All the bad things that have been happening in your life ever since you were a kid will stop 12 hours after you bump...

all the bad things that have been happening in your life ever since you were a kid will stop 12 hours after you bump this thread with any pic from your downloads folder.
you deserve it user, make the bad things stop

Attached: 21146728_10154621749891736_2095878681_o.jpg (1040x585, 50K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: 03b912db061ddb20.png (530x512, 327K)


Attached: 1550106220522m.jpg (1024x577, 31K)

Fuck off

Attached: 1548524065667.jpg (702x693, 75K)

let the bad things stop. let everyone be blessed. let all be at peace.

Blessings to everyone

Attached: deadwood.jpg (680x478, 105K)

kthx, OP

Attached: 1493191869316.jpg (500x427, 24K)

thank you for the blessing

Attached: 8ABD7442-B1AC-44D4-8CF3-67ABCF83B3EC.jpg (3264x2448, 1.99M)

Thanks OP

Attached: 9ACCAB18-98AA-426B-BC97-4106A1698441.jpg (750x722, 68K)


Attached: IMG_20190221_234225_043.jpg (768x768, 43K)

If only this would work.

Attached: Booty_rubbing.gif (408x308, 2M)

Please, help me find my way and settle.

Attached: IMG_4396.jpg (3264x2448, 1.96M)

Thanks OP

Attached: 5unu7jawrj221.png (1080x2160, 353K)

Thank you OP

Attached: D120E5DC-B6C6-4F4A-98DE-698B6B662CE6.jpg (750x750, 92K)

I need this sorta love in my life

Attached: FullSizeRender (3).jpg (1617x977, 190K)

thanks OP

Attached: download-2.jpg (225x225, 10K)

Please just let me die in my sleep tonight

Attached: 52361B0D-6A67-468D-9431-E75489280281.jpg (1920x1080, 1006K)

Why not

Attached: c323c4bfbec3e3b82b6a98481471e001--mass-effect-romance-masseffect.jpg (236x241, 10K)


Attached: RjpWkZE.jpg (540x675, 41K)


Attached: 220px-Roadside-picnic-macmillan-cover.jpg (220x321, 26K)

Means death in 12 hours I suppose

Attached: tElWpFH.jpg (1511x2048, 777K)

I hope so

Attached: 1538184163945.png (658x662, 59K)

Attached: 1550819317020.jpg (527x728, 144K)

Attached: 80E54090-E61D-48AF-BD0A-0F4806730A38.jpg (1080x672, 100K)


Attached: wikihow-how-to-get-a-girlfriend-31902434.png (500x503, 142K)


Attached: received_584958538649524.png (420x420, 262K)

I am the worst thing that ever happened to me.

Attached: apu sad.jpg (793x786, 54K)

Not that i had a bad life... but... damn...

Attached: octoprint-logo.jpg (225x225, 10K)

need this badly user

Attached: chibi_otter_by_harleyquinne-d58za32.png (677x564, 15K)

Attached: 0dKlW4u.png (500x500, 41K)

don't play games
don't play phones
don't work
don't do jack shit

Attached: 1550679531491.png (350x446, 182K)

worth a shot

Attached: 2001.png (1900x1003, 1.9M)

Ey how nice

Attached: abcd.png (288x288, 91K)


Attached: 1531008981323m.jpg (799x1024, 120K)

op here
start counting your 12 hours, you'll be noticing the change yourselves
i know i did

Attached: IMG-20170824-WA0008.jpg (1040x585, 96K)

maybe I should make a trip to Germany

Attached: 1547016603357.png (1000x2000, 122K)

if this happens, bless you space monkey.

I don't believe you, but I'm desperate enough at this point to try anything.

Fuck you OP.

Attached: ap,550x550,12x12,1,transparent,t.u4.jpg (550x550, 33K)

Attached: ibp3dxZy2Vys4F.png (848x900, 661K)

Attached: Girls in Windows, 1960.jpg (2400x2400, 830K)

Attached: 1400917378846.jpg (2600x2902, 1.7M)

Thanks op, I hope this works

Attached: 1511238854978.jpg (600x684, 67K)

Heres hoping this actually does something.

