So, what does Yea Forums smell like? Whats your perfume of choice?

So, what does Yea Forums smell like? Whats your perfume of choice?

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I have that exact thing. Good guess user

Ive always just used this

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cigarettes and peach shampoo

So then you are a teenager?

Sounds like an old man. All thats missing from that combo is booze.

Its a classic, and not quite as many people wear it as paco rabane 1 million.

No im 24

Well its not bad or anything. I do recommend if you want to get ahead in life, getting a signature fragrance will help. Something sophisticated and not too in your face or cheap.

The main reason i use axe is cause im poor lol

No worries, as I said axe isnt bad or anything. I used it too up till I nearly finished university. Once I started applying for jobs I started using proper perfumes.

armaf club de nuit. You’re all welcome.

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your mums pussy juice

Por Lui

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Either this

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Or this

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I smell of alcohol and cigarette smoke.

Im a guy but love smelling like female fragrances