Hi (I'm vegan}
Hi (I'm vegan}
this little whore will get what's cumming for her
Hi Vegan, I'm Dad.
Veganism literally makes you infertile
We need verification then we treat you like a human
So many newfags.
Tits or gtfo
me too
Post more of her
We can tell, look at the area around your eyes. Yikes
are you also zero waste? if not gtfo
tits bitch
Hi (I’m vagene too) show me bob as well!
hey i´m not
Do you eat semen, though?
Thank you for being vegan and not participating in the inhumane industrial animal complex.
As an informed non-vegan myself, I know that what you're doing is also saving the planet a lot of emissions and waste, and I'm doubly grateful for that.
Vegan diet or complete vegan lifestyle?
Stay healthy, Child of forest. You will live long.
I'm currently shifting to a semi-vegan diet, I'll probably go full vegan when I get a new job.
Holy shit, I think I might know this girl. What’s her name?
If I ever saw this chick in the street I'd rape her for 20 hours straight and leave her tied up somewhere, but not returning
Returning is how you get caught
The boys at a kindergarten I used to work has parents that made him eat only vegan. Needless to say, at 3 years old he took dietary supplements and looked weirdly bloated (pic related) compared to kids who ate the regular, otherwise healthy diet. I'm only guessing they fed him excessive calories to reduce the chance of malnutrition, but his gut microbiome might also have been fucked up. For reference, the parents had obvious Scandinavian/Caucasian traits, meaning that for some generations at least, their ancestors likely ate 90% fish and game. I'm betting my retirement that when he's old enough to understand what's going on, his body will try to expel meat from digestion, and he'll develop a ton of lifestyle diseases owing to his weak immune system. I can't believe they got away with that.
hi I'm a porkin
put a sharpie in a butt or i'll eat meat
Vegans wont eat any Animal Produce right? So you don't swallow then?
Dark rings around the eyes, underweight, pale complexion.
Definitely a vegan.
Fuck that, show sharpies in the pooper or I slaughter a goat and eat it tonight.
>speaking as a vegan
do vegans ever NOT speak as a vegan? like, "in this sentence i'm going to admit that steak is pretty tasty after all, so i'm not speaking as a vegan now".
it's redundant.