Who is saving you?

Who is saving you?

Pic related

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Other urls found in this thread:


Who the fuck still watches tv?

Sweet! Gibbs and team NCIS, I'm good!

I feel safer already.

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The Punisher...I think I'll be OK

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White people

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Pic related

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Hans Martin Djupvik, tbh he's gone thru so much shit at this point idm if he doesn't get round to saving me, but if he does I feel pretty safe

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Father Matt from The Leftovers.
He will make a total mess but in the end he'll make it

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Pro murder machine

But what if he has a bender and it is day 8?

Trevor belmont

Chandler Bing.
How fucked am I?

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What about the rest of the team?

i'm saved. very few people fuck with Mike.

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Could you BE anymore fucked?


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Ooooo, this is not looking good.

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Dr fucking Phil.

Kek out loud

Ricky n bubbles from trailer park boys.

Im fucked.

They might accidentally save you


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Roberta Warren from Z Nation, huh I've got a good feeling about this, if she can survive a zombie apocalypse she's bound to be able to save me.
For what reason am I being kidnapped though?

You forget that he's got plot armor that enables him to make it back in the nick of time to save the day, no matter how hungover he is.

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Wouldn't that entail them doing their damnedest not to save him and failing though?

first avengers movie

Hell ya! I'm safe

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Bro Lucifer I’m good

Multiple choice role:

0 - Money
1 - Sex
2 - Torture
3 - Slavery
4- Experimentation
5 - Idolization
6 - Sacrifice
7 - Drug Mule
8 - Forced wife/husband
9 - Prolific Execution

Could be worse.

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Let's hope the kidnappers are inept, so you don't have to experience the distress, of wishing for the far superior Sean Connery version of 007 while Daniel sits tied up next to you.

Ur ded bro...

user, I completely agree, but Skyfall was the last one I watched, so I'm... hopeful, lol

Rolling I guess, I'm hoping for experimentation, it's been a wish of mine to become a superhero from an experiment gone wrong since I was a kid.

Nobody fucks with Pierce Brosnan tho...

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I miss that show...

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Jackpot, motherfuckers.

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Well I hope it works out for you, I still consider Daniel the first step away from real Bond as he was intended to be.
user please, gerbils have pierced Brosnan. He wouldn't be able to compete with Connery in his dark headpiece and girdle days of his Bond career, let alone Connery in his Bond prime.
Now if you had said George Lazenby, you would've still been wrong, but at least you would have been closer to right territory.
Huh they kidnapped me for money, jokes on them, I'm so broke that I can't even afford a nail to cook soup on.

how fucked am i?

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Depends on how easy your kidnappers are to shame.
Also, who the hell watches msnbc?

youtube autoplay

If she even showed up to save your, she'd lecture you on your privilege while you were slowly dying...

So she started talking to you without your consent?
That's got metoo potential, perhaps that is how you get her to save you.

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Eh.. Honestly can't remember.. last movie I am watching is Resident Evil, Alice can get the job done I'm sure.

Peter North, mega jizz load to the eyes and we run. Works 80% of the time all the time

I got a mental image of him firehosing a guy to the ground and dick slapping a gun out of another guyses hand.

Peppa Pig

Classic Peter move

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Fuckin Bear Grylls

daenerys targaryen

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I'm good.

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I lile my odds, alot.

I'm fucking saved, the pick is on.

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Ashy Larry from chappelle show. Marcy son, what!

Doctor Pol.....

Might work out

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The last thing I accidently saw was Friends

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Prince Edith Duke of Edinburgh.....Fuck

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paulie walnuts

i'm not sure how to feel

I'm also good...

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Just steer him clear of any exploding consoles.

They fucked with the wrong people.

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I'm sure I'll be fine

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this dude's the toughest guy in Letterkenny. i'm in good hands.

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Tim Alan

>I'm sure I'll be fine

Gang Kills an user


Am i safe?

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I don't watch

The boys will save me

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i think ill be alright

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Well Shaggy does spend all of his time with him, so you're probably fine.

Sherlock Holmes


IKR...I have not turned on or watched a TV in my home since my cell phone looked like this
pic related

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>staying in hotel for work
>co worker turns on tv
Save me senpai

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bjorn ironside

saved and then accidentally killed
saved just so she could kill you herself with her relentless nagging
found but dead
see safe

Fucking Billy Maddison.

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Why didn't you give mine a safe or dead rating?

Im going to assume since no pic related

Stan Smith from American Dad

If cartoons don't count, then Frank Castle from Netflix's Punisher.

If Netflix doesn't count, then Mike Ehrmantraut from Better Call Saul.

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So I gotta go find a picture of the Roberta Warren character?

