highway to another g/fur thread
Highway to another g/fur thread
Do I get it for Yea Forums x or appchan x?
reggies inbound
Yea Forums x
We going to enjoy each other then! While smooshing and stuffs.
>i dont see the downside if we talking bout actual chocolate especially if you got someone to lick it off for you.
I dunno, maybe! Don't got anyone though.
That's not what I meant, hmm... just mean that if I go through all that trouble, that means commitment to posting here, which maybe I shouldn't spend so much time doing that.
Perrrrrfect. But also bad boy, what if you get caught?!
(pssst, ask the user just above your post, hehe)
Thank ya!
I have used my fingers and some odds and ends around my room.
I would prefer something that i can conceal, my dad likes to snoop and doesn't know that i swing both ways.
go ooooon
yo dont HAVE to come in and post every day and shit like that. i have been visiting here since 07 on and off and still hold a full time job and a small social life.
sorry i got side tracked, here's the rest!
I don't post here everday, i'm a full time student and have a full time job.
honestly if you have that kind of house then its impossible to get any actual toys. there is a bubble wand at every walmart you can pick up. they are perfectly size for starting out if you have not had anything more then 2 fingers or so.
Im a computer retard, I got Yea Forums x, and the namesync extension
But its not working
Waaah, that's long as hell! Kinda nice. You probably were around 2013 then, back when I used to post.
Mhmm, yeah that's understandable.
You people are making me gay.
They did it to me too :3
Ha gae.
you also need tamper monkey or an equivalent and install the scripts from both the extension sites
one of us
Better find a good hiding place haha. I find bad dragon makes amazing toys and you really can pick and choose what gets you going the most...
I'm a fan of knots. There's nothing like taking a nice thick knot and getting stuck on it
I don't wanna take it up the ass,
Oh, well thats all I want now a days >~<
I tried that, and my computer rejected it >///
might have to pick one up. I still want to get a toy since i can hide stuff but i think i want to try to get more used to insertions.
it's entirely up to you if you want to get it.
got any ad blocks?
I don't want to drop a lot of cash on a BD toy yet, not until i know of a spot to hide it.
Ewwww gay
Das gay though, also I poop from there.
anyone have any good like beginner-intermediate toys to recommend?
I do...
try with it disabled
(Take off the extra dot)
either disable it or make an exception for the namesync/ 4chanx
OKie doke
THANKS =^.^=
i can post the exception for it if you want
Take it in your mouth then! Yum! Also you lie, straight boy, come sit on me~
I think I will... just might want to do it some other time. Too busy now.
that sucks
its possible. i think around that time was when i was starting to get into the gay threads too. but i have had this name since like 09 so we might of chatted.
sadly they are never stuck for me. once i get them in and try to move at all it forces its way out. still feels great but i think i need to find one that has that little bit of a butt plug base on it so i can keep it in and move around. i got a tera, rex, and deigo for my know toys. thinking of getting a blaze for one of my next toys.
then be a pitcher instead. plenty do and you could enjoy them.
well that one will deff get you there for a little while. and with spring coming up you could make a dumb excuse as to why you have it. i think the only warning for that toy might be because its a thick piece of plastic so it might have that line going down the side of it (because its 2 halfs put together) i think it might have a chance to give you something similar to a small paper cut so try and either cover it or find something to smoothe it out before inserting it.
sould go with that 2nd option. always keep that firewall up.
welcome to the named furry world.
Is it me, or does it seem like they drew on girly bodies with male heads? I'm otter mode physically, don't know a lot of men who have body types like this...
Nah, would rather take, thing is I still like women.
Ahh I see. I don't see your name (yet), gomen.
I do...
My rib cage is 31 inches
Shoulders and hips are 16 inches
Waist is smaller than rib cage, but not sure how much
do you have a name set? i don't see it
no problem. enjoy seeing people's names! Also pick yourself a name if ya want.
that's understandable, anytime you need help with getting something to work just ask.
i got some sand paper laying around that i can smooth it down with or get something to buff out the lines.
I will eventually :)
Yeah I think the knot has to be a bit higher up or the base wont let you sit on it comfortably, wont let it get deep enough inside. Or maybe you just need bigger?
refresh the page and go to options and double check that you can view other peoples names.
Huh, nais. TBH I kinda dislike women here, entitled nasty shitlords. That and god damn do American women breed out of wedlock. Worst part, they use the legal system to extort shekels.
I would post it on a discord where I can delete it quick, but Im not sure if I want to post here....
