Be me

>be me.
>Should I just end it?

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Yeah, man. Just shave your head.

Yes. End it.

End hair-loss that is! ...with Rogaine® formulated finasteride syrup for your skull. 2 drops a day keeps the folicles at bay! Call now for a FREE sample! If you call in the next 15 minutes you get a FREE™ anal toy for 50% off! Supplies are limited, so HURRY! :DDDDDDDDDDDddd

This is sad, how does this even happen at such a young age

do the rick ross build
if you cant grow a beard? just shave your shit regularly and look like mr clean

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def shave it all off and grow a beard

you gotta face it man. grow a beard if you can and just wear a beanie all the time. you can cry and moan about it or except like others do.

atleast you're not a midget like me, pic related

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post more

If you're not shaving it clean for at least 3 stages before you're an absolute retard.

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have you tried any treatments?

Just transplant your pubic hairs to your head

nah then it just looks like you're compensating. If the bear look works for you then fine, do that. I don't think you need a full huge beard like that to make it work, see what facial hairs look best on you and do that, or if not then just stick to have a 5 oclock shadow sort've look.

But main thing OP is to completely shave that cause it just looks gross at that point, you'd honestly looks a whole lot better if you either buzzed that or just completely swipe it clean.

i didnt nessessiarly mean a HUGE beard like rick ross, i meant a shaved head + beard
Otherwise he might look like pic related

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I’m fat, unemployed and married 4 years ago to a 32 year old.

She said she fell for my thick, full hair.

shave head. say you got cancer = pity sex

Shave it and grow a beard. You just might actually like it over having hair.

Could talk to a few doctors too, maybe they can do something. Its weird that it looks the way it does when you can see plenty of hair follicles

Shave your head and hit the gym. Your whole attitude will change.

Does it count if the hair is on my back?

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Google micro pigmentation

LOL, the result of processed food, stop eating McDicks Faggot

Shave that shit. Betcha you look like pedophile

shave head, grow beard if possible, dark sunglasses

You can reverse this by taking the correct supplements and topical applications. Talk to a doctor about this.

>Because there were not bald people before McDonalds
So Shakespeare and Gandhi lost their hair from all those burgers they ate?

I went bald at 19 and i've just been shaving it every day.

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Post head

Ive seen that midget on chaturbate


Shave your head

true but they did not go bald at 23, whatever, I am 52 and still have my hair, albeit grey. Its bad genetics and processed food mainly. Go to FiJi, hair will turn back to natural color and start filling back in, FACT!!

some people are just born with a receding hairline and then it never stops

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I have more hair on my ass than you do on your jew dome.

I bet you kiss girls faggot

kek 10/10

just be a skin head

how did you lose your other testicle?

you need to shave and lift


Probably too late for you, but for anyone else I'd recommend Finasteride/Propecia. My hairloss stopped and my hair started growing out thicker after about 9 months. It won't grow any back if you're receding but it will probably stop/slow the loss.

38 and bald like that at 23 as well. I took propecia for a year when i was 19 and it totally fucked up my balls/sex life and was the worst decision i ever made. Meanwhile every dude in my father's family went bald early and i didn't listen to him before taking that shit that it's not a big deal. Sure maybe it's strange to be bald that young, but at least you get it over with early and don't worry about covering up some weird bald spot you don't know how to deal with at 45. Just shave it, but with like a 0 trimmer and don't stress about it too much. Don't go cue-ball bald with a real razor. There are plenty of women that dig the look. And they know extra T is the issue...

This is literally your best and only option. Although I don't use a razor, I just do a number 1 with clippers.

Raid this discord shit



>keep it shaved
>grow a nice beard, go to the barbers every 2 weeks for grooming
>stop dressing like a fucking dull fishermen
>get a nice pair of glasses
>get skinny

done. You could still be handsome while bald, you just need to have style.

im 28 and rock a bald head, people say they cant even remember i even had hair to begin with. Also have bald-fit-shaped head so thats good.


End this non-sense. Cut your hair. Just go bald. Don't hold on to what is already lost.

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Finasteride/Dutasteride can cause permanent side effects. It's not safe as you think, for some it can cause sexual dysfunction, depression, anxiety etc. you don't want to fuck with this shit.

i 'd shave my head if it aint looks like a fucking mirror.
anons, how to get that bruce willia matte shaved head?


I've been on it for years, never had an issue. I've never heard of anyone taking it getting permanent sides, other than alarmists online. The few I know about who noticed anything wrong went back to normal after quitting.

If you're gonna go the baldy route you should probably make some gainz and get a tan. Otherwise you just look old af

can confirm, work in private healthcare and one of the main things doctors inquire about when you apply for it is, do you suffer from erectile dysfunction

how many people report sides out of the whole user-base?

shave that sorry affair.

remember: being bald > getting bald.

also hit the gym and gain and dress good from know on.

don't check the answers often as im interested in the payment, but from the ones i have i'd say about 50/50. But tbh it could just be the small pool ive sampled.

The best possible thing you can do is to go through a consultation with a GP or a private practitioner. Talk it through to see if they think it would affect you.

For the love of god people, always talk your shit through with a dr before ordering shit

I don't know what you're prescribing to those guys, but I find it hard to believe that even dutasteride (the more potent form of finasteride) could cause sides in 50% of takers. Global studies indicate 3-15% for both drugs.

Show your face. Don't expect you too. But it might help to see if you'd look good bald. Either way you should probably just shave. Some guys look better shaved than a full head of hair. Grow a beard if you can. Either way - everyone has their own insecurities and you have no right to feel like you're some unique hideous beast. Get over yourself. Shave it off and be comfortable in your skin and you'll be attractive.

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Shave it.
If you can - grow a beard. Go with the Kratos style.