Hey Yea Forums, ask a bipolar guy anything

Hey Yea Forums, ask a bipolar guy anything.

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what is it like to be bipolar?

Get a gun then shoot your self

It's difficult. You have to learn to tell your emotions to shut the fuck up because they're stupid, and just not listen to them.

What kind of moodare you in right now?

Extremely depressed, it sucks because just two hours ago I was extremely happy.

How about now?

Normally my mood wouldn't change in that short amount of time, but your obvious joke actually made me laugh, so I'm in a better mood now.

always glad to help, except when I'm in a sociopathic mood. BPD is bipolar on hardmode (:

I’m only into female Poles but to each his own

I am as well. shit is the worst.

Nah, there are a lot worse things. I've detoxed from alcohol more times than I can even remember. That is way worse.

I've done that too actually. only a few times though. you're right, that is fucking awful. I never went into DTs thankfully but I'm assuming you have? probably more than once. I've been sober for 5 and a half years but in that time, this bipolar bullshit has really manifested itself and fuck. the whole self medicating thing is no joke.

How did you know your mental?

Why haven't you killed yourself yet?

I can't say if it's the same for everyone that's bipolar, but for me I kind of always knew and just didn't want to believe that there was something wrong with me. I have a need to be perfect and to please other people, so to have a flaw like this is awful to me.

I have, so many times. It's worse every time it happens, and it takes less time to happen every time it happens too.

not OP but both my parents have it. genetics is usually, not always, a good indicator of things to come in terms of mental health. I had a pretty good idea that it had arrived when I was about 16. I started acting a fool and getting in trouble constantly. doing shit I wouldn't have dreamt of doing before then. I started fucking any female who was alive and willing. I could and would easily go 2 or 3 nights without sleep sometimes and others I would be in bed, seemingly unable to rest and feeling so low that I wouldn't even get out of bed to smoke a bowl or a cig despite basically breathing pot smoke 24/7. I've always been a world class bullshitter but it hit new levels and I became really almost uncontrollably manipulative and psychologically abusive to my long term gf. I still feel so horrible for the poor girl. I did a number on her. anyway, sorry for the huge reply but those were some of the indicators that it was starting to get me. I'm 28 now and have it under control for the most part but it's a really shitty affliction.

Do you like Jazz music?

are you still partying hard? that's so shitty man. also what meds do they have you on brother?

I'm not on any meds, they give me a 1 year scribe for something but I've never taken it, never gone to pick it up. I hear they have all sorts of horrible side effects, and I think I've been through enough.

I like any kind of music if it's actually good. My favorite is classic rock.

I don't really blame you to be perfectly honest. they all do have really really shitty side effects. migraines so bad you cry and crazy weight gain. like 20 pounds the first month crazy and it's almost across the board. I'm not on anything except a regular SSRI either and have learned to power through the lows despite feeling like blowing my top off every second. I'm better at recognizing the mania but I'm not adept at it. anyway man, I wish you nothing but luck and do your best to hang in there. you're most certainly not alone.

Thanks user. I hope you do ok too.

What's the deal with airline food?

user... I'm a machine, I have no soul

Air pressure effects how you taste things, which is why tomato juice tastes better on a plane and everything they serve is really salty.