Am I gonna die? About a week ago I've started to notice my left side was gettimg heavier...

Am I gonna die? About a week ago I've started to notice my left side was gettimg heavier, my heart felt like it was directly touching my skin, and I've had the ocassional pains. I went to the doctor back in September and I feel like my symptoms were a lot worse back then but he didn't perscribe me anything and he said my organs were okay. I was bitten by a tick last week, could that have something to do with it? I really don't wanna die, man.

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How much do you weigh user?

You're just freaking out, bro.

I'm a fucking fatass, man. I weigh 200 lbs

Get outside and move around ... the tick isn’t the problem unless you have rashes, fever etc

drink like 16oz of water and report back. i'm wondering if you're constipated.

I wanna get better but if it's too late, I don't know if I'd do it. I'm worried about my heart giving out if I strain my body too much.

do you live in an area where west nile is endemic?

>I strain my body too much.
You're straining it now anyway with 200 lbs, it'll give out if you don't do anything.

Better to fuckin die on your feet than live on your fat ass

Not sure, I live in North Texas.

I'll do it if the doctor says I should. I just want someone to tell me what's wrong with me before I hear it from him.

which county?


18 cases of westnile there, that's quite high according to this map:

Harris is the only county with more cases in your state at 35.

There is an incubation period with west nile and it can go dormant. If you started with the symptoms months ago, it may or may not be detected if you get blood tested for it.

Good news: There is no treatment for westnile
Bad News: There is no treatment for westnile.

I got westnile and had all sorts of weird neurological and physical problems that made me think I was getting ALS. For 80% of people, they're asymptomatic, 1% die and the rest get a varying degrees in symptoms. It took about 2.5 years before all of my symptoms went completely away. At the 1 year mark, the symptoms peaked and steadily declined after that. Fucking sucked really.

Again, there is ZERO treatment for this if it is in fact westnile virus. Your symptoms were somewhat similar to what I had but they don't present identically in all persons.

What if it's just some other cardiovascular problem?

Ooo yea that sounds bad, OP.
Should probably just an hero now before things get really bad.

You're awfully young to have such a thing. Cardiovascular events at a young age are usually birth defects or an electrical signalling issue (viruses can cause this, along with physical injuries to the neck). So unless you've got some sort of birth defect or rare disorder that causes your blood cholesterol levels to be dangerously high and develop plaque in blood vessels, I'm leaning towards some sort of infection.

Try to eat healthy, take zinc-magneisum-calcium tablets, get plenty of potassium in your diet, cut out food high in sodium like ramen, take a high quality multivitamin like Nature's Way "alive" multivitamin. If you're on any medication, see if the side effects cover what you're experiencing.

If you pass a stress test just fine, then it's likely neurological which means some sort of infection.

Holy shit. I don't wanna have a heart attack, I hate this shit, I should've taken better care of myself.

calm down man. youre too young to have a heart attack, are you high?

I'm 18, my dad had heart problems, I have a high blood pressure, and my chest feels numb. Am I still to young to get a heart attack?

all the vasoconstrictors, they come slowly undone...can't this wait til I'm old? CAN I LIVE WHILE I'M YOUNG...

what are "heart problems" and also how old is he? My dad has "heart problems" but most of them are caused by his doctor throwing medication at him and he being a fucking retard and omitting pertinent information so they throw more meds at him which create new problems.

He's in his late 40s. I never asked him what specific problems he had, he just said he had heart problems and yet my brother who's a similar weight never had to deal with this shit.

yes, dumbass. unless you have been downing mcdicks every day of your life. what does it mean when you say your chest feels numb?

1st thing would be not taking advice from any retard googling symptoms. Get checked by multiple different physicians and clinics. It's way better to just freaking out than being on a path to death.

dear OP

Do you have a red “bullseye” around the bite?

Also, anxiety contributes to pain in/on the left side of the body for the majority of those who suffer from it.

who knows, can't go by that. Also you're not in your 40s. There is a psychosomatic element to this that you should keep in mind. Panic attacks can mimic a heart attack, so can constipation.