Stanley tweedle from lexx..... I'm so screwed

I'm good

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I think i'm ok

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Gotta go? You are on the internet bud

I feel safer already

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True, that was a lazy sentiment on my part.
Still, can't be assed to put in the effort, I'm fairly certain I'm safe without that anons judgment.

Nah you die but you can rest easy since you know hes going to kill everyone who participated in your death

Xavier the renegade angel

Hank Hill


Nanu Nanu!

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i don't know how i feel about this.

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Pretty sure I'm ok.

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Saved and blessed

Please God, no..

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I think I'm okay. He's got a high court writ to gain lawful access to the premises without the use of violence so he can safely and quickly tale me away if the kidnappers can't, or won't pay.

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dead but your kidnappers will be forced to pay your next of kin $500

unfortunately safe your kidnappers let you go for being too much of a whiny faggot

lol i love this show but you r fucked

I'm sorry


Fuck it, I'm good

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Think i'm good

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Autism shitpost server.

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Lucifer Morningstar, the actual devil, guess I'm good?

I'll be fine.

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I think im going to be allright

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i'm ok with this

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>Beatrix from kill bill.
I'm alright thanks.

Dwight K Schrute. I'm fucked.

bill burr, im fucked

adolf hitler


jeff probst

i'll be fine

Queen Latifa
I'm gonna be just fine

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Anakin Skywalker (clone wars). I think I'm gonna make it

Honestly forgot people still watch TV

Gotta say, I actually feel bad for whoever did at this point

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Jeez that's fucking repulsive

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I'm not getting out of this one

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A drunk driver in an uber mobile.

Awesome, I actually just finished watching this old movie.

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Am i safe season 7 mother of dragons lol

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Captain Mal will save me.

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How fucked can one be?

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What's the deal with kidnappings?
You're not a kid and who's taking the nap?

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you'll be fine. the bomb will end up in the neighbors camper somehow

Hell yeah im good

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Bill Murray

The last show I watched was Hercules - The Legendary Journeys.
I am fucking SAVED.

"I though about letting him go but then... screw it"

I probably butchered the quote, but it's the flashback scene where Brock sees a rookie henchman and thinks about letting him go cause he's harmless, then snaps his neck instead

I think ill be fine

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Tim would definitely save the day

Damn, I’m lucky. Olivia Benson is trying to rescue me. I don’t even watch TV but last week I caught a glimpse of what was on at my parents’ house.


Barney, wait for it... STINSON

Im all good guys :)

If a TV "show", pic related.

If off an actual TV, than the bitch fro SVU that raped in the gamer gate episode.

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I dont own a TV. But the last person I've seen on youtube from a bbc show is...

James Acaster.

I think I have good chances. He could be a possible psychopath.


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I think the last thing I watched on actual television was Doctor Who, so a time-traveller with what amounts to a high-tech swiss-army knife and a beyond genius level intellect? I'll be fine.

OK, not actual the last show I watched, but I want an opinion nonetheless.

Raymond Reddington and Dembe, also Tom Keen.

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The Umbrella Academy
im pretty sure Five can handle it solo

she save me and my loads

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Tyrion Lannister

Luke Cage is coming. I'm good.

James Gordon

I think I will be fine

Seriously?! This Facebook normie shit, and over 160 replies? Neck yourselves, you cancerous tumors!

I take hostage rescue for a $1000.

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You are the cancer for having something like this on your facebook newsfeed, normie.

I dont even fucking know whats going on on facebook. Last time I logged in is probably about a quarter year ago, before that even longer

With quads the rescue is sure to be successful.

Agree with you user. What kind of normie still has Facebook?

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Dubs confirm!

Hawkeye Pierce

Not sure if good or bad.

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captain kirk

Some photographer guy on this nature documentary. He looks pretty tough and outdoorsy. Could work out.

Reroll. Odds, you are a sexy space babe. Evens, you are a red shirt.

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bitch on the left, i'm fucked

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Not sure if he'll save me or not, but should be worth a few keks either way.

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Fuck, Donald trump is going to have to be my hero

young bruce wayne from gotham, pretty nice hope alfred comes

>if the kidnappers can't, or won't pay

Brian Blessed, user'S ALIVE!!!!

That dude from law and order on that netflix show Happy!

Surprisingly better than expected.

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Philip Banks is coming to the rescue

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Agent Gibbs, I like my chances.

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I think I'll be fine.

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Daredevil, good show. I'll be fine

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Yeah, they do this shit all the time.

I don't know man. He could save you or wipe your whole universe out of existence. Depends on how bored he is.

hahHAHAHA my kidnappers are FUCKED

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Cept two of them are ded.

Tony Soprano

He will kill your kidnappers for sure but he might do it by blowing up the building your all in.

