NZ Thread?

NZ Thread?

Was hanging out at a park this avo, heard some guys lighting up some kush, went over and asked them if they did what I thought.

Little do they know I went home and did the same thing.

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hell yeah mfer

Wellington here. What up ding dongs.

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Auckland here.

Recently moved in to NZ. So many homeless druggies here.
Western culture is too soft to put them in labour camps.

saw a meth head on a lime scooter stealing peoples hats and zooming around queen street today.

Any losers on WINZ here?

can confirm. They don't hide their meth either. Just smoke in open public.

Used to be, been on it about 4 times. Was a NEET. Finally got a good job now though.

What do you do?

Why is IDbro even gone?

Aussie Aussie Aussie

Mid Canterbury user here. First time in one of these threads in about sixteen months. Have I missed anything?

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we had threads back then??

Auckland fagg here, saw a obese Asiancon a lime scooter the other week.

Yeah sometimes we would hit 3hundy posts too. Shit looks dead af now

fuck this country is boring aye.

any good things to do beside drugs and hit on exchange students?

If you had a gun held to your head and got told you had to move house which would you choose?

go /out/, my dude.
NZ has some of the best /out/ in the world.
go camping, smoke some weed, catch some fish.

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Aussie here.

Nz is literally the better, non-cuck version of Aus.

nz is perfect geographically, its just full of losers

only of the 3 areas with an ounce of civilization, also i can laugh at all the homeless cunts.

Corrections officer here. AMA.

do you get cum in your beaard

Only on mondays. Monday is designated blowjob day.

Have had some great times down there

Do you know what all the inmates are in for? Are there some you think should be executed?

I know what the ones in my unit are in for.
I don't believe in the death penalty.

Auckland as well. What part?

how long until you start trading goods for sexual favours

Prisoners are dirty. Not going to happen.

yea i heard it's a fun Uni town, but gets a bit cold in winter. how's it in summer?

I do believe in the death penalty. If not, life imprisonment. That is until they die of natural causes

Got a 37° day this summer. But also plenty of 22° ones.

I don't like the idea that a person cannot have their behavior corrected. I especially don't want to end up like the US where kids, just 13 years old are being "charged as adults" and ending up in prison for their whole life.

Auckland too. What part?

nice, hows the chicks & weed?

you commit the crime, you do the time.

Fuck off. You take a life, you should be killed also.
Put them on parole and they kill again. Like that tainui cunt.

Chicks are good. Lots of decent international students. Got with an Austrian chick and messed around with a hot af Spanish girl. I don't do weed but it seems easy to get mate

sounds good mate.
I'm the user lurking in these threads lately that's moving to NZ in May.
Thinking I might spend a month or so traveling around sussing out some places first to get a feel for em, and then stay in the one that feels best.
I'm heavily on the fence between the 3 i mentioned before. Welly cuz it's central location and cuz I have a mate there, Nelson cuz it seems to be just small enough and have the vibe I'm chasing for and Dunners cuz it seems to have everything I want like you said.

Honestly I think all three places are pretty mint. Wherever you end up I'm sure you'll do good.
Tonight's my first visit to this thread in over a year. Can't say weve talked b4 mate

yea that's what I've heard.
I'd love to live in Queenstown but the rent prices there are fucked, I'd rather live elsewhere though I'll definitely swing through and visit the place.
How are the beaches down there? Looking at photos they look pretty good. Hoping to do some camping, smoke up a bowl or two, go for a swim and all that.

St Kilda, St Clair beaches are great. I surf a bit, love em.
Anyway, good talking to you. Gotta hit rhr sack, have to be up at 5 for work. Have a good one user.
Might catch you again

chur bro. i usually lurk Yea Forums NZ threads every time I see one.
here's some ass to think about when you sleep

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Ty. Night night. Except it's day where you are

nah mate
straya cunt

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I''ve been waiting for a dang NZ thread to pop up, its been a while since the last one i saw

usually one a night, but they die pretty quickly sometimes

pic made by a foreigner

A REAL Aussie would know that should be a XXXX can

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dang last one i saw was like, a month or more ago but to be fair i dont browse b often

dont blame you, Yea Forums's shit most of the time but it's worth it for the comfy thread or NZ thread almost every night

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rip i think this thread is d e a d now

North shore, glenfield area

How is NZ? Ive been thinking about moving there.

wellington reporting in

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