Am I getting too old for Yea Forums?

Am I getting too old for Yea Forums?
I'm turning 19 in a month and it seems to me that most people on Yea Forums are 18 or younger.
Any other old guys on tonight?

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25 here. Sometimes I lose interest in checking boards for a while but eventually the urge comes back.

>Am I getting too old for Yea Forums?
>I'm turning 19 in a month and it seems to me that most people on Yea Forums are 18 or younger.
>Any other old guys on tonight?
Is this a troll bro
I'm 19 turning 20 in like, 3 months and it seems like everyone on here is like 30 lol

>Is this a troll bro
No. I basically feel like my life is over and I wasted it. I'm still a virgin too and nobody will want me when I'm old and ugly.

>Any old guys on tonight?
What're you fucking gay? That's some gay shit nig. I'm 32 but if you don't want all the stupid shit of b, then here's an idea, get the fuck off b. Go be a pollack or some sheit

i'm turning 19
wtf are you talking about most people complain about people under 23

Fuck off, I’m 26 ya bitch.
This site is shit, only occasional mediocre content to be found here but I sure as hell come back. Leave if you want gay boy.

I'm on 4chin and I'm 22, wtf am I doing? I should be in bed.

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I’m 32 and I’ve been occasionally jumping on Yea Forums for the last 5 or so years, but was regularly on for years before that. Just learn how to manage your time is all.

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Still also a virgin btw but I'm a closeted gay so it might be a little different... Hang in there bud.
Don't beat yourself up. A lot of people lose it in their 20s.

31 here.

Proof that youngfags fucking ruined this channel.

Whimpering pieces of shit.

I'm 22, I come here every so often

30 yo femanon here... soon 31.imagine how i feæl towards people lilke ^you^...

Shut up you old fuck, millennials ruined this board not us gen Z folk.

Hello friends, I'm 14 and I feel like I'm getting too old for channel 4, I just feel as most people here are too childish for my now matures self.

Thanks for reading :)

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Kid if ur 14 you aren't mature.

wow really, thanks for the revelation

Nigga please

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I'm 47, I like Yea Forums because it reassures me that the whole world isn't going insanely PC.

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I recently realized that i learned in school how young men used to kill themselves in 1700 over an emo book that ends with the main characters suicide. So maybe we really ain't getting worse and things are just as always.

Which book?

Die Leiden des jungen Werthers from Goethe.
love story that ends in suicide for honor.

i grew out of Yea Forums when i was 15 but came back at 28 because i have depression

26 here. Just do whatever the fuck you want. Who cares? Yea Forums is still interesting sometimes.

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Im 42

If you feel too old for Yea Forums, then check this 18+ server.
Minimal rules, traps, fucked up admins.

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cool, im 420

Im 22 and i just joined Yea Forums

>Minimal rules, traps, fucked up admins.
so all the cancer from Yea Forums with none of the good shit?

what's your Yea Forums username

What do you like about Yea Forums?

It's not just love story. Dude falls in love with a women that get's taken by another man then an heroes as the easy way out.
Can't decide if it fits modern times. On one side he's a faggot who an heroes over getting his love taken on the other hand the modern version would likely be him fucking her while the married man is away on business. Both having enough integrity to not fuck behind the husbands back is certainly more traditional.

>mfw discussing books mandatory in school on Yea Forums
education truly put to good use

allot of the older folks either grew out of it, killed themselves or went off to make their own chans to escape the newfags/fbi
Allot of people say politics ruined it but really shit started going down hill when the deep web became a popular in 2014

Turning 39 in a month and was talking with an user that turned 60 the other day. You are still a kitten but feel free to fuck off.

Imagine actually shilling for a discord server

I'm 25 and been here since 2006
You kids ruined something good, this place has been Shit the last 7 years

Are you high?