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>that comic

Yeah, that’s some serious projection

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>implying that she’s wrong

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[Citation Needed]

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That chick has a huge dick


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eat shit libs

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>he doesn’t know that it’s actually a nursery rhyme


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Sailor Coon

LOL faggot. Lefty memes are right there with boomer posts. Cringy as fuck.

>tfw your party supports communism/socialism
>tfw you hate "Drumpf" for being a Russian shill which is bad because they're communist

Any dick measuring pics between Hillary and Trump? I always think Hillary is the man of her family. She must have a hidden penis somewhere

How is holding a hand over his mouth gonna do anything when he's obviously tweeting/texting and not talking

She keeps it in a jar named Bill

Bullshit aside. Was crooked hillary convicted? Is mexico paying for the wall or are the taxpayers? Was the swamp drained? Did the jews get an even better paycheck? How excatly did the factories from carrier enterprises stay in the US, whn after the incentives, those factories still moved to mexico? How many blue coller workers lost their jobs from carrier?

putos democratas

The words of a loser

>tfw google this faggot and its real
fuck it. let the mass shooting happen. i dont even want to be alive anymore

trump isn't a fascist, but kek

why are leftists absolutely obsessed with penis?

they want to normalize sex, and sexual organs because its just part of their agenda, what comes of that is hard to predict, but i cant imagine it will be good if they do succeed

sex ia normal...but I’ve never seen a group more fascinated and willing to joke publicly about a mans penis.
Imagine if the tables were turned and Hillarys pussy was the butt of many jokes on national TV and msm?

I'll bet not one Trumptard gets that.

>I always think Hillary is the man of her family.

Well, when you consider Bill is just representative of the average emasculated American male who has been conditioned to kowtow to anything with a vagina even to the lowly tier of dime store whore, simply by virtue of their mom and said applicable female sharing more or less the same kind of genitalia, then no. She's just a normal corrupt and frustrated American woman.

that the sign spells moron with an ‘a’?
is that intelligent layered humor to you?
when is the last time you left the basement?

Even among ylyl you made the worst of all, thanks to the left memes.

this is an exceptionally bad ylyl

>when your own party is so racist that you have to photoshop the opposition

none of the political parties are racist, not even the bad bad right wing republicans

This seems like some sort of Butthurt thread for dellusional liberals.

Actually its a real unaltered photo. The orange impersonator is none other than the late Tom Metzger; one time grand dragon of the KKK and leader of W.A.R.

not in my experience
your head is way up your ass if you can’t see how pathetic and triggered the left has been since the moment Trump was announced president

a wife isn't a job
they were literally supermodels

it's a leftist meme. come on.

I hate the Donny, but that was funny