Game over wh*tebois. Total replacement by 2100

Game over wh*tebois. Total replacement by 2100.

Serves you right fucking antisemites, we finally did it

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Say goodbye to the world white virginboi

the planet isnt inhabitable anymore by 2100 btw.
imagine blacks actually take the top position
you will fuck the planet even faster, u know it.
not a single black person has made serious positive change in history of mankind.
All you are good for are your fucking dicks.
Who grew so big because you did nothing but fucking the last 2000 years
kill your fucking self stuid retard

LOL fat ugly bitches who fuck niggers outside of porn arent shit cuck faggot ass nigger

Not to worry, you stupid cunts are busy killing each other.

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You call us all antisemites and lump us all into 1 group. Yeah you can't reproduce in prison BYW

I guarantee you're white and pretending to be black online is your weird sexual fetish. Prove me wrong by posting your hand with a timestamp (you wont).

women getting fucked by black niggers are trash

thats actually what i imagine many times too.
its probably a cuck

>We are the alpha master race because of our big Pee Pees!


>We need reparations and welfare, and affirmative action... because we are so strong and alpha...

Why are black people like this?

Have you faggots ever heard of shitposting?

>Serves you right fucking antisemites, we finally did it
So, OP is not black, but Jew. Why it doesn't surprise at all?

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If you really think about it, if black people were the global hegemony it would be much less industrialized. That would be good for the planet.

you don't know that and your comment is racist in its intent you hate jews and you should feel ashamed its not allowed anymore in fucking 2020 you piece of DUNG

They're newfags that just had Internet installed in the trailer park user. They don't know.

OP is black!!! Jews dont do that, jews are our allies

they would try to continue whats already there, but fuck everything up eventually

Antisemitism is a word used for people who hate jews. I've trodden on worms with more intelligence and worth than you bucha goatfucking sandmaggots

Jews are honestly great people and anyone obsessed with them needs to go away.

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wite boys all becoming traps
no longer can compete

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Jews understood how to play the life game.
The problem is, they dont let anyone in


cannot kompete

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first of allits a fetish which is not bound to the race
you fucking nigger
why is the sice of your dicks the only argument you bring up

i know not a single female who likes the look of black people.
the thing that they need between their legs can be anything, your fucking dick can be replaced, do you understand that.
All you got is your dick
And it can be replaced.

>the life game
you mean, *a life game

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Did you just reveal that this blacked forced meme is a jewish psyop? Lmao

No, jews have absolutely nothing to do with it trust me. I give you my word OP is not jewish

You got a single life.
the life.

picture of skin with timestamp
proof u are a nigger

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Normal white people don't sleep with niggers, if you knew any, you wouldn't have made this post. Please keep posting things like this. If you dumb porch monkey retards keep it up, you may get a chance to become glorified fuck dolls for a select few mentally demented white women. You're lucky we give you this, so be thankful. It's bad enough you've never thanked us for slavery. We white folk are you saviors from Ebola, walking miles for water, constant warfare and lions. Never once have I heard as much as a thank you. Get to upiddy and you'll be erased, you're 7-8% of the population and you hold your weapons sideways. All we would really have to do is plant handkerchiefs of different colors in your jeans you never wash and you'll eliminate each other for sport.

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Now now. Don’t be too hasty. They were really good at farming sugar and cotton too

Big surprise, the only thing keeping your thread alive is white people telling you you're an idiot. That's a pretty good indication that you're a dumb insecure that was hoping to have their beliefs affirmed but also incorrect.

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But now they're useless, all we do is spend a shit ton of money paying for their babies, trying to stop them from killing each other, trying to stop them from stealing our stuff, and trying to stop them from selling drugs to children.

how can you be so proud about being downgraded to only your dicks?
These girls are sluts that arent interested in you
The just want their pussy stretched.
Niggers are so stupid

You're a faggot too. Acting like black people actually have bigger dicks than white dudes.

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Holy FUCK, all of these are so hot. Please more??

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white familys are auctally the majority on welfare. blacks have a harder time getting approved.

>not understanding per capita

You better work harder in school come Monday

Any more QoS girls?

Where will niggers get their free gibs me dat without tax paying citizens?

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A 40 year old hooker and photo shopped nig you sure showed us

I don't care either way, im not white trash. I can afford my shit because im willing to work

Wow look at the cuck post niggers don’t even have dicks they only have the smallest IQ fastest and highest jumpers literally the monkeys of people

They don’t even have dicks is the reality they have nothing

Anyone else think it's funny how much niggers dont matter?

Muh p-photoshop!!!

USA will still be majority white when I'm 70. I'm fine with that. When I'm dead the niggers can do what they want but until then I'm still going to oppress the shit our of minorities and keep them down. Especially hapas.

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Hispanics are technically white. I'm Hispanic/German and I look extremely white.

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Nah man blacks can't go a week without chicken cut it off and they dies

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Tiny dicked asian males make me question my sexuality. Please post more.

That too!

Pls post more.


Not gonna lie, hot thread

More like this??

Yep you "win" you all be "kangz"

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oh, well geez, thanks



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that can't be real.

so dumb.... Asians are going to kill us all off eventually, except for maybe a few jews

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black "men" be like

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Hooray, you will have access to a hot, dying rock in space.

Porn isn't real life, idiot.
Most white women don't want anything to do with smelly low IQ niggers.

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average black man

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You can have the ham beast.

This is the most insecure shit ever.

t. assblasted nigger microdick

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she is ur finest woman

Clearly she isn't , she's more interested in fucking pavement apes.

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apes are intelligent creature
you evolved from apes
without them you no exist

Very profound statement for a nigger

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we also evolved from fish, the difference is I aint one

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You are a fucking cuck who bumped this thread when it was about to prune. FUCKING KILL YOURSELF CUCK. SAGE GOES IN THE OPTIONS YOU DOWN SYNDROME FAGGOT

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