Ask a 35 year old kissless virgin anything

Ask a 35 year old kissless virgin anything.

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31 listless virgin here. What's up.

By never attracting any girl?


>racting any girl?
you canĀ“t be that ugly, i am ugly as fuck and somehow still get laid, is a manner of attitude man

I'm average looking. But very socially awkward.

I'm nearly 34 and have kissed one girl, I know why I'm in the state I'm in, but how about you sharing your tale with the rest of us Yea Forumstards

Imagine having sex before marriage. When's your marriage OP?

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i agreed with the virgin gentlemen, pleas OP tell us

You should probably get off Yea Forums then and go find your balls.

There is really not much to say. I'm a sperg without any social skills. I generally have no problems approaching girls (especially when alcohol is involved) but am unable to keep a conversation going.

Hmm... Why not just try an app, message some chicks and just search for the ones whom just want to fuck? Or how about hiring a pro?

I'm not far behind you op
> bi
> weird fetishes
> have to wear diapers to bed at night
I'm gonna die alone too.. Shit sucks

I've been using Tinder for years.

i see your problem dude, i have a solution
maybe this sounds weird. Go to a BI- Sex Club
People in there just want to get laid more than any place. You are going to fail but at least you gonna find someone to talk. Believe me it works

i tried that with a friend who is very social akward and virgin and it works. Get a lesbian friend or a gay friend and the pussis gonna rain

What is a BI-Sex Club?

a gay club basically

You've got to be blatant and direct man, buy some drinks and ask if they want to go home and get down to the fun stuff as you've reached the limit of your conversational skills, someone will say yes, especially if you open any and all dialog/communiques with "I'm looking for one night of fun"

If you ask that right away, it is in my experience usually not taken well.

Well shit man, put it in the profile, and reiterate it's not a witty joke or sarcasm. Maybe that'll weed out those that are hesitant and reserved.

I rarely get any matches so there is not much to weed out anyway.

Hmm... Perhaps you're being too picky, open up the app and screen shot a girl you'd typically go for, then post it, unless you're not in the mood of course, it's just to help figure out what we're dealing with.

I usually go for average looking girls. The problem is that (at least I have the feeling) Tinder is very skewed towards attractive girls.

what's your schools of magic?


This guy here again, what should I do b

man, i'm hitting the 20 mark soon...

Don't worry, you are still young.
