Hey guys i think i have fucked myself over with the whole head pat thing
Legit the best part of my day was a head pat same as the day before i have actually stayed up at night because i wanted head pats is there any way to purge the faggotry or am i stuck like this
Hey guys i think i have fucked myself over with the whole head pat thing
Well, I've accidentally done a similar thing to my Gf and little sister. They aren't at your stage but they do request them very often. I'm trying to limit the number of headpats they get. Either through avoiding them or saying shit like "I've already gave you some."
Don't know if that helps at all.
Oh dear god im too far arent i
There may still be hope.
Try this:
Extend one arm out with your palm facing upwards.
As gently as possible, tickle your forearm with your other hand.
I mean gently, like you can barely feel it. It should feel like you need to scratch it, or at least feel kinda weird.
Now, you scratch the area you tickled.
Should feel great. I do it whenever I need some good feels.
Maybe if you do this whenever you need your head patted, it might give you a similar rush.
Hope it helps ^-^
I mean it feels good but its not the same and tbh i think there may be a deeper mental problem
How did it all start?
It all started when i was playing as isabelle in smash bros, someone gave me a head pat, i liked it and i kept getting them from my friend
Tbh i was kind of pissed i liked it at first
Was this long ago, or very recent?
Also, do you involve yourself in a lot of social interaction? Are you praised relatively often? I.e. at least once or twice a week, be it simple appreciation (genuine Thank yous) or Good Jobs?
No not really but i do rp online for social interactions
You still in any form of education?
Live alone, or with parents/friends/family?
Still in high school almost finished and if I'm honest I'm scared about graduating
How come?
Im afraid i will loose contact with my friends and end up lonely because i am shit at social interactions outside of work
Ahhh... I know what you mean.
I'm a Britbong and I left high school (I was around 17-18) and went to Uni (in my last year now).
I had the same worries myself. However, I make the effort to message them occasionally, like at least once a week and try to hang out with them at least once every other week if I can.
It's not easy considering, some of them have jobs or have went to study in different cities, but playing games online with those ones helps~
Yeah except i have this weird state of mind were i think i might be bothering them or seem clingy even though i know its not true
If you're a femanon and in vegas I'll give you head pats.
Some of us are stuck like this. Thank God for plan B.
Plan b?
Bruh, I felt the same. How I dealt with it was you kinda do a tier list of friendship, if that makes sense?
So, you'd contact/game with your closest friend(s) most often (At least once or twice week or however much in a week you are comfortable with).
Then contact your less close friends maybe once every other week or maybe every three weeks? Contact them on a different day than you did last time, if you want to avoid seeming clingy, as it will help break down any semblance of repetition.
One of the few people here to help not shitpost thanks tbh i feel a little better now
No problem at all! It's what I love doing~
Also, what kind of role do you play in your circle of friends?
The reason I'm asking is, if there is an "organiser" in your friend group, even if you aren't super close to them, make sure you talk to them at some point. Then, they won't forget about you.
Remember, conversations don't need to be long, drawn out things. Some people (including myself) can be quite "minimalist" when messaging (our conversation is an exception).
Simple, "How are things going?" Or inquiring about stuff you talked about last are enough. Little short catch-ups are perfectly okay!
I'm glad you're feeling a bit better user, everyone can better themselves!!
someone not beeing a massive faggot on Yea Forums?
what a time to be alive
Thank you!
I know right!?
Actually my roleplaying is with people i meet online my irl friends dont know about it
Oh sorry, I should have been more clear.
What I meant by role was, what part do you play in your irl circle of friends?
For example, I'm the person who organises a lot of meet ups and stuff, not really through choice but, I don't mind it anymore.
I just mean, if there is someone in your irl friend group who usually is the one who gets people together to hang out, make sure you get in touch with them occasionally~
I dont really know what they do
A few of my friends are similar to you (And probably a lot of others on this board) but, ever since I've been contacting them, they've been slowly getting better! They even contact me on their own fruition now~
Well, maybe you could try organising something? Start small, try to avoid any activities that involve spending money. And don't get disheartened if people are busy, these things happen~
For example, you could invite people over, or see if they want to hang out at their place. Go for a walk, go to a museum, whatever you want.
Three people is a good starting point.
Good idea
Hope this advice helps.
In terms of the headpats (sorry if I just brought the idea back into your head) I would advise you to hold back on requesting them, don't associate them with being able to feel good, you know yourself you can feel good by role-playing or playing games.
Association and then potentially perceiving causation can lead to dependency. But don't worry, you are fine~
Also, you are NEVER too far gone. Don't ever forget that. You can always make a change, even if it's tiny steps at a time ^-^
Well ill be damned a person on Yea Forums of all places who wants to help folk get better
It's why I'm here~
And to be fair, you could argue that it's the people on this site (or at least this board) that need this kind of help the most.
But you are nice.
You are kind.
And you are wonderful.
nuggah iz he ask for it?
I gotta go now...
OP, if you're still here, or come back to check on the thread... You can do it buddy~
I doubt this thread will be here when I get back in about 4 hours. So if not, all the best OP.
Screenshot, copy and paste, heck even write it down. I hope my advice helps.
And as a side note, you made my day~
Bye my guy