Yes, last one I was with was yucky
so you would rather be fucked but you dont want to? someones got to make up their mind.
weird, it should sow up where all the "anonymous" spots were in the posts. you might have to go into the settings itself and enable some things.
sounds good. just dont want you scaring up your insides at all, its never fun, i learned the hard way with my first toy. and also dont force it, if it feels terrible then stop and maybe try later. i started out too big but after a while i can take a large chance now but it still takes like 10 mins of finagling before i can start riding and enjoying it.
the knot on both the rex and nova are pretty big already. i feel they might be too long and forcing themselves out due to lack of room. i do want to get s traditional butt plug at some point, preferably a vibrating one too but they all seem too small and too expensive for its size.
the moment you do it would be saved by a bunch of people. especially snarf. pretty sure he still has pics of me and i have not posted anything new in over a year. jsut know that it will be out there for everyone to see, enjoy, and maybe fap to when you post it. most here will be nice enough to not post things without permission tho at least.
The laws here keep getting worse too, it's piss easy for a bitch to ruin you here, yet men keep going for it. Good old biological imperitave.
....If he's cute, nice and treats me right >_
No. It seems to have worked but I still don't see any names nor have I found where to use mine.
Thank you, I will. Hmm. It did stuff but I still can't see names.
Ah, I have but can't find any such options.
Too bad, all you get is Snarf.
at the top of the reply box?
if not you haven't got 4 chan x installed right
well then there is always pegging.
How to meet furry fuckbuddies in the UK?
dat a good thing?
Meh, at that point i'll just stick with men, dated my share.
you called
from what i've read (i read a lot) that make sure that your relaxed and have plenty of lube and of course don't force it unless you want tearing
make sure it's synced with b
hello snarf. feeling better?
Exactly why I would not post it here :p
So I guess yall have to take my word
>>at the top of the reply box?
Nope, just Options! And quick reply and thread nr.
Dunno what that is xwx
okay so in the top right corner of the screen do you see a wrench and next to that NS?
hmm not sure
Yeah, tired, though. Had a bout of insomnia last night.
Gib me your butt.
i understand that. Just relax and try to get to sleep a little early.
I just see the wrench.
Maybeeee :p
have you refreshed the page since you've activated namesync?
sounds good then. might want to start out with a toy cause when you get a body behind it they will just keep thrusting without stopping.
yeah i usually am stressed when im using my toy but relaxing helps. lots of lube is not always necessary depending on the size and smoothness of the toy and once you get it in and get going then it will be great. ex the difference in lube i use from my deigo compared to tera or chance is a decent chunk.
just dont include a face if you care that much no one will notice your body. and if they do then wtf are your friends doing in a gay furry thread on Yea Forums. i was worried about it when i first did it but i dont care and will post whatever now. if i feel like it.
yes, add to snarfs collection.
captcha is fucking drunk, what the hell is this!?!?!?
look at that bike. I should probably get some lube when i'm out as well.
Gib to Snarf.
Howdy everyone :3
make sure to get proper lube. other things such as baby oil could get be harmful. also make sure to rip off the labels i guess to make it harder to figure out what it is or maybe try and replace it with a similar size label or something.
alright capcha you are getting stupid now.
do eet
Nobody said anything about that! A-anyways. It is working now. Hello.
pew pew
How big is Snarf's pp??
God that ass! >:3
i can just hide the lube under my piano keyboard. if he finds it then i'll think of something.
hi hi colour nice to meet you.
i see a name! it lives!
that looks interesting but uncomfortable.
well finding the lube is better then finding a toy at least then it would prob just give you a small talk about it and not much more. he wont know what you are using it for.
>its possible. i think around that time was when i was starting to get into the gay threads too. but i have had this name since like 09 so we might of chatted.
Ahh, now that I see it... I don't think we met in them though. But maybe I just don't remember, that would be like me.
That and no other ass!
Hello SumFox person, and thank you for the help.
now i can smoosh without confoosion
i doubt he will even question it, he'll probably think that i found a chick.
no problem also thank cuddle, they did help as well.
Love how deep it is! Diamonds over here user :3
Not that big.
it was like 5-6 years ago so ya cant remember them all.
or just using it for fapping.
Must be 7 inches to ride ;)
Now I can finally die by smooshing which I don't want although I maybe want you to try!
You are right, thanks Cuddle Monster!
One is glad to be of service, user.
I hardly remember any to be honest, hah!
no probs!
Yeah, i'm super snug.
ditto, i remember a few ppl from the s/fur ones but a lot of names come and go here. besides snarf i do remember him here for quite a while now.
such a high standards to fill. hard to find many that big.
Issa joke lol, I can hardly fit my 6 inch makeshift dildo :/
Some probs!
Yeah. I actually saved a bunch of pictures so I could pull out some names but a few of them don't mean anything to me anymore...
(How snug?)
hhhnnngg I Fuckin LOVE redpandas
virgin snug.
wasn't sure considering what i can fit and i have seen people fit far more then i.
the 2 i can think of off the top of my head were harpo and dojo but they were s/fur ppl.
Reeeeaaaaly snug, i'd make ya cum so quick~
Don't care, post your butt.
Snarf is fat old man.
Ahhh are you that user from the other day?
Waw, sounds like you're the man to talk to!
Give me loads more attention then~
God that looks like a girl, I know it's a trap!
