The average BLACKman dick is eight inches while the average wh*Teboi is five...

The average BLACKman dick is eight inches while the average wh*Teboi is five, the tallest people on earth are a sudanese African tribe even the women is an average six foot, the most intelligent people on earth are the Nigerians they are doing better than even the Asians, the best athletes in the world are BLACKthey dominate rugby, soccer, American football' base ball, tennis and golf you name it oh and we've taken formula one so just bow down to the BLACKkings it also takes six wh*Te man to take down one BLACK man just get over it there is nothing you can do about the fact that BLACK men are strong.

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>the most intelligent people on earth are the Nigerians

They live in mud huts and regularly starve to death.

Lol , can't deny but if you look into african history you'll find out there's a lot untold. Probably to make us think they ve always been developed monkeys

nigger propaganda

We get it OP, just suck a nigger's dick and get on with your life. The fact that you took the time to type this out, think "hey, this is worth reading", and then post it is pretty god damn pathetic.

>The average BLACKman dick is eight inches

i think op is retarded.

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Does that make you feel better?

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If you look into African history??

If african history is written down, it's been told, and it's pretty bleak to be honest.

You are talking from your asshole.

is black one

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who would fuck

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Britfag OP really loves the dick too much

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that's a lot of lines to say black people are tall and have big dicks and good at sports.
also a lot of words to show how racist you are.
pro-tip: extolling ///any/// race as superior is racism, no matter what your idiot shit college professor says about "muh power dynamics"

but racism plus power reeeeee

Pick one and only one faggot

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You can tie a bow on a Nigger but he'll still be a Nigger..
These people are uncultured Savages, unable to create a stable society because every day is like Black Friday in the ghetto for them.

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>"The best athletes in the world are BLACKthey dominate rugby, soccer, American football' base ball, tennis and golf you name .... Okay swimming... Just saying".

To this day I haven’t gotten invited to that fucking discord

>he most intelligent people on earth are the Nigerians

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The wh*Te is a /pol/ meme started by a retarded Turk whose parents were gastarbeiters

We did it we found the bigger

Blacks dont dominate baseball or soccer. Actual African Americans dont even play baseball anymore and the ones that did have already had their records broke by latinos and whites.

In America black people commit a lot of crimes.

what ever you say blackmen are just pets they never ruled cause they are STUPID.

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i would, if you wouldn't you must be gay

>most intelligent people on earth are the Nigerians
TOPKEK op i nearly spit my drink out

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note the forged ring, crafted leather shoulder strap, and the knot work on whatever weapon that is... all technologies dirty fucking niggers never developed until they were given tto them when they were colonized (the best thing that ever happened to them lets be honest)

>nigger thread
>post slingshots fighting kikes

the average black man is also to a life in inferiority to everybody else. the only thing he has to comfort himself is the myth of the big black dick.

he whispers it to himself at night, while crying himself to sleep, in hopes of he repeats the lie enough times it will come true.

well-mannered or not, the black man is a nigger. that is his crime and also his punishment: no never achieve or contribute anything of value. to be the dark shadow behind the white light of glory.

>bait so bad it's an insult
>an insult so bad it doesn't merit being acknowledged
>such poor quality I don't care and respond regardless of the above