Why am I so fucking retarded?

Why am I so fucking retarded?

I always manage to ruin it with girls I like. We’ve met maybe 5-6 times and it’s been great. Even her parents know about me, but then all of a sudden this shift of dynamic. Just a couple of days ago she texted me, and when we hang out she acts all in love and compliments me all the time

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Previous and what lead to picture 1

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After much analysis, I've concluded that she couldn't go out because she had jiu jitsu.


maybe be a bit less of a dick?
just let her do her jiu-jitsu, its not that hard user

Yes, I also concluded the same conclusion.

So what you're saying is you're needy and won't let her have her own hobbies..? Not everything in her life has to center itself around you.

Very smart, conclusion is officially concluded


OP here
She hasn’t replied to my last message though. Do you think she completely lost interest?

It seems Haley is colluding with the Jiu-Jitsu class.. oh wait concluded?

Quit being an insecure faggot and stop relying on jujitsu as your only defining factor. It’s not even that cool anymore. She wants your dick not to hear about your dumb hobby. Just go have sex retard.

10:22PM benefit of the doubt says she's a girl and she might be tired from practice.

when did you send the last message? if you're as much of a needy prick as you make yourself out to be she might not have responded for 5 minutes for all hte carer is y0es because of the fucktard on it

Did you stroke out at the end?

look at this retard. OP ignore this idiot

1. Never give up your plans for a bitch, doesn't matter how hot she think she is, fit her around your life.
2. Fake & gay

The cringy kick some ass and emoji might have something to do with it

yeah, imma fucking kill myself because i saw that shit. like what the actual fuck OP, fucking normalfag

I'm kind of worried after reading that last bit

lmao you're such a bitch dude , hope she dumps you ASAP

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OP what the fuck was that about a ball gag you need to explain yourself

Got someone sleeping in the next room and I'm trying to hold in my laughter from reading that post over.

its way funnier than it should be

I wish people posted like this in ylyl threads.

She just has a life and you dont. So you are one of a hundred people she talks to in a day and she is your one person. It becomes overbearing and you just need to fucking chill and go live your own got damn life for 10 minutes. Like dont be so insecure about everything, she really isnt anyone special just some girl you met half a dozen times. Keep that in perspective and just focus on being someone people want to be around. Confident and Fun.

Damn it, why did you get vaccinated? This ALWAYS happens...

Try taking a martial arts class too, not the same one asshat get interested in her shit if you want her to like you enough to prefer you to it.

I sure as hell would be more interested in learning Jiu Jistsu than being around someone that asked me to abandon my hobbies to please them. Fuck that noise, I want someone that is genuinely interested in what I do, and genuine means being open minded enough to see the value behind why that specific person is learning this thing.

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Yep people are nailing it. She don’t want needy. She is like most young girls woman are needy. Get a life. Learn to manipulate her. It works. All the scorned 30 something single moms out there prove it.

Either some troll is reposting that earlier thread or you’re simply looking for attention/sympathy
Either ways, feck off nugga