I think im growing tits
Wat do?
27 year old straight man by the way. Pic is me
I think im growing tits
>pierced belly button
Your body is producing too little testosterone. Stop stimulating your prostate and get into more physical altercations.
>Pierced Belly Button
>Long hair
>Puffy af nipples
>Claims to be a man.
OP pls. Next you're gonna tell us your penis is inverted or something.
My penis is just fine
Put that pathetic penis in chastity and fuck off
Ah. I see. Well uh...you could get a reduction if you don't want breasts. Tho, you could let them grow out and see what happens.
Id rather cut it off and have hot guys creampie inside my man made pussy uwu
Well in the meantime put it in a cage and they can creampie your ass.
Thanks for making me gay Yea Forums
love that ahegao baby
I'm not attracted to men at all but for some reason trannies make me harder than anything else, even real women and I've fucked real women
I want to turn a mans son into a cock hungry bitch whore
What is your name? Each time I catch one of your threads I put all your pics in a folder? I need a name for it.
Here I saved a pic of you.
Disgusting, especially the face
I'd fuck you
no fucking way, no straight male has his belly button pierced. clearly bait.
>is obviously trans
Fuck off.
Im 27, six foot tall, and white of nordic decent so of course im not like some midget beaner tranny who looks and acts like a real cunt bitch. Fuck you
Im still cuddly and fuckable and loyal and i like to shoot guns and make alt right YouTube vids and Ive even been pinned by Sargon and Mark Dice
Post youtube and stop making my cock hard.
Sounds like a great idea
Do you got any ass pics? Trying to fap to you but I need something I can imagine fucking.
Nude ass pic?
Post boi pussy
>Pierced Belly Button
>Long hair
Tits are intended, gtfo.
How much cock has your ass taken?
Please tell me you exclusively bottom.
I've seen you on here before, you're that tranny who posts in the vocaroo threads fishing for compliments
I’d motorboat you bro
That sounds hot to be quite honest.
Fukin. Exposed. Begone thot
Well if she wants more compliments from me she can post pics of her nude ass. I will give her the ultimate compliment by giving her a cum tribute of the pic of her face she posted.
It's rare to develop gynecomastia that late. Usually it's early 20's at the latest. But I can empathize. The only option besides surgery is to have a very low body fat percentage. Simply getting skinny won't work unless you reach ribs showing levels. Trust me. So you have to go for the swimmer's body. It's pretty tough to do. But you need enough muscle because your tits will always be a bit noticeable, unless the rest of your body has decent musculature. Then, the small remainder of extra fat will be spread over your pecs and be unidentifiable as fat.
Actually, too much testosterone at once can trigger it because the body then releases more estrogen, apparently to try to compensate. This is why growth hormones can cause it.
Spread your faghole