Just bought this for 10$

just bought this for 10$
what do yall think

Attached: image.jpg (640x1136, 394K)

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U got riped off

bump cmon guys i wanna know if i got ripped off

how ? isnt that a gram or is it bad weed

Probably 0.7

yeah good deal

Good on you user! Eat those veggies. They're gonna make you a strong man when you grow up :)

More close to 0.5 lmao

Thats about .6 grams conservatively. So yeah good deal. Looks like upper middle tier weed from the looks of it.

Good weed, definitely not a gram OP. Least they had the decency to give you real good weed they could have sold you Reggie or straight leaves like some assholes do.

Ur poor

gee you'd have gotten more if not for PST eh

its ok but not even 0.5 gram

pic related is some high quality

Attached: myadank.jpg (3264x2448, 1.76M)

Y'all mother fuckers are trolling. You can't be serious all this weed posted here is garbage.

poor, I get 12g for £40

$15 a quarter ounce here


Fuck weed , hash all the way

100g hash here 410$

Where you live? If you live in a more expensive state where the grams are still $15 - $20 then you got a pretty decent deal.

Bring it back

It could be worse. I've seen people pay twice what you did for an amount that was the same. Just maybe find yourself a new dealer and don't mess with this guy anymore. If he's going to rip you off for $10 worth just imagine what he's willing to do if you wanted to spend $50 or $100.

Wtf? Where did you get grass?
Canadiafag here
Haven't seen grass since October

Attached: fire.png (768x768, 784K)

Wheres the other half?

Lol paying 10 dollars for a brussel sprout. You got ripped off. That nugget is worth five dollars at most and it doesn't even look that good. I would never pay money for that amount.

No way in hell. That is like .3 of a gram. I barely smoke and know I could smoke that entire nugget with one rip off a bong.

Attached: sheeeit.png (259x195, 11K)

OP, you want your money's worth? But cannaoil cartridges and vape.

Yup, this. Or just quit destroying your lungs and make tincture instead.

better than nothing


The fuck? Where?