Attached: 1550576307669.jpg (750x402, 42K)


Attached: 1536326924879.gif (128x116, 157K)

Thx OP

Attached: 43B4AC3B-85BB-4070-8256-E88ECA8AD88A.gif (314x265, 707K)

Attached: 1538249597512.jpg (1024x746, 103K)

let's see

Attached: power_works2.jpg (413x620, 36K)

Fuck of you massive cunt

Attached: 9D02C496-BE84-40F8-B5AF-DCD3822E1F5E.jpg (799x464, 66K)

Attached: 016023671_40100.jpg (700x394, 71K)

What the hell, can't hurt to try. Bump

Attached: 1547988317609.jpg (834x960, 98K)

what the hell man

Attached: images (19).jpg (459x668, 47K)

How the time flies, fast and inexorable... Tempus fugit, user.

Attached: 17b_1024x1024.jpg (400x600, 52K)

Attached: glsstream.jpg (191x277, 16K)

Attached: dcec1df0-76ef-41ef-8f5b-6ea109ff6f4e.jpg (680x666, 496K)

let's throw a wish in the well

Attached: jc5uzg7w3hd21.jpg (1242x1283, 423K)

Attached: 1550655779935.png (422x634, 334K)

Thx user

Attached: 1548617942618.jpg (640x640, 113K)

Worth a shot

Attached: 1550766179108.jpg (719x808, 46K)

I don't usually keep any images in that folder.This is the only one that was there

Attached: axiebubble_36914248_260430334765495_6977744761188777984_n.jpg (1080x804, 317K)

Anything to appease the gods that may

Attached: 2rkwed9n.jpg (432x418, 37K)


Attached: RgiEY1b_d.jpg (640x616, 27K)

me on the left, user...

Attached: c310044354d94a96ae5c8a1e51feca04.jpg (1268x1131, 377K)


Well, if the power of kek decided a president, it might as well fix life.

Attached: 1517002098358.jpg (960x744, 65K)

Anything is possible with Jesus

Attached: 1417409398505.jpg (552x369, 24K)

Shiggy diggy

Attached: 20190207_003337.jpg (1600x1200, 146K)

Attached: 1548132652475.gif (955x634, 825K)

Bumping because any thread outside of traps, celebs, and Six logs richly deserves to be bumped/

Attached: 1499540761270.jpg (600x354, 34K)

Attached: 1550739201993.jpg (1000x1000, 134K)

guys, guys, guys, op here
you don't see it yet, but wait, just give it time, sleep for a while and be patient for 12 more hours
after that, it's all uphill, i know, it happened to me

pics are from the trip i did to a mexican beach, once the bad things stopped

Attached: IMG-20170824-WA0010.jpg (1040x585, 66K)

Attached: FD93BC2D-2317-48F4-9CDD-099C6AE3529D.jpg (828x816, 385K)

That is a rather extravagant promise op.
So my adult ADD and various other setbacks will go away in 12 hours if I post a picture?
I fail to believe you, but based on this thread being OC to my knowledge, have a bump and a picture.

Attached: GiantDeepSeaRolyPoly.jpg (430x336, 22K)

Attached: 52598228_2079602148782083_7981602498005696512_n.jpg (720x959, 67K)

this is probably the wholesomest pic i have ever seen in my life

Settle as in settle down or settle as in settle for less?

Or the feeling of wanting to die goes away.
On the off chance that this is the outcome, what are some things you'd like to do with your newfound mental freedom?

Why not

Attached: He+he+did+it+today+_5f1fb95a15dc4b1fc4bb37ce5784549e.jpg (276x416, 26K)


I'm very excited to know all the bad things in my life will finally end. Great to see so many other anons purging bad out their lives as well. Thanks so much OP.

Attached: 1496470625864.jpg (284x300, 9K)

You should go use the sauna, try to drink until the polar bear comes and leaves again, whack yourself with some branches and see if that makes you feel better.

come oooon good luck

Attached: 1550796446763.jpg (966x1024, 88K)

Attached: (521x666, 263K)

OP is still alive though

Thank you, OP!

Attached: image.jpg (236x236, 10K)

Damn that’s sad but relatable

Attached: 55142519-9B01-4188-88EA-5F909B444074.png (480x840, 497K)

Fuck why did I lose to this

Shoo bad things. Shooo.

