How old were you when you realized the shadow government has literally has engaged in psyops to make white men effeminate and feeble while brainwashing white women to desire black men and has perpetuated black people/"culture" of drug slanging and gangbanging and partying and smoking weed as cool through media and the internet to make us all brainwashed drones hooked on drugs and sex while ironically at the same time intentionally depopulating drug addicts with fentanyl? It is real, its not a conspiracy and more people are mindless and dying than you and I realize.
How old were you when you realized the shadow government has literally has engaged in psyops to make white men...
Let the people die. Let's get back to the show! Work on it or contribute or something. I'm a great writer and I'm sure ours would love to have me.
you should save this as a copy pasta so more ppl will post it.
its the truth the whole truth & nothing but the truth
Lay off the pipe for a minute brother
The more dead junkies the better the world will be. Only worthless trash do heroin, they deserve to die
hey I like being effeminate.
let's assume your theory is correct, why would ""they"" be doing this? what's the end goal?
Good glass>addies> heroin
late 20s when it happened. cia niggers are the worst.
This is JDIF propoganda.
13 then I realized that my grand narrative of oppression and personal significant and being a minority narcissistic paranoid fantasies and the world was far more stupid and less interesting than that and that it'd actually be a comforting though to believe in deep states, shadow puppets, elders of zion - and the same people who believe in this shit are the ones who have no control over their own lives because they don't take the reigns.
Downers are for downies, I’ll stick to my stims (both legal and illegal). My favorite so far was some STP(I was told that it was) I got at a party( might’ve just been m laced with PCP).
pfft, you believe in the government?
I'm sure massive amounts of people are dying in the country right now and we don't know because they control the media
>(((shadow government)))
when will we abolish these foolish corrupt government agencies
its up to us
I think you mean the NSA
I used to believe that but keep it somewhat to myself and act normal and lift but it doesn't matter because people who are actually that shitty fuck their own lives too and will go to hell while I only went to hell trying to help... And sometimes I do believe people are too dumb to conspire especially people who fuck with me personally
Whites lift up culture to higher tiers. Browns do not. They want Islam to take over because they are easy to control.
spics need to exterminated along with the shitskins muslim trash
Niggars are violent animals for the most part. There will be exceptions but for the most part you cannot reason with a ignorant animal they will always wash out and violence to anything that bothers them. Just as a Jew is an inferior creature but has a high IQ and the intricate Network to take over the nation's it resides in.victory is a no longer fearing speaking about these things in public.
you're fuckin dead. or alternatively you're so incapable of thinking of doing anything that you give up any ounce of will and sovereignty your feeble soul has left forever, whether you decide later you don't like it or not