Ask for a complete blood panel and go over the results with your doc. Don’t play with your health if you don’t trust your doctor go to another. Piece of mind is far more valuable than any amount of money

I should also mention, go on youtube, look up ASMR videos and watch them to calm down...

oh and OP, how much meat a week do you eat? and tell me the kind of meat you're eating.

This. Case closed.

I was constantly having pains on the left side of my body. Convinced myself I had chron’s. Took some SSRIs, and poof. Pain was gone 6 weeks later. Didn’t think I was anxious, but that’s an endless cycle of worry.

The only thing I have now is sometimes muscles on the left side twitch. I just learned to deal, user.

No. I haven't seen any bite marks. I was in class one day and my heart felt tight and tingly after reading an article of XXXTentacion's murder, as dumb as that sounds.

I rarely eat meat, it's usually rice or soup.

Nutritional deficiency like B12 can cause those problems. Important not to neglect your health.

That's a mistake! You definitely have a b12 deficiency along with other deficiencies...

You're an unwitting vegetarian.

That’s anxiety, my man. Go speak with your doctor and please mention your anxious feelings. Or a Psych, please.

But I stopped eating meat recently. Like a few weeks I'd say, is that enough for me to develop any sort of deficiency?

I have really bad health anxiety and I get all kinds of fucked up symptoms, and every time I think “there’s no way this could be anxiety”. But it is. All you can do is get it checked out or ignore it and hope you don’t die.

You probably weren't eating that much to begin with and now you cut it out entirely just makes everything worse. you need to eat a lot more meat to make up for that deficiency. could take two months before you feel normal. Eat some fish, chicken and red meat and take the vitamins I recommended.

i bet you don't eat meat either or very little of it.

Excuses. Uour being a lazy fat ass and theres a good chance your muscles and back might be straining and compensating for weak areas which will cause some to strain.
Start something small, get a treadmill and start light jogging or do something else and ramp up slow.

Or just keep being fat and lazy and watch it slowly get worse and worse and watch your mental fortitude waste away further.

So wanting to get confirmation from a doctor just to make sure, is me making excuses even though I said I'd exercise if he deemed it necessary? Fuck off.


Excuses. You came here asking people after already seeing a doctor. Stop being a weak cunt.

Have a balanced diet. Get your protien and vitamins in. If your overweight then you might have a misconception of what healthy is. Eating an apple a day doesn't excuse salt and sugars. Have a multivitamin each day and plan your meals by precooking them and packaging them up.

I saw a doctor for an issue I'm not entirely sure might be related to this one.

diet is more important than exercise, especially when nutritionally deficient.

I know I'm unhealthy, that's why i thought I might be having a heart attack.

They also go hand in hand for managing energy levels and digestion. Poor digestion biome can lead to poor nutrients intake. They work in tandem. You can eat helthy but a weak body can still lead to inbalances in muscle density from each side of the body which creates pains and issues predominantly seen in hips, back and shoulders. Fresh circulation of blood also helps with energy levels also, cognitive functions and hormone balance. When hormones are unbalanced you can be prone to mood swings, depression and anxiety more easily.

mild viral encephalitis can cause docs to patya on your widda head,tell you nothing just a panic attack,then treat you like a dead mouse send you home with a prescrip for wellbutrin ,,something like that.
in wrestlers & football players, and hockey..MMA fighters,,,brit style football,,,,getting choked out can make you wacky depressed & experience panic attacks, if it occurs chronically,the worse are the symptoms,and lead to middle age bad ass depression,parkinsons,lou gherigs disease
chemical exposure worsens everything
oxygen saturation is toxic tot he brain, too much of that means the brain reacts to outside air as if it were too oxygen rich, racing heartbeat,sweats
outside measurement show all fine,,go home,,drs often misdiagnose microbrain infarcts & wee bits of necrotic brain matter,

Look up precordial catch syndrome.

thats a good blend of poor writing and some valuable information.

He's telling you to be healthy you dumbass. What the fuck do you think the doctor will tell you?


Live healthy or not but stop pretending you're not heading to an earlier grave because of the choices you are making.

Put down the redbulls mate.