Attached: 5C38F9CE-9A48-4C4F-9FB2-FDCBB6F60F1B.jpg (600x600, 49K)

Attached: GOLD.gif (640x360, 1.88M)

make the bad man stop

Attached: anigif_enhanced-8296-1407326461-9.gif (550x352, 96K)

Nice feet

I hope this works

Attached: 0332835D-8890-4034-B639-2C63775043A3.jpg (710x546, 59K)


Attached: 8DFB815F-E836-4F9A-9D33-6F0A5E9204B8.png (496x2440, 445K)


Attached: fe31406933ebe36f36a0cdcfeae5a32846782b98fcc69803f73a0fbaaa7c0544_1.jpg (1080x1230, 215K)

That’s a classic

Attached: Screenshot_20190125-013945_Instagram.jpg (1440x1423, 552K)

Attached: 23D233C0-8654-453A-BD41-BAAB067A2E5B.png (500x561, 128K)

Attached: 697468392888273958.jpg (310x283, 15K)


Attached: did-you-just-kiss-me-yeas-ts-okava-i-am-34921723.png (500x561, 148K)

Attached: dial a log.jpg (800x884, 129K)


Attached: 1547195739976.png (551x702, 365K)

Are your standards unreasonably high?


Attached: meowstic-female.jpg (833x1000, 113K)

Fix it all OP blessing

Attached: StorySaver_lydianight_51171026_310637449643795_8501754982803286511_n.jpg (1080x1920, 159K)

Nothing ever happens from these threads but why not.

Attached: Lg5Fzid4qEcsQvRYqfQdZSWdTN6sMS7jmuQF2KhJz54.jpg (640x358, 29K)

Attached: IMG_20181217_202402_852.jpg (1080x1053, 112K)

For my work, yeah. I just moved to a different country to get a degree. I have about 8 month or so until I can get back home. I left my wife and friends back there.
I need to make peace with that and settle down here. I need to settle for less regarding my current situation and what I'm doing for my degree.

i know its just false hope

Attached: 1536080313467.jpg (593x744, 39K)

lol alright sure buddy

Attached: 1550399242161.png (320x252, 65K)

Well if settling for less now means you will get more later, the sooner you can put your head down and lay in the work, the better.
Apply those standards to how willing you are to do what is needed and you don't even need to settle, you've just changed perspective.


Attached: IMG_20180829_135700_hdr.jpg (912x1600, 409K)

will it bring Terry back

Attached: images.jpg (327x154, 9K)

You are right. Thanks user.
It's just that I keep seeking meaning in my work and find very little. But it's a matter of doing what's has to be done and focus on the good things that are to come (like getting the degree, having my wife by my side, my friends, working on something meaningful in the future).

i hope they stop

Attached: 1542856808663.jpg (1200x888, 136K)

Attached: image.jpg (880x495, 18K)

I pray for him to love me again it hurts so much

I've been praying all day

I've never wanted to kill myself this bad.

Attached: C8A7C53A-5B6E-4ADC-949E-7C0DE762EC6D.jpg (852x1040, 102K)

Attached: 1435572626850.jpg (735x594, 87K)

Attached: 436020a2-08a9-499a-baea-6733ba79a569.jpg (600x603, 29K)

Thank you op
pic not related

Attached: received_303660700434151.jpg (480x380, 10K)

Attached: D196BA6F-DD1A-404F-B5FE-0E9CE2F77D9E.jpg (750x737, 136K)

Not all work contains inherent meaning, but if doing it enables you to get to a point where meaningful work is abundant, that in itself is meaningful.
I'm currently working in a way that is intellectually unchallenging, which would become the cause of a continual depressive state if I made a career of it, all in an effort to get to work that does have meaning to me.
Delayed gratification is extra rewarding if you feel like you've done what it takes to earn it.

Help oh great one.

Attached: 1523611195527.jpg (516x850, 67K)

I want to believe

Attached: 1550814030113m.jpg (1024x1024, 92K)

Attached: 5366461.jpg (640x640, 99K)

Attached: 1546226098546.jpg (568x568, 46K)

rat as in snitch in gangsta talk
no thanks

Is that an opossum with alopecia?