I guess hitler is coming to save my ass

No need to worry

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idk, not sure, but it's someone from shameless. someone from the gallagher family, so I'm good

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Cnn's John King from inside politics. Guess my corpse will turn up eventually and they will identify me by dental records

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JD from scrubs

I want to stay kidnapped. I WANT TO STAY KIDNAPPED!

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can't remember the last tv show I saw. do movies count?

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the doctor

I'm being rescued by 6 smallish multi-colored equines with tramp stamps.

Jeremy Clarkson. Fuck

I'm doomed

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They are the ones who kidnapped you, then let you go, then kidnapped you again, then forgot you were in the basement, you escaped.

He like kitty's ehy?

Mongo rescue you

Where's his track suite?

This guy. Main character in a British detective show. I think I’ll be Ok.

Unless pornhub counts as a TV show, then I’m fucked.

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i havent watched tv in like 15 years so..... spongebob? imf ucked

Obsidian from Steven Universe, i guess. Also yes i know im gay for watching it.


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Stop Wacking off in my camper!

Mongo just pawn in game of life.

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Oh fuck it's George Constanza

John Lithgow in 3rd rock from the sun.

as far as i can remember the last actual tv show i saw was dr who. i might be ok.

Her cock i bigger than yours.

Oh fuck yea bro, Frank Castle all day!

Number one! Don't step in number two.

I think i'm fucked

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wan paaaaaaaaaanch

Pinnacle of humanity. I'm saved.

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bitch nag the kidnappers to death.

Ryn the mermaid. I can see things getting very messy.

all dead from heart disease.

I'll be fine

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Be afraid for he is the son of a sheperd

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safe at least

Don Lemon... I'm fucked.

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I'm good.

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i think im safe until im eaten by her

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I might die a fiery death when a Citron 2CV modified into a tank crashes through the wall and explodes.

fucking picture didn't post

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Kill Me

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Safe kidnappers are fucked.
Safe number wannn
fucked but make a lovely beef wellington
fucked but analyzed kidnappers forcing them to kill him.
safe what is this boner??
brown shirt safe, cop shirt fucked
Mmmm huhuhuhaha mmmMMmmmhaha
Whole boad is safe...need i go on, bacon.
safe maybe
safe depending on mood
safe i think
safe totally safe, when shes done they'll be exhausted.
totally fucked this guy is an idiot.
sexy safe
ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahah safe
safe for whyppl only
only Kitty's are safe the rest of yous can go fuck off
dead especially the jew

Im fucked

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Iron sides. yuk yuk yuk

This movie was fucking crazy!!
I still can't believe he fucked the mother AND the father lol.

So I think you'll be saved, nothing that guy can't do. But yes, he would definitely be fucking you...

Lol what is this?

This guy's not only going to die but after Infowars is going to say Democrats kidnapped him then make up a story about him being a true American . So you get to be remembered for something at least which is something OP can't say because as always OP is a fag

Either B is fuckin me or the kidnappers are fuckin me if the family is rescuing me, those dumbasses

Baki the grappler. Whoevers got me is fucked lol

Forgot pic

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Documentary. This guy became friends with a family, fucked the wife, fucked the husband, kidnapped their daughter, convinced her aliens wanted them to make a baby, fucked her, and so much more. Must watch

Have you nigger faggots banned me yet?

Lucifer Morningstar. I'd say that I'm good.

Awesome Sheriff Longmire is on my case. I’m pretty sure Jacob Knighthorse is my kidnapper.

It's been years since I've seen anything on tv, but if tv shows count then Hannibal Lecter

El chapo

Harvey Specter.

Pretty sure I'll be ok.

some southpark character idk i think its chef

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Dwight Schrute. Im dead.

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My housemate left the TV tuned to a ghost hunting show, When I was going to the kitchen I saw some dipshit trying to convince the audience that some ruffling sound was a voice calling out for help.
I guess I'm fucked.

Nice one user

To be faaaaair...

Ah shit, i'm being saved by Benedict cumberbatch


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I'm all good

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fank crastle

It's all good, man!

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I’m not worried

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Rod Serling

Jake peralta. Brooklyn 99. I'm fucked

Ted Bundy

Guy fieri

I watched the Expanse.

Maybe saved, maybe fucked.

Give yer balls a tug

Fuck you Shorsey!

Who’s got yer belly?

the serial killer guy

Fuck you, Riley. Fight me see what happens.

Uncle junior

The Soviet Army.

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I am ok.

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Cpt.Jean-Luc Picard baby

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I think I'm good

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I’m definitely coming home

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I watched a documentary on Fred West. I think I'd rather die at the hands of my kidnappers than be rescued by that ugly deranged fuckwit.

Havent watched tv in so many years. Idk

Ron Swanson, I feel sorry for the kidnapper.

The crew of the Rocinante. I think i’ll be okay.

I'm safe.

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