Smash or pass

Smash or pass

Chubby edition

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im thinking this woman would be a really fun fuck.

shes probably really wild in the sack. id definietely go for a ride in her.

Agreed with this user she looks like a fun fuck. Smash.

Can't tell without any nudes

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fuck off with this autism you lonely retard

do you have any of her pussy and asshole?

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Almost certainly smash. But I'm gonna need to see that ass and that belly to be sure.

Would have her pregnant on repeat until she hits menopause


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Almost surely smash, she's cute and has a better ass than I was expecting. But I'd need some more nudes to be sure.

She may or may not be my ideal shape of fat girl--I like big tits and round asses, with a waist and an overall impression of smoothness rather than lumps, and I'm not a belly fetishist.

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Yep that's a 10/10 sexy chubby bitch. I'd sell my soul for a turn with her.

Would you user??

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She has a thick ass

Attached: 86E52FE1-BD84-45F6-B428-DA31A1C498C0.jpg (1280x960, 166K)

Would smash, confirmed. She's hot.

Attached: 11F2E91A-1A8C-412A-AA0F-DD27CF33C38A.jpg (750x946, 155K)

Not chubby


smash or pass?

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Would make her preggo with white seed

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gibe milkies! would smash until she passed out

Well she’s not fat as fuck, and she’s not skinny. I thought that middle ground was called chubby.

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It's unanimous she's smashable. Let's see some more.

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Absolutely. Let's see ass.

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Holy shit, she is not chubby.


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Ok, you’re right. I see the chub

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Would totally pump a baby into her



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That’s her on the left, definitely is chubby

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Then post that one, not the one where she made herself look skinny for tinder

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Fucking more

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Would pass on this one. I'm very rarely aroused by Asian women. She is nice looking but not my physical type.

Would probably smash these three.

Fuck she's perfect. I'd do some Bad bad shit to her. Shit I'd be willing to go to prison for. Show her ass, thighs, and stomach. Show everything.

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this is an easy one...
does said chubby/fatty have a vagina ? if yes = SMASH

if no = its a dude and you should either take up sucking cock or PASS


Thoughts on this slam piggy?

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I’m sorry bro but your wife is ugly. Definitely a hard pass

Meh, to each their own

Impossible to see how she is shaped in this picture, but she looks pretty, so I give her a maybe?


Bumping for more chubby

Would you?

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Show more

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Fucking smash

Don't trust it. Pass until I can see more.


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Nice tits. Smash.

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Fuck yes. Nudes??

Who is it?

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Ex did some boudoir photos. Thoughts?

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Body, yes
Face, no

Attached: Maggie Cuprisin Photography_Colleen028.jpg (549x750, 54K)

Attached: Maggie Cuprisin Photography_Colleen027.jpg (750x484, 48K)

Any boudoir pussy pics?

Smash for sure.
Probably pass.
Cannot determine body shape; face looks a little like she'd bite me. Soft pass.
Tits. Yowza. But don't love her face, and can't see what the rest of her body looks like. Soft pass.
Face is seriously
beautiful, so smash smash smash regardless, but this is another one where the angle is confusing me. Apart from noticing that she has a bit of a belly, and breasts of moderate size, I can't quite figure out her figure. Need more pics.
Probable smash.
All the same girl? Only really like her face in the pink dress photo. And she's bigger than I typically like. But she's pretty enough that I would curiosity smash, to see what it's like with a real BBW. (Once did the same thing with a dwarf.)

Holy shit source plz

Sadly not. I can tell you she kept that thing shaved down bald religiously

Attached: Maggie Cuprisin Photography_Colleen015.jpg (549x750, 58K)

I can see that. She had big juicy tits and she enjoyed finishing me on them and rubbing it in.

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Pass. Great butt, though.
Not sure what I am supposed to be looking at there. Hard pass.
Good quality photos. Severe-looking face... looks angry or mean. Fine body. If she hit on me in a bar I might respond, but I wouldn't chase her. Probable pass.

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Cuckolds genuinely need euthanising

I was the curiosity smash above. I'll up that to strong curiosity smash, even if she's bigger than I usually like. Would love to see those tits.

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She should be using that hair to cover that enormous forehead. And can't decide if I like her face--looks a little like an albino, developmentally disabled Angelina Jolie in this shot. But the body looks amazing. Probable smash, need more to be sure.
Too much makeup in this shot for me to get a good sense of her face, but probable smash based on tits alone.

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Cute. Smash. Nudes?

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Weird snapchat filter? Eyes look too big. And all I can see are her tits, so I assume she's quite round. But smash anyway--the rack is amazing.
Based just on this shot? Probable pass. But if she's pretty, probable smash.
Are there more of her above? 50/50 on this one. Kickin body, meh face.


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I’d smash it, but she’ll need a waiver, because she looks a bit over my limit. She’ll need to wear a corset or something, and I’ll only fuck her from behind.

Nope. Ugly face. Too ugly.