There is hope

Attached: 1523049267763.jpg (600x466, 43K)

Attached: 13643100_297261500610331_645225925_n.jpg (1080x1350, 99K)


Attached: Sparkly-Red-Lace-Evening-Dresses-Katy-Perry-Robe-de-Soiree-with-Sexy-Asymmetrical-Slits-New-Hot.jpg (600x902, 375K)


Attached: 1550247198252.jpg (720x858, 181K)

Attached: FeelsPeep.jpg (350x334, 9K)


Attached: bennyworm.jpg (474x355, 33K)

If need be.

Attached: BBCD95FD-6782-43E8-8F08-0B3725F896B2.jpg (766x960, 80K)

Worth a shot

Attached: 9389FD74-1DA5-40CB-BF6C-CC2EDAEF8030.jpg (1278x734, 86K)

Yes please

Attached: Przechwytywanie.png (283x342, 79K)

>implying Jessie and James wouldn’t have twins


Finally. Now I can go back to sleeping all day, eating cereal, and playing video games. Man, I forgot how much I loved cereal.

Attached: 1547417487854.jpg (597x900, 133K)

Oh well

Attached: FB_IMG_1550528548112.jpg (720x792, 40K)

I saved 2 images from this thread.
Does this mean I acquire 2x user's life-curses as well as all my own?
>poastin in faint hope of redemption from this clinical depression shit...

Attached: BingWallpaper-2019-02-09.jpg (1920x1200, 846K)

worth a try

Attached: 1546516021111.jpg (750x734, 24K)

Attached: canadausabone.jpg (540x393, 54K)

Attached: 49aad2a.jpg (2883x4324, 1.27M)

Attached: fark_jLoVKAgnVpqeRRzyeW9yTepVaNM.gif (500x200, 754K)


Attached: posterx1600.jpg (1665x1080, 452K)


OP is just here to steal memes
but this guy is right

Attached: 1272218707184.jpg (1920x1200, 682K)

Attached: Anime-Этти-To-Love-Ru-Yuuki-Mikan-816987.jpg (811x548, 171K)

Bumping. Have a protection doggo too, anons.

Attached: 1550502525174.jpg (500x860, 219K)

Attached: 1273546647503.jpg (1920x1200, 216K)

Attached: 1536645569565m.jpg (259x1024, 77K)


Attached: 1550701184236.jpg (400x590, 48K)

Bless you OP.

Attached: gonla.jpg (645x909, 199K)

Attached: 1467988032393.jpg (533x533, 51K)

Attached: 1468878530330.jpg (600x828, 150K)

Attached: 1469319910570.png (951x700, 522K)

Attached: 1478229369703.jpg (500x1000, 175K)

Attached: 1497241255832.jpg (1414x1270, 629K)

Pic related. Its me

Attached: received_1141829939331573.jpg (500x500, 20K)

If only.

Attached: 1543374777489.jpg (686x649, 127K)

Attached: 1480739267570.png (810x1273, 934K)

o thank goodness, the curse is broken

Attached: 1547549612058.jpg (1600x1069, 378K)

Attached: images (1).jpg (213x236, 5K)


Attached: DmrGIF7W4AAepKt.jpg (1200x900, 169K)

I'll give it a shot.

Attached: 1550026228795.jpg (1500x1125, 200K)

Thank God it's over

Attached: Dzmf4yzV4AAIQD8.png (994x1200, 1.05M)

If things get better in life I’ll donate 12k to any charity of your choice

Attached: F2C347B5-C338-4DF9-B583-6AECE01AA438.png (1242x2208, 1.73M)

let's see

Attached: 1538557653314.jpg (3872x2581, 1.92M)

Attached: DontBeNig.jpg (700x560, 90K)

you need to post images worthy of breaking the curse

Attached: 151-c1OaaiH.jpg (366x405, 23K)


Attached: Screenshot(105).png (1237x691, 1.88M)

Attached: 6b9fe26d0a9746e980c2c236ce00a67353d7e59021c8065debf033a1f4430f7a.jpg (1126x800, 88K)


Attached: ECCFACD2-EDEF-4CBE-8EB5-55B8BC4E555D.jpg (600x389, 47K)

Why do cowboys always have cow shit in their mustaches?
Looking for love in all the wrong places.

Massive image dump server.