I am ^w^ Good to talk to ya again
honestly she looks like the ghost from a recent comic that came out,
You're a trap yourself!
But yeah, of course it is, I'm only posting boys in these threads! (just like most people, of course)
So what's up you?
Rin Kokonoe the Loli Empress?
Nah, otter mode i'm a dude.
nope. this one
Taking in the nice view user. Got off work a little bit ago and lookin to wind down; What about you ? :3
sad baf is sad
sad baf lost all his gfur
about to go to the bar
awww sorry baf
just means you get to collect it all again.
You're 100% trap on the inside, by being a huge tease!
(I know that! You showed me remember? O: )
Ahhh, sweet, enjoy.
I've been chilling for a few hours now.
Oh neat, what's your poison SumFox?
Really should be saving these, lost all my gay shit when my external died.
You have a much nicer ass tho.
gin or whiskey normally. Not gonna drink this time since i haven't slept in a little over a day now. might fall asleep if i drink.
How about you?
Sounds like a plan, no good bars around my area
Guess i'll drink at home ;3
there a place with anhes stuff other than patreon?
Post your butt.
who is baf and why dont you share yours with him
drinking at home is fun though
i just find his stuff on e621 and inkbunny.
You haven't seen it >.< That was a random pic, if you're referring to what I think you are. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to confuse you, thought it would be clear from the filename >.<
Ohh I see. Hard stuff, that. I stick to my beer and wine. And mead! Around Christmas at least.
his name aint popping up on e621 unless they go by something else :/
It certainly has its perks ;) So Gin or Whisky You prefer it straight or mixed with anything?
plenty to pick from too. and obviously e621 is a great place to start collecting on certain artists you might like.
cheaper to drink at home too. ill prob be getting drunk tomorrow night and chilling in these threads.
why not go to sleep instead?
well then post yours to prove it 0.o
yep. its called yiff party and its the best thing ever. enjoy being able to peek behind the patreon wall but it wont work for every artist most likely. it just depends on how the distribute their content.
lol, "straight" this guy got jokes
Well I never!
Is there any official g/fur discord?
well i'll certianly be around tomorrow. ;3
Neat is another term.
not too sure on official ones but someone posted one in the last thread.
Don't do it Laika, this kills the threads.
not that i could add you to :/
i never got a taste for beer, wine is good though and never had mead.
they might, i just find their work randomly
whiskey straight or with some coke, same with gin or i mix gin with tonic or some other stuff.
that's a good choice but i feel better knowing that my friends won't get in trouble if they have one sober person with them.
Rightttt, I didnt think of that xd
I just want a place to put my lewds with them being all over Yea Forums lol
what colour said, me and snarf are pretty much the only ones that show up anymore that are in it
Post your butt.
das gay
Wasn't paying attention, damn it was nice, dick went from zero to daimonds in milliseconds.
Now you're being weird!
Yeah for me beer was definitely peer pressure, heh. I like it now though, in some circumstances more than others. Wine though, yum. Yesterday I got angry, came home and had some wine and it calmed me down.
Shame, good mead is great, mmm! Sweet, as you'd expect.
There you go.
Ooof, I want finals like that.
ya had to prove me wrong didn't ya :p
Sad :(
Maybe someday...
oh hi hi leto!
might have to give mead a try considering i have the worst sweet tooth
hehehe but did i reeeaaaally?
Hi, Fox! How ya been?
Yes. Yes, you did.
and i will most likely be a bit more "aggressive" tomorrow depending on how drink i am. sorry in advance. not mean aggressive but kind of pushy and wanting.
yeah as nice as they are it tends to make us hop from here.
always boring being the mother bear but someone has to i guess. i have done it from time to time and dont mind but sometimes i just want to get smashed.
honestly what is stopping someone from taking them from that and posting them other places. you got to come with the terms that when its posted its on here. just post them and let the rest of us enjoy them.
careful with mead. if its good mead it will be dangerous. you can chug it like its juice and it will hit you like bricks depending on how fast you drink it.
mmmh; More femobois.
mfw ill never have a big dicked femboi pound my booty whilst lurking these threads. why live?
nawww you sensed foxy was here
screw it
i can hear snarfs butt bank grow
That was a pleasant coincidence.
been doing alright, school and work is annoying so the usual. How have you've been?
trust me when i get smashed i get really smashed. i just enjoy to have a chill drink and do work.
>in milliseconds
Oh my. Well I don't think I could be as ambitious.
Of course.... only one way to find out...
Oh neat, you do that! Unflavoured ones tend to be better. Almond and cinnamon can be neat but god the ones I've had were way too sweet.
So I'm weirded out! Also I love that comic.
Live so that you can buy a BD dildo and at least have some fun with it!
there ya go
nice butt
Thanks ^~^
hey charles!
Good, thanks! Working tons and tons for the monies!
sup sup
o0o Tomorrow may be more interesting than i thought >;3
gonna have to give it a try some time. thanks for the input!
yay monies!
hi hi fluffington!