I’d nail her all night.

I'd smash so hard. And I'd also pray for her to sit on my face.

Pass, don't like her face.
Smash, I like her face.
Would probably fuck your wife. She's shaped about like my wife.

Nope. That haircut is all kinds of a red flag.

This is the probable pass

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Great body. Would bang.

Would smash her to pieces.

Smash or pass? She’s a freak in the bed. BDSM submissive. 43DD. Does great work with her feet too.

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Show us her tits

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Well let's see your wife then

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Got no tit pics on my phone, but that’s her in the red. 43DD.

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I’ll tie her down and smash

She looks like she used to be innocent and now enjoys being a cumslut

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She’s a ropeslut, cumslut and a footslut.

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Smash. Moar?


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Fuck. That's real unfortunate. Any more pics?

Sorry guys, just some dumb whore. See what you can get out of her sc: erinharley95

More pls user

More now

This okay?

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How’s her body look? She’s got big boobs and wide hips, narrower waist. Long legs. Long toes, which she is a master with. Long tongue too.

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Face with overdone makeup for Halloween

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Got more?

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Would crush that

I want to gag her with my cock and make her makeup run.


Fuck yeah. I'd smash hard.

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Lemme see her ass

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I fucking love redheads. Would smash. Any more?

I'd love to cum on that face

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I can dig it. Perfect amount of chub. Any moar?

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Fuck. Got anything else?

Would smash

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Attached: - Mandy Freiwald - 163.jpg (1536x2048, 626K)

It fucking amazing. She only let me start doing it a year ago but now she asks for it.

Fuck she's cute. And she has amazing tits. Any of her butt?

Any pics of her covered in cum?

More pls

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God you're a lucky man. Any more nudes?

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>"REEEEE pay attention to me"
>calls OP with actual OC and lewds a lonely autist

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gf, wwyd?

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What a good slut

Well... did she get what she wanted?

Not on my phone, sorry. In fact, this is the only other pic I have on my phone at all. Lately her favorite thing is to have me cum on her feet.

Attached: A9E41C31-2D1F-4373-9D3B-B7260577CD50.jpg (1296x2426, 473K)

AMAZING. She needs cum coming out of every hole. Any feet pics?

Attached: 2015-12-03 00.02.09.png (1080x1920, 968K)

'Fraid not. Also, she's in her 40s. Not most of Yea Forums's type.

Have you met Yea Forums?

Attached: Screenshot_20190222-142208_Instagram.jpg (915x856, 544K)

Could you send pics of her tits later? They look huge. Kik?

Any more? She's super fucking hot.

No kik. Guess I need to get one, because I have a lot of people asking to look at her. I also get a lot of requests for her feet because they’re perfectly shaped, long toes and they’re size 9.5US.
Tits are 43DD and her nipples stick out even when she’s not aroused, and when she is, they stand up like an inch high. Sometimes it’s an issue in public because if she’s not wearing a thicker bra, you’ll still see her nipples.

Oh man that sounds amazing. You should get one it's super easy

Fucking everything

Attached: Screenshot_2017-03-21-22-52-10.png (1080x1920, 1.13M)

I wish I could fuck her

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Like that, got any more?

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Juicy curves, nudes?

I wish

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Any more user?


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Kik on this sexy slut for OC trade

Got a kik or a dump?

Who's this guy?


Attached: received_419656191723782.jpg (577x1024, 52K)

Guess who’s back

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Back again

Tell a friend

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Wrong thread. These aren’t chubs

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Smash, moar?

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Moar pls

She’s gonna spill her coffee

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Very smash


What kind of stuff do you have on your PC? Any of her doing dirty things?

This woman’s name is Tia Coffey. Used to be our next door neighbor. Has three kids.

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none that I have sadly

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Is this all you're going to post of her?

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Would definitely fuck your wife. Also shaped similarly to mine. Nice tits.

you weren't by any chance asking for a kik ID earlier were you?

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No I wasn't but i seen her posted before. You share her on kik?

More pls

Attached: received_228066534515941.jpg (2448x3264, 363K)

what's yours?

she's chubbylicious

any noods?

i'd fuck her pussy and ass doggy style but thats the only way bro.


not chubby or a fattie cute tho.



yup i'd tap that ass

fuck yes.

That's good stuff. Keep em coming user

Karate chop the booty buttcheek.

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I will ask very nicely for that pic

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Face and tits?

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These girls are not chubby, they are fat. MY pic is chubby, and the perfect chubby at that.

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Not bad


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I'd fuck her real hard

She's hot user. GF?

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Ex Twitter egirl I used to fuck with

Those are some nice tits... it'd be q shame if someone, came on them

More of them titties ?

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oh yeah, more of that piglet

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I'd love to fuck that ass

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Any more?

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Answer always smash unless butt ugly or true landwhale size.

damn. got any vids or full body?

Not doing much for me, so it's a definite pass. She looks like she could